Slingxdcc is an XDCC download manager completely written in javascript.
requires Node.js
Tested on Windows and Linux
Installation via source
Grab the source or clone the repo, then in terminal:
$ npm install
$ node slingxdcc
Installation via npm
# npm install -g slingxdcc
Make sure you config your downloads folder! Then start via:
$ slingxdcc
Point your browser to localhost:3000
Enable https
Follow this guide till Step 4: How to create a self-signed SSL Certificate
Copy server.key and server.crt into ssl directory and make sure ssl is activated in config/settings.json
The settings.json is located at $HOME/.slingxdcc/config/settings.json
"webserver": {
"port": 3000 // Webserver port
"ssl": true, // Use https
"ssl.crt": "ssl/server.crt", // Path to ssl.crt
"ssl.key": "ssl/server.key" // Path to ssl.key
"logger": {
"packRegex": "#(\\d+)\\s+(\\d+)x\\s+\\[\\s*[><]?([0-9\\.]+)([TGMKtga
k]?)\\]\\s+(.*)", // Regex for pack information
"packdb": "packets.db" // Path to packdb file
"autocleandb": true, // Clean redundant entries from packdb
"cleandb_Xminutes": 60 // Clean every X minutes
"redundantPercentage": 2, // If there are more then 25% redundant
"servers": {} // Servers and channels, can be edited via GUI
"downloadHandler": {
"destination": "downloads/", // Downloads folder
"resumeDownloads": true, // Resume or overwrite downloads
"refreshInterval": 1 // Interval in seconds progress update is displayed
"packetList": {
"sortBy": "lastseen" // Sort search by, can be edited via GUI
"sortOrder": "desc", // Sort order, can be edited via GUI
"filterDiscon": true // Filter offline downloads
"pageItemLimit": 20 // Items per page
"downloads": {}