
0.3.3 • Public • Published


Isomorphic adaptation of API hooks found in the safe demo app.

Built using isomorphic-fetch, to work in node or in the browser.

Currently still in beta. YMMV. Please report any issues. Pull requests are entirely welcome for features and documentation.


Grab it

npm i safe-js --save

And use it

import * as safe from 'safe-js';

Available methods are taken from the demo app, and docs (which are currently not up to date) live here: .

safe.nfs safe.dns safe.auth structuredData appendableData dataId cipherOpts signKey

are objects available for use.

Alternatively you can access these same methods in the Safe Beaker Browser (SBB), via window.safeAuth, window.safeNFS and window.DNS;


safe-js has a polyfill to create window.safeXXX functionality when it's not available (non safe:// sites in SAFE Beaker Browser, for eg. ).

You can simply include this file in the <head> of your page during development and continue using the APIs as they are provided by Safe Beaker Browser.

  <title>safejs site not yet on the network!</title>
  <!-- replace this link with the actual polyfill location -->
  <script src="./safe-js/dist/polyfill.js" ></script>            


Auth (window.safeAuth methods in the SAFE browser):

import { auth } from 'safe-js';
import packageData from '../package.json'
const app =
    name: "name",
    id: "id",
    version: "v",
    vendor: "vendor_name",
    permissions: ["SAFE_DRIVE_ACCESS"]
auth.authorise( app );


import { nfs } from 'safe-js';
nfs.createFile(token, 'primaryIndex.json', {} ,false, APP_DIR);



(window.safeAuth methods in the SAFE browser)


Authorise the app with the SAFE launcher.

  • packageData - Object containing your app information. This is how the application will authorised in the launcher.


let app = {
   name: '',
   id: '',
   version: '',
   vendor: '',
   permissions: [],
safeAuth.authorise( app )
Promise Return

Returns an object of the form:

    "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpZCI6Im5RT1poRFJ2VUFLRlVZMzNiRTlnQ25VbVVJSkV0Q2lmYk4zYjE1dXZ2TlU9In0.OTKcHQ9VUKYzBXH_MqeWR4UcHFJV-xlllR68UM9l0b4",
    "permissions": [

If the current token was valid, permissions will be omitted.

  • tokenKey - string to ID the auth token in localStorage


Check if an app token is valid.

  • token - Auth token string.

Returns a promise, which returns a boolean of validity.


(window.safeDNS methods in the SAFE browser)


Creates a SAFE DNS Service. (

  • token - (string) - auth token
  • longName - longName to add service to.
  • serviceName - Name of service to create.
  • serviceHomePathDir - The full path of the directory to be served by this service.
  • isPathShared - Name of service to create

Returns a promise which resolves as truthy upon success.


Creates a SAFE DNS LongName / Public Id. (

  • token - (string) - auth token
  • longName - Name of service to create

Returns a promise which resolves as truthy upon success.


List all long names registered by current user (

  • token - (string) - auth token

Returns a JSON array of long names.



List all services associated with a long name registered by current user (

  • token - (string) - auth token

Returns a JSON array of service names.



(window.safeNFS methods in the SAFE browser)



  • token - (string) auth token
  • dirPath - (string) full directory path
  • isPrivate - (bool) is the data private?
  • metadata - (base64 string) metadata for the dir.
  • isPathShared - (bool) true if writing to the sharedDRIVE, false writes to APP;

Returns a Promise which resolves truthy upon success.



  • token - (string) auth token
  • filePath - (string) file path
  • dataToWrite - data of file being uploaded
  • dataType - (string - optional), type of data being uploaded. text/plain for example.
  • dataLength - (int - optional) length of data being written.
  • metadata - (base64 string - optional) metadata for the dir.
  • isPathShared - (bool - optional) true if writing to the sharedDRIVE, false writes to APP;

Returns a Promise which resolves truthy upon success.


Helper function to make or update a file as no current method exists to do this in the SAFE API at this point.

Either creates a file if it doesn't exist, or deletes and recreates with the new content if it does already exist.

  • token - (string) auth token
  • filePath - (string) file path
  • dataToWrite - data of file being uploaded
  • dataType - (string - optional), type of data being uploaded. text/plain for example.
  • dataLength - (int - optional) length of data being written.
  • metadata - (base64 string - optional) metadata for the dir.
  • isPathShared - (bool - optional) true if writing to the sharedDRIVE, false writes to APP;

Returns a Promise which resolves truthy upon success.



  • token - (string) auth token
  • dirPath - (string) file path
  • isPathShared - (bool - optional) true if writing to the sharedDRIVE, false writes to APP;

Returns a Promise which resolves truthy upon success.

TODO? Remove isPathShared here and use only path string ( which would include app/drive?)



  • token - (string) auth token
  • filePath - (string) file path
  • isPathShared - (bool - optional) true if writing to the sharedDRIVE, false writes to APP;

Returns a Promise which resolves truthy upon success.



  • token - (string) auth token
  • dirPath - (string) file path
  • isPathShared - (bool - optional) true if writing to the sharedDRIVE, false writes to APP;

Returns a Promise which resolves to a JSON object of dir info.

    "info": {
        "name": "images",
        "isPrivate": true,
        "createdOn": "2016-09-26T04:41:05.342Z",
        "modifiedOn": "2016-09-26T04:41:05.342Z",
        "metadata": "c2FtcGxlIG1ldGFkYXRh"
    "files": [],
    "subDirectories": []


Get a file.


  • token - (string) auth token
  • filePath - (string) file path
  • responseParsing - (string) type of response parsing to return. Defaults to text, can be buffer,blob,json or false, which would simply return the response.
  • isPathShared - (bool - optional) true if writing to the sharedDRIVE, false writes to APP;

Returns a Promise which resolves to the response.


Get a file's metadata.


  • token - (string) auth token
  • filePath - (string) file path
  • isPathShared - (bool - optional) true if writing to the sharedDRIVE, false writes to APP;

Returns a Promise which resolves to the response headers upon success.


Rename a file or dir.

( (

  • token - (string) auth token
  • path - (string) path
  • newName - (string) new name
  • isFile - (bool) true if it is a file and not a dir.
  • metadata - (base64 string - optional) metadata for the dir.
  • isPathShared - (bool - optional) true if writing to the sharedDRIVE, false writes to APP;

Returns a Promise which resolves truthy upon success.



Wrapper for rename with directory options set. Returns a Promise which resolves truthy upon success.



Wrapper for rename with file options set. Returns a Promise which resolves truthy upon success.


  • NFS needs move endpoints


  • Add auth.js documentation.
  • Add dns.js documentation.
  • Add nfs.js documentation.
  • Improve documentation (clarity/readability/gitbook?).
  • Increase test coverage.
  • Ensure all API endpoints are represented.
  • Update isPathShared to appOrDrive ? ... Something more semantic.



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  • joshuef