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slim pig



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  • file system
    • FSOptions object
      • FSOptions.FSFileSystem
        User provided file system, like the memfs, defaults to fs-extra. On windows, some file systems which has no lstatSync method will behave strange for a symbolic/junction.
      • FSOptions.useNewAPI
        Whether use new file sytem API fs.opendir/opendirSync, it's little slow than fs.readdir/readdirSync, defaults to true. No influence if the user provided file system has no this API.
      • FsOptions.followSymbolic
        Whether follow the symbolic, if false only return symbolic path, defaults to true return the referenced file and directory path.
      • FSOptions.bufferSize
        fs.opendir/opendirSync bufferSize option, defaults to 32.
    • isSubDirectory
      Whether child is a sub directory of parent.
    • isSameDirectory
      Whether the two directories are same.
    • separateFilesDirs
      Async seprate the directories and files, the directory or file must be exist.
    • separateFilesDirsSync
      Sync seprate the directories and files, the directory or file must be exist.
    • walk
      Async walk through a pattern.
      Note: walk is async but the fileCallback and dirCallback should be sync.
      If occurs an error, using Promise.catch handle it, e.g. await walk(...).catch(err => { }).
      // Walk all file in CWD.
      (async function () {
        const pig = require('slim-pig');
        const files = [];
        await pig.fs.walk(
          file => files.push(file)
      // Walk js file in CWD.
      (async function () {
        const pig = require('slim-pig');
        const files = [];
        await pig.fs.walk(
          file => files.push(file)
    • walkSync
      Sync walk through a pattern.
      // Walk all file in CWD.
      const pig = require('slim-pig');
      const files = [];
        file => files.push(file)
      // Walk all js file in CWD.
      const pig = require('slim-pig');
      const files = [];
        file => files.push(file)
  • function
    • isAsyncFunction
      Is async function.
      const pig = require('slim-pig');
      // AsyncGeneratorFunction and closure.
      async function* asyncGeneratorFunction() { yield; }
      console.log(pig.func.isAsyncFunction(asyncGeneratorFunction)); // true
      console.log(pig.func.isAsyncFunction(async function* () { yield; }));
      // AsyncFunction and closure.
      async function asyncFunction() { return; }
      console.log(pig.func.isAsyncFunction(asyncFunction)); // true
      console.log(pig.func.isAsyncFunction(async function () { return; })); // true
      // Function and closure.
      function syncFunction() { return; }
      console.log(pig.func.isAsyncFunction(syncFunction)); // false
      console.log(pig.func.isAsyncFunction(() => { return; })); // false
    • runcost
      Run function and get cost time.
      const pig = require('slim-pig');
      async function delay(time) {
        return new Promise((resolve) => {
          setTimeout(() => {
          }, time);
      pig.func.runcost(delay, 1000).then(cost => {
        console.log('cost time: ', cost);
  • pattern
    Some glob pattern tools.
    Note: all backslashes will be converted to slashes.
    • globParent
      Extract directory part from the pattern.
      The returned directory has no trailing path separator and the first negative symbol "!" will be ignored.
      !! If returned directory is a lonly windows device root, keep the trailing path separator.
      const { globParent } = require('slim-pig').pattern;
      console.log(globParent('a/**')); // a
      console.log(globParent('!a/**')); // a
    • globPart
      Extract glob part from the glob pattern.
      The returned glob has no leading, trailing path separator and the first negative symbol "!" will be ignored.
      const { globPart } = require('slim-pig').pattern;
      console.log(globPart('a/**')); // **
      console.log(globPart('!a/**')); // **
    • isAbsolute
      Whether an absolute pattern.
      If start with windows device root, it's absolute.
      If start with slash, only absolute on linux, else platform and unknow pattern are not absolute.
      const os = require('os');
      const isWin32 = os.platform() === 'win32';
      const { isAbsolute } = require('slim-pig').pattern;
      console.log(isAbsolute('c:/a')); // true
      console.log(isAbsolute('a')); // false
      if (isWin32) {
        console.log(isAbsolute('/a')); // false
      } else {
        console.log(isAbsolute('/a')); // true
    • isGlob
      Is a glob pattern.
      All matching features, see:
    • isWin32Pattern
      Whether a windows pattern.
      If start with windows device root, return true, else rely on the platform.
      const os = require('os');
      const isWin32 = os.platform() === 'win32';
      const { isWin32Pattern } = require('slim-pig').pattern;
      console.log(isWin32Pattern('c:/a')); // true
      if (isWin32) {
        console.log(isWin32Pattern('a')); // true
        console.log(isWin32Pattern('/a')); // true
      } else {
        console.log(isWin32Pattern('a')); // false
        console.log(isWin32Pattern('/a')); // false
    • removeLeadingDot
      Remove leading dot from pattern.
      const { removeLeadingDot } = require('slim-pig').pattern;
      console.log(removeLeadingDot('')); // ""
      console.log(removeLeadingDot('./foo')); // "foo"
      console.log(removeLeadingDot('.')); // "."
      console.log(removeLeadingDot('./')); // ""
      console.log(removeLeadingDot('.\\')); // ""
    • resolvePattern
      Resolve the pattern to absolute.
      const os = require('os');
      const isWin32 = os.platform() === 'win32';
      const { resolvePattern } = require('slim-pig').pattern;
      console.log(resolvePattern('c:/', 'c:/')); // c:/
      console.log(resolvePattern('.', 'c:/')); // c:/
      console.log(resolvePattern('!*.js', 'c:/a')); // !c:/a/*.js
      if (!isWin32) {
        console.log(resolvePattern('/a')); // /a
        console.log(resolvePattern('a', '/')); // /a
        console.log(resolvePattern('!*.js', '/a')); // !/a/*.js
    • unixlike
      Convert windows path separator \ to POSIX separator /.
      const { unixlike } = require('slim-pig').pattern;
      const str = `D:\\syc\\project\\nodejs\\hellos\\main.js`
      console.log(unixlike(str)); // "D:/syc/project/nodejs/hellos/main.js"
  • string




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  • funte