Semaphore Status
Check Semaphore from the CLI!
npm install -g semaphorestatus
To tell semaphore-status who you are, you'll need to configure your
Semaphore auth token. To find your auth token, click on "Settings"
from any of your Semaphore projects. Then click on the "API" link in
the main settings navigation. Then set
or simply run semaphorestatus -a <api token>
and run semaphorestatus
CLI Options
semaphorestatus --force-update
to clear the project cache
semaphorestatus --project <key>
to show a single project
semaphorestatus -a <api token>
to add your API token
semaphorestatus --all
to show all local branches
semaphorestatus --regex <regular expression>
to filter branches by a regular expression
to show only your local branches