unix datagrams on osx have system send buffer limits of 2048
this module performs a posix sendto()
but first sets socket option SO_SNDBUF
, raising the send limit size up to the size of whatever node buffer you pass.
npm i sendtonode -e "require('sendto')('/tmp/a', Buffer('hello'))"
sendto(string, buffer)
pass a unix datagram socket path and then the buffer, something like:
const sendto = const str = 'some buffer bigger than this'
special note on sendto(str, Buffer)
. there are two ways to interrupt or force node process to exit:
not giving node buffer
to an addressable sockname on
side (bind therecv()
first beforesendto()
my ideas on that:
implicit coercion seems to be preferred by JavaScript over type checking, i.e. convert input to a buffer for the user. And where there's no socket address, we should probably back-off and retry to send later. Or emit JavaScript error event about the missing addressable path. Probably overkill to do a JS error, since the native perror()
call already does some descriptive noise about it, though less catchable in JS