Slush Eslint Babel React
This is a generator for Eslint using Babel and React.
What does it do?
It generates eslint config with a babel parser and react support. It also installs all the required dev dependencies.
- generate .eslintrc
- generate .eslintignore
- (optional) generate .editorconfig
- (optional) generate .babelrc
sudo npm install slush -g
sudo npm install slush-eslint-babel-react -g
# # A special property that should be specified at the top of the file outside of# any sections. Set to true to stop .editor config file search on current fileroot = true # Indentation style# Possible values - tab, spaceindent_style = space # Indentation size in single-spaced characters# Possible values - an integer, tabindent_size = 2 # Line ending file format# Possible values - lf, crlf, crend_of_line = lf # File character encoding# Possible values - latin1, utf-8, utf-16be, utf-16lecharset = utf-8 # Denotes whether to trim whitespace at the end of lines# Possible values - true, falsetrim_trailing_whitespace = true # Denotes whether file should end with a newline# Possible values - true, falseinsert_final_newline = true