Structure for storing/handling multiple signals or reactive values
import signalStruct from 'signal-struct'
import { signal, computed, batch } from '@preact/signals-core'
let s = signalStruct({
x: 0,
y: signal(1),
z: { r: 2, i: signal(3) },
get v() { return this.x * this.y }, // computed
// subscribes to only x and y without need for .value access
let xy = computed(() => s.x + s.y)
s.x = 2
s.y = 3
xy.value // 5
// subscribes to deep values too: only z.r and z.i update the `len`
let len = computed(() => (s.z.r**2 + s.z.i**2)**0.5)
s.z.r = 3
s.z.i = 4
len.value // 5
// updating internal objects turns them into signals too
s.z = { r: 5, i: 12}
len.value // 13
// update multiple props
batch(() => Object.assign(s, { x: 1, y: 1 }))
xy.value // 2
// getter is computed
s.v // 1
// can subscribe to reactive sources
let s2 = signalStruct({
p: new Promise(ok => setTimeout(() => ok(123)))
s2.p // null
// ...
s2.p // 123
// can inherit from proto, including other struct
let s3 = signalStruct({v:456}, s2)
s3.p // 123
s3.v // 456
Supported reactive sources: see sube.