
1.0.0 • Public • Published


semantic-release plugin to send release notes to a Google Chat channel when the release succeeds.

Step Description
verifyConditions Check the webhookUrl option or GOOGLE_CHAT_WEBHOOK_URL variable
success Send a Google Chat message to notify of a new release.


npm install semantic-release-google-chat --save-dev
# or
yarn add semantic-release-google-chat --dev

This plugin is using an incoming webhook to notify a Google Chat space. Here is some documentation to create one.


// .releaserc.json
  "branches": ["main"],
  "plugins": [
    ["semantic-release-google-chat", {
      "webhookUrl": "...",
      "title": "A new version has been released",
      "imageUrl": "http://...",
      "showContributors": false
Variable Details Description
webhookUrl or GOOGLE_CHAT_WEBHOOK_URL required, url The incoming webhook url of the channel to publish release notes to.
title optional, text The title of the message. Default: A new version has been released
imageUrl optional, url An image displayed in the message, next to the title. The image must be less than 200x200.
showContributors optional, boolean Whether or not the contributors should be displayed in the message. Default: true


  • webhookUrl is a property of the config object in .releaserc.json, and, GOOGLE_CHAT_WEBHOOK_URL is an environment variable. The config object can be useful to try the plugin, but most of the time, production environments prefers environment variables. You can use both, but not in the same time as it does not make sense. If you do define both, the config object overrides the environment variable.

  • IMPORTANT: The webhookUrl variable you can use within your plugin configuration is meant to be used only for test purposes. Because you don't want to publicly publish this url and do let the world know a way to send messages to your Google Chat channel, you will want to use the GOOGLE_CHAT_WEBHOOK_URL instead.

  • The default value for imageUrl is

  • The list of Contributors is built using the email associated with the commits (only the part before the "@" is kept). This list can be disable (mainly for privacy reasons).

  • The message is sent to Google Chat during the success step which is silenced in dryRun mode.

  • The official @semantic-release/git plugin may cause a second message to be sent (because the plugin potentially adds a commit on the current branch, to save changes in files like package.json, package-lock.json, In order to prevent that, an environment variable (HAS_PREVIOUS_SEM_REL_EXECUTION) is set to true after the first message, then this plugin won't send any other message, as long as the plugin is part of the config.




Here are some steps to test the plugin locally:

  • checkout the source code:
    git clone
    cd semantic-release-google-chat
    npm install
  • add a .releaserc.json file at the project's root, copy the code from the Usage section in this new file using the webhookUrl property, and add the following properties in the object:
    "ci": false,
    "dryRun": true,
  • open index.js and replace module.exports = { verifyConditions, success }; by module.exports = { verifyConditions, generateNotes: success }; to allow the publication within the dryRun mode
  • run semantic-release locally safely:
    npm link
    npm link semantic-release-google-chat


Greatly inspired by semantic-release-slack-bot and semantic-release-ms-bot

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npm i semantic-release-google-chat

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  • jtey2