
2.0.3 • Public • Published

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Full development and deployment workflow.


Install Slush and slush-es20xx:

npm install -g slush slush-es20xx

How to use

Scaffold a new project:

slush es20xx

Then cd to the project root and run npm run dev. You're all set, happy hacking!


npm scripts

  • npm run dev: an alias for gulp's default task which does not require gulp globally installed.

gulp tasks

  • gulp (default): do a complete build and watch files to generate incremental builds.
  • gulp build: this task will build the dist directory based on the src directory's contents. This includes linting .js files (JSHint, JSCS), transpiling them, copying over non-js files and running Mocha unit tests.

build configs

Build paths and plugin settings can be customized by editing the chosen environment template's build.js file.


Want to help developing slush-es20xx? Awesome! Here are the basic instructions to get you started:

  1. Install Slush if you haven't yet;
  2. Fork this repository and clone it locally;
  3. cd to your repository root and install the slush-es20xx generator from your local repository by running npm link;
  4. Edit the source code in your repository and then test the changes by running slush es20xx in a test directory. Repeat until you get the desired result;
  5. Commit your changes to a new feature/bugfix branch, push them to your fork and open a PR in this repository. See GitHub Flow if you are not used to it yet. =]


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