Sheets ENV
Sheets ENV is a tool to download ENV files from google sheets.
Devs will authenticate in a web browser using oauth2 CI will authenticate with service accounts stored as CI secrets CI can also utilise the .env files created at build time
Usage instructions:
Create credentials here so google can show the user your company name on the oauth consent screen Press create credentials -> Create OAuth client ID -> Application type iOS -> Choose a random bundleID You should get a Client ID like this -****************
From the same credentials page also create a service account. Choose a name and click done. This will allow headless environments such as heroku/github actions to fetch the env without launching a browser and doing oauth. To get the serviceAccountJson click the newly created service account and choose keys tab click add new key JSON.
Create a spreadsheet and share with people (keep the spreadsheetid from the url)
Share the sheet with the service account's email address ****
Enable google sheets api so google can bill you if you use the api too much
Have an async function that runs before anything else in your program to ensure that .env is present
if (!fs.existsSync('.env')) {
const clientId = '********-*****'
const range = 'Sheet1!A1:B'
const spreadsheetId = '****************'
const serviceAccount = process.env.GOOGLE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT // for headless environments
const envObj = await fetchSheetsEnv(range, spreadsheetId, serviceAccount, clientId)
const envString = jsonToEnv(envObj)
fs.writeFileSync('.env', envString)
export const jsonToEnv = (envObj) => Object.keys(envObj).map(key => `${key}=${envObj[key]}`).join('\n')
export const tryParse = (json) => {
try {
return JSON.parse(json)
} catch (e) {
return null
- JSON.stringify the service account json and put it in heroku env
- heroku escapes the string so you may want to put the key in heroku as a b64. take the json object with '' around it and b64 it.
export const b64ToAscii = (b64) => {
// First b64 it with -> const b64 = Buffer.from(str).toString('base64')
try {
const ascii = JSON.parse(Buffer.from(b64, 'base64').toString('ascii'))
return ascii
} catch (error) {
return undefined