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Next.js Hook for Sails

The idea is to completely integrate the Next.js framework with a Sails API so that we can have the power of a server-rendered React app and an awesome REST API.


Initialize a Sails project with no frontend:

sails new my-project --no-frontend && cd my-project

Then install the hook using npm. You also need to include its dependencies.

npm install --save sails-hook-next react react-dom next


Create a pages folder at the root of your project to store your Next.js pages. Example:

// pages/index.js
export default () => (
    <h1>Hello Next.js</h1>

A custom .babelrc configuration is necessary for Next.js components.

  "presets": ["next/babel"]

For more info see the Next.js documentation or the awesome tutorial

The only necessary Sails configuration is that all your API routes are prefixed with /api. This can be achieved for blueprints by setting the prefix key to /api in your config/blueprints.js file.

Then just lift your Sails application to run in development mode:

sails lift

Custom routes

To handle custom routes we need to configure a Sails controller to render the correct Next.js page.

Define a route pointing to the controller:

// config/routes.js
module.exports = {
  'get /blog/:articleId': 'BlogController.article'

Define the controller which calls method passing the route parameters along:

// api/controllers/BlogController.js
module.exports = {
  article (req, res) {
    const articleId = req.param('articleId'), res, '/blog', { articleId })

Define the Next.js blog page which receives the parameters through the query parameter in the getInitialProps() method:

// pages/blog.js
const BlogPage = ({ articleId }) => (
    <h1>My {articleId} blog post</h1>
BlogPage.getInitialProps = ({ query: { articleId } }) => {
  return { articleId }
export default BlogPage

Linking to the blog page using the Next.js Link component:

// pages/index.js
import Link from 'next/link'
export default () => {
  return (
          <Link href='/blog?articleId=first' as='/blog/first'>
            <a>My first blog</a>
          <Link href='/blog?articleId=second' as='/blog/second'>
            <a>My second blog</a>

You can find more information in the Next.js custom routes documentation and the Sails url-slugs routes documentation.

Hook configuration

You can override hook configuration by creating a config/next.js file in your Sails application.

Default configuration: = {
  // Sails integration options
  api: {
    // Prefix for all Sails API routes
    prefix: '/api'
  // Next.js instance options. Passed to `next()`.
  server: {
    // Next.js root directory
    dir: '.',
    // Dev mode. Is overridden by `process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production'`
    dev: false,
    // Hide error messages
    quiet: false,
    // Equivalent to a `next.config.js` file
    conf: {}


To run in production mode you need to build your Next.js application

next build

If next is not installed globally you can run it using npx next build.

Then run Sails in production mode using

NODE_ENV=production node app.js

For more information see the Next.js and Sails deployment documentation.

Interactions between Next.js and Sails

  • The Next.js app instance can be accessed anywhere with
  • The Next.js request handler for SSR is attached to

sails-hook-next in the wild

Don't have a real example using the latest version of sails-hook-next yet.

If you have an example don't hesitate to add it here by submitting a pull request.

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npm i sails-hook-next

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  • rascarlito