A light and easy to use Sunbird library for network hub, setting up connection with user across the platform
npm install sb-network-hub
Import SbNetworkHubModule module into root module or any feature module in your application.
@NgModule({ declarations: [ AppComponent ], imports: [ SbNetworkHubModule.forRoot({ configuration: { domain:'', production: false, userId:'', userName:'', userDepartment:'', authorization: '', framework:'' } }), ], providers: [], bootstrap: [AppComponent] }) export class AppModule { }
Following components are being exposed in the application please use in your routing module.
a. NetworkHomeComponent : -> Component got 2 section 1. List connection requests 2. Recommended List -> Seach in the component to search users
b. ConnectionRequestsComponent: List all the requesting user list, with option to reject or approve.
c. YourConnectionsComponent: List established connections.
d. RecommendedConnectionsComponent: List user under same department as a recommendation for the connection.