A Redux store that can be used in coordination with node-slack-client
. This library implements a set of reducers for real-time events from the Slack API.
npm install slack-redux-store
import {RtmClient, CLIENT_EVENTS} from '@slack/client';
import SlackReduxStore from 'slack-redux-store';
let client = new RtmClient(yourApiToken, {
dataStore: new SlackReduxStore(),
client.dataStore.subscribe(() => {
// The store now holds a state tree with the `rtm.start` payload, like:
// {
// users: {},
// channels: {},
// ims: {},
// groups: {},
// bots: {},
// self: {},
// teams: {}
// }
// And will be updated with events from the web socket.
You can pass your own reducers, initial state, and enhancers through the constructor, for full customization:
import * as reducers from './your-own-reducers';
let initialState = {
some: 'defaultState'
let enhancers = [
return new SlackReduxStore({
reducers: reducers.default,
So What?
If you're using React, your model should be using immutable data for optimal performance. This is because React components rely on shouldComponentUpdate
to know when to re-render. You can easily swap out the default store in node-slack-client
with this one, which never mutates state.
In addition, this store can leverage extensions like Redux DevTools for monitoring, rewinding, or replaying state changes.
Run Tests
npm test