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1.1.2 • Public • Published


Excel based rule engine. Engine is inspired by other rule engines that load rules from spreadsheets, but allows to execute any JS conditions and actions.


Run yarn add rulex or npm i rulex to install the engine. Engine is build with TypeScript and distributed with types definitions.

import RulexEngine from `rulex`;

// Setup engine and pass optional logger function
const engine = new RulexEngine(console.log);

// Init engine with rules Excel file
await engine.init("path/to/rules.xlsx");
// ... or
// Init engine with rules Excel file and run tests if any defined
await engine.init("path/to/rules.xlsx", true);

// Process fact
// Note: returned fact will be a different object, so fact !== initialFact not just by type, but also values may be different if they were modified by actions
const {fact, context, result} = await engine.process(initialFact);

// ... or
// Process fact with extra default context variables 
const {fact, context, result} = await engine.process(initialFact, {
  extraContextVariable: true

// ... or
// Process fact and get detailed explanation (for debug purposes)
// Make sure not to use the debug property in production as it adds a performance hit
try {
  const {fact, context, result, explanation} = await engine.process(initialFact, {}, true);
} catch (ruleError) {
  // custom handler for the RuleError

Excel File

Example rules.xlsx file can be found under test/assets/rules folder.

Rulex works with excel files that must be prepared based on certain rules.

  • Worksheet names containing the rules should start with step keyword (case agnostic)
  • Worksheet name containing the default context values should start with context keyword (case agnostic)
  • Worksheet name containing tests should start with test keyword (case agnostic)
  • Header row should be the first one in the worksheet

Step Worksheet Definition

Step worksheet should always have:

  • name column, and each row containing the rule should have a value under this column (duplicate names are allowed)
  • Action or break column definitions, if rule has no action or break rule, it is skipped.

Step Worksheet Columns

All the column names are case agnostic, e.g. action and Action are both valid definitions.

  • name - required column that defines rule name
  • condition - optional column that evaluates the expression in each cell, empty cells cause condition to pass
  • if {property} - optional column that compares the value in each cell with {property}, empty cells cause comparison to pass
  • if not {property} - optional column that compares the value in each cell with {property}, condition passes when values do not match, empty cells cause comparison to pass
  • in {property} - optional column that compares the {property} with any value in the comma-separated list of the cell value, match cause condition to pass
  • out {property} - optional column that compares the {property} with any value in the comma-separated list of the cell value, mismatch cause condition to pass
  • type {property} - optional column that compares the value in each cell with {property} type, empty cells cause comparison to pass, allowed values: string, number
  • type not {property} - optional column that compares the value in each cell with {property} type, condition passes when values do not match, empty cells cause comparison to pass
  • action - optional column that evaluates the expression in the cell if all conditions and if comparisons are true, blank cells will be ignored
  • set {property} - optional column that sets the value in the cell to {property} if all conditions and if comparisons are true, blank cells will be ignored
  • break - optional column that will cause engine to stop immediately if condition passes and value of the break cell is true, can be used to terminate the execution
  • error[ code] - similar to break column, but will cause engine to throw an RuleError with a message as the value in the cell, code is optional in the name. Examples: error, error 404

Context Worksheet Columns

All the column names are case agnostic, e.g. value and Value are both valid definitions.

  • name - required column that defines the context variable name
  • value - required column that defines the context variable value

Context values are set before processing steps and can be references with context object, e.g context.something or context['something']

Test Worksheet Columns

All the column names are case agnostic, e.g. name and Name are both valid definitions.

  • name - required column that defines the test name, duplicated names across rows are allowed
  • set {property} - optional column that sets the value in the cell to {property}, e.g. fact.something
  • expect {property} - optional column that expects value in the cell to match {property} after execution, e.g. result.something


RuleError is thrown when break column rule triggers.

Error exposes following properties:

  • message - the value of the cell
  • code - optional code provided in the column header, if not provided value will be a blank string
  • step - name of the step (worksheet) where error was triggered
  • rule - matches the name column value for the row where error was triggered
  • explanation - optional explanation object, only available when process is invoked with explanation flag
  • context - context state when error ocurred
  • fact - state of the fact when error ocurred


In order to help with testing the engine file rules ships with a simple CLI that will load file and run all the tests.

# installation
npm i -g rulex

# usage
rulex path/to/rules.xlsx

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  • vlad-tkachenko