
1.5.1 • Public • Published


Documentación en español

How is it used?

The first step is to install sladio as a dependency

npm install sladio

In our html you must assign the following classes

<div class="sladio">
  <div class="sladio__container">
    <div class="sladio__items">item0</div>
    <div class="sladio__items">item1</div>
    <div class="sladio__items">item2</div>

You can also place an id in the element explicitly, if you do not do it, sladio will assign it automatically, note that this id is the one that goes in the configuration object

<div class="sladio" id="slider1">

If you don't put the sladio_ container container, sladio will create it automatically and put all the items inside it.

Once downloaded and with the assigned classes we create an instance of sladio

const slider = new Sladio();

Sladio receives its configuration object as the first and only parameter, if it does not detect one it automatically sets one default

Default configuration

navigation: {
	dragAndDrop: true,
	orientation: 'horizontal',
	infinity: false,
	buttons: {
		active: false,

Configuration object

As sladio is a fairly customizable slider, its configuration will be somewhat extensive, I recommend you to have this configuration in an external file, and thus have the cleanest code.

export const sladioConfig = {};

import { sladioConfig } from '{path}/sladioConfig';

const slider = new Sladio(sladioConfig);

// Or...

const slider = new Sladio({

Example configuration

const config = {
  mode: 'development',

  navegation: {

    slider1: {
      dragAndDrop: true,
      orientation: 'horizontal', 
      infinity: true, 

      buttons: {
        active: true, 
        btnPrev: 'btn__prev',
        btnNext: 'btn__next',
        position: 'center',




Key Value Type Description
mode development / production string In this parameter we define if we are in a production or development environment, this is responsible for showing us logs in the console of missing configurations or errors.
navegation sliderId object This parameter defines the configuration for the navigation of the slider, it is a list of objects where their keys are the ids of the sliders for example: slider1
navegation.sliderId.dragAndDrop true / false boolean This parameter tells us if we want the drag & drop in our slider (Desktop mode)
navegation.sliderId.orientation vertical / horizontal string This parameter tells us if we want the selected slider to scroll horizontally or vertically
navegation.sliderId.infinity true / false boolean This parameter tells us that the selected slider has an infinite scroll
navegation.sliderId.buttons active: boolean, btnPrev: string, btnNext: string, position: string, object This parameter configures the slider buttons - active: receives a boolean, this show or hide buttons - btnPrev, btnNext: Name of the class that will be applied to the buttons - position: Position where the buttons will be shown (top, center, bottom)

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  • kevinparra535