
0.1.5 • Public • Published


Light JIT frontend view driver javascript library.

SFC is short for single file component.

What's the difference?

  • JIT: render components in runtime, without ahead compiling
  • AOT: compile SFC to pure javascript file
  • SFC: write a component with .htm file, deploy to CDN directly, no pack or compiling
  • Web Components: based on customElements, rendering in shadowDOM, supports isolated styles/css, supports slot for component
  • Reactive Programming: modify javascript variables to rerender UI
  • Simple Syntax: following HTML syntax, define <script>, <style>, html blocks in SFC
  • No Virtual DOM: modify DOM nodes directly which is relate to variables
  • Responsive Styles: use javascript variables in css, and it will react changes refer to the variables
  • Asnyc Demanded Loading: only load demanded component files
  • Quick link customElement: a <link rel="sfc" as="custom-name"> to link a customElement quickly


<x-sfc src="./some.htm"></x-sfc>
<link rel="sfc" href="./some.htm" as="some-x">
  <template sfc as="some-x">
    component content


Step 1: import the library file from CDN

<script src="https://unpkg.com/sfcjs"></script>

Step 2: place the customElement at some where link to your SFC file

<x-sfc src="https://my.cdn.com/my-component.htm"></x-sfc>

Later you will see the component be rendered at the place where <x-sfc> put.

Step 3: write your SFC and upload to the previous URL, here is an SFC example

  import SomeComponent from 'sfc:./some.htm'; // import another SFC
  import emit from 'sfc:emit'; // import builtin emit from sfcjs

  import { each } from '../src/utils.js';

   * define some javascript variables
   * later we will use these variables in UI view
   * if we change the variables, the UI will be rendered

  let name = 'app_name';
  let age = 10;

  let some = {
    name: 'name',
    height: age * 50,

   * use `var` to delcare varaibles to avoid responsive

  var weight = age * 2;

   * define some methods which will be used in UI view

  function grow(e) {
     * change variables to rerendered
    age ++;
    weight += 2;

     * emit events by using `emit`
    emit('grow', age);

   * define constants by `const`
   * you can use theme in UI view,
   * however, you can never change constants anywhere

  const colors = [

  .name {
    color: #ffe;

  .age {
    color: rgb(
       * use javascript expressions which contain previous variables in var('{{ ... }}')
       * the used varaibles changed, the styles will be changed too
      var('{{ age * 5 > 255 ? 255 : age * 5 }}'),
      var('{{ age * 10 > 255 ? 255 : age * 10 }}'),
      var('{{ age * 3 > 255 ? 255 : age * 3 }}')
     * use previous variables by as expression `([...])`
    font-size: ([age])px;

<div class="app-{{name}}">
  <div>name: <span>{{name}}</span></div>
    (class)="'age-' + age"
    (style)="age > 13 ? 'font-weight: bold;' : null"
    (if)="age > 10"
  >age: {{age}}</div>
  <div (repeat)="color,index in colors" (if)="!!color" (key)="color">
    <i>{{index}}: {{color}}</i>
  <button @click="grow(event)">grow</button>
    :some-attr="age * 5 > 10 ? 'ok' : null"

Notice: you should must write tail semicolon at the end of a sentence. Notice: only one root HTML tag supported, you can use <fragment> as the root tag to contain mutiple elements.


In sfcjs, you will use <x-sfc> to bootstrap a remote SFC quickly.

<x-sfc src="https://my.cdn.com/my-component.htm"></x-sfc>

It supports the following attributes:

  • src: the SFC file path, relative or absolute path both supported
  • passive: disable immediately rendering, you should must invoke document.querySelector('x-sfc#app').mount() to setup rendering
  • pending-slot: is to treat slot as pendding content before the SFC file loaded
  • attributes start with : or data- will be used as props to pass into SFC
  • attributes not start with : or data- are not related, which is just for current custom element

You can use addEventListener to listen the events which are emitted inside SFC. The parameter is a CustomEvent, you can read event.detail to get the emitted value.

<x-sfc src="..." pending-slot="1" passive="1" :prop1="{ name: 1 }" data-prop2="true" class="some">Loading...</x-sfc>

  const some = document.querySelector('.some');
  some.addEventListener('anyEventName', e => console.log(e.detail));

Template Syntax

  • {{ ... }} is to generate string by given variables
  • @ started attributes are events bindings, i.e. @click="handle(event)"
  • : started attributes are props passing, which pass real value, only work for sub components
  • (..) started attributes are directive


  • (if): <div (if)="someVar === 1">
  • (class): <div class="default-class" (class)="age > 10 ? 'dynamic-class' : ''">
  • (style): <div style="color: red" (style)="age > 10 ? 'font-size: 12px' : ''">
  • (src)、(href): <img (src)="./xxx.jpg" /> <a href="..">. src and href will make the relative path to right absolute path. Notice, the values are string, not expression.
  • (repeat): <div (repeat)="item,index in items" (key)="item.id">{{item.text}}</div>. index is optional
  • (key): always works with repeat, to identify a node in a list
  • (bind): <input (bind)="word" /> two way binding, only works for <input> <textarea> <select>. <textarea (bind)="description"></textarea>

Responsive Styles

In <style> block, you can refer declared javascript variables to generate css rules. When the refered variables change, the styles will be update too.

let age = 10;

function grow() {
  age ++;

  .age {
    color: rgb(
      /* First Pattern */
      var('{{ age * 5 > 255 ? 255 : age * 5 }}'),
      var('{{ age * 10 > 255 ? 255 : age * 10 }}'),
      var('{{ age * 3 > 255 ? 255 : age * 3 }}')
    /* Second Pattern */
    font-size: ([age])px;

First Pattern:

var('{{ expression }}')
margin-right: var("{{ age + 'px' }}")

Second Pattern:

font-size: ([age])rem

In this pattern, only a variable can be put (not expression).


When you add sfc: protool prefix before an imported path, the css file will be built into bundle. For example:

  @import "sfc:../shared/var.css";


  <script src="https://unpkg.com/sfcjs"></script>
  <link rel="sfc" href="./some.htm" as="x-some" />


Set rel="sfc" and as="x-some" for a <link> to load the component as a customElement. You can set delay attribute on link tag to load the component later after document loaded.


SFCJS 支持在应用(而非组件)当前 html 中用 template 提前定义组件。例如:

  <script src="https://unpkg.com/sfcjs"></script>
  <template sfc as="x-some">
      let a = 1;


Set sfc and as="x-some" for a <template> to define a component and write component code inside the template tag.


global variable

<script src="https://unpkg.com/sfcjs"></script>
  const { SFCJS } = window;


Register a component with given code (when you do not need to load code from remote).

  SFCJS.register('./some.htm', `
      let a = 1;

<x-sfc src="./some.htm"></x-sfc>
declare function register(
  /** component src */
  src: string,
  /** component code */
  code: string,
  options?: {
    /** customElement name */
    tag?: string,


Define a customElement.

    props: {
      type: 'type',
      theme: 'theme',
      const { type, theme } = await import('sfc:props');
      button.success {
        background: green;
        color: #fff;
      button.error {
        background: red;
        color: #fff;
    <button type="{{type}}" class="{{theme}}"><slot /></button>
<t-button type="button" theme="error">Submit</t-button>
declare function privilege(
  tag: string,
  options?: {
    src?: string,
    /** props mapping, i.e { s: 'some' } -> <x-some s="xx"> -> props.some */
    props?: { [key: string]: string },
    /** events mapping */
    events?: { [key: string]: string },
  code?: string,

Notice: src or code should must be passed.

    src: './button.htm',


Import subcomponent by sfc: protool:

import SomeComponent from 'sfc:./some-component.htm';



import props from 'sfc:props';

<div id="{{props.id}}">{{props.content}}</div>
<some-component :id="100" :content="'some string'" class="some"></some-component>

Subcomponent only receive props, attrs are not able to receive. In the previous code, class="some" are not passed into subcomponent.


import emit from 'sfc:emit';

function handleClick() {
  emit('triggered', 111)
<some-component @triggered="handleTrigger(event)"></some-component>


  • resolve(uri: string)
  • query(selector: string): query a DOM node
  • computed(getter: () => any): create a computed variable
  • update(): update UI manually
  • watch(vars, callback: (next, prev) => void)


const { bundle } = require('sfcjs/bunlder')
const code = bundle(file, options)
declare function bundle(
  file: string,
  options: {
    /** the visit url of this component after deploy, default `/{filename}` */
    entryUrl: string,
    /** the root path of absolute path when we call `sfc:/some.htm` */
    absRootPath: string,
    /** the output file place, default to absRootPath */
    outputDir: string,
    /** whether build `import 'sfcjs';` inside bundle */
    importLib?: boolean,
    /** alias component relative src to absolute path, for exmaple: ./some.htm -> /some/path/to/some.htm */
    alias: { [key: string]: string },

webpack loader:

const { bundle } = require('sfcjs/bunlder')
module.exports = function(content) {
  const file = this.resourcePath;
  const options = this.getOptions();
  const code = bundle(file, options);
  // Notice, code is ESModule, so this loader should be put after babel-loader
  return code;







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  • tangshuang