in GitHub repository simple-piano-keyboard.
The contents of
on npm is might a little old or include a bit mistakes because it's not updated without source code's change.
What is this?
is literally "simple piano keyboard" component of Vue.js
This package doesn't include mechanism of sound for now. But if you have sound sources and combine with, it's possible to create musical instrument, I think.
This is very simple component but that's reason it has infinity possibility
Project setup
Use npm
npm i simple-piano-keyboard
Add component and css to Vue:
import { createApp } from 'vue';
import SimplePianoKeyboard from 'simple-piano-keyboard'; // add this
import '../node_modules/simple-piano-keyboard/dist/style.css'; // add this
import App from './App.vue';
const app = createApp(App)
app.use(SimplePianoKeyboard) // add this
Latest version:
<script src=""></script>
* Note: You need to describe Vue.js's CDN at same.
And describe like below in JS programs:
const { createApp } = Vue;
const vueContent = {
// Your Vue contents
const app = createApp(vueContent);
Property list
This is the list of parameters you can input like below:
<simple-piano-keyboard v-model="selectedNotes" lowestNote="C3" highestNote="C4"></simple-piano-keyboard>
Property | Type | Description | Default value |
v-model | String[] or Number[] |
Array of MIDI note number or international styled note name like 'C4'. For example, the central C on piano is 'C4'. And its one octave higher is 'C5'. MIDI note number of 'C4' is 60. Notes of black key can be expressed like 'A#2' by using #. The value of this property is interlockly changed with keyboard's selection state. |
[] |
lowestNote | String or Number |
The lowest note of a keyboard. |
'A0' (The lowest note of the piano with 88 keys) |
highestNote | String or Number |
The highest note of a keyboard. |
'C8' (The highest note of the piano with 88 keys) |
keyHeightSize | Number | The height size number of each keys of keyboard. If you input 1, the white key's height is set 12px. | 10 |
keyWidthSize | Number | The width size number of each keys of keyboard. If you input 1, the white key's width is set 3px. | 10 |
padding | Number | The padding of the frame of keyboard. | 8 |
width | Number | The width of the frame of keyboard. Overflew areas are displayed by scrolling. | 380 |
color | Object | Define colors. | {whiteKey: '#FFFFFF', blackKey: '#222222', selectedWhiteKey: '#B2EBF2', selectedBlackKey: '#B2EBF2', keyBorder: '#212121', frameBorder: '#e0e0e0', noteName: '#212121'} |
thickness | Object | Define thickness of some borders. | {keyBorder: 1, frameBorder: 2} |
noteNameDisplay | Object | The settings of display note names on each key. type can be set 'none' , 'intl' or 'num' . target can be set note alphabets not included # like 'A' , 'C' . |
{type: 'none', target: 'A'} |
noteOutputType | String |
'intl' : International styled note name'num' : Note number |
'intl' |
isReadOnly | Boolean | If you set true , clicking keys is be disabled. |
false |