Shimo React Components Library
To install the latest release:
npm install sm-ui
After npm install, you'll find all the source code in the src/ folder and their compiled results in the /lib folder. And some basic styles of components in scss/ folder.
Once sm-ui is installed in your project, you can use like this:
/** MyFirstReactComponent.jsx */ var React = ;var Components = ;var SimpleButton = ComponentsSimpleButton;var LinkButton = ComponentsLinkButton; moduleexports = React; /** app.jsx */var React = ;var injectTapEventPlugin = ;var Buttons = ; React
To help you get started, you can find complete example in /examples folder or visit the website
You need NPM 3 >= 3.8.0 and Node 4.x or Node 6.x
npm inpm start open the demo with http://localhost:8999 and make your magics.