A RethinkDB express-session store.
This package is in maintenance mode and will only recieve security and major bug-fix updates.
bun add session-rethinkdb-ts
For a list of valid connectOptions, see the typings for rethinkdb-ts. Additionally, you can pass an already existing store via the 2nd paramater.
import { RethinkDBStore } from "session-rethinkdb-ts";
import express from "express";
import session from "express-session";
const app = express();
// Creates the store
const store = new RethinkDBStore({
// RethinkDB connection options.
connectOptions: {
db: "db",
sessionTable: "session", // RethinkDB table to store session info to. Defaults to "session".
sessionTimeout: 86400000, // How long a session ID is valid for. Defaults to 1 day.
flushTimeout: 60000, // How long to wait before flushing data. Defaults to 1 minute.
// Uses express session with the store
// Valid options: https://github.com/expressjs/session#sessionoptions
store: store,
saveUninitialized: false,
// The rest of your Express server code...