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0.1.7 • Public • Published


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Suppose you have an old project that uses webpack@4.x and postcss@7.x, and you want to use rsbuild to improve efficiency for development and building while also retaining the original build method. You might encounter errors at this point, and this plugin attempts to solve this problem, currently supporting solutions for webpack and postcss related errors.

Quick start

  1. Installation dependencies
npm i rsbuild-plugin-legacy-deps-compat -D
  1. Configure rsbuild
import { defineConfig } from '@rsbuild/core'
import legacyDepsCompat from 'rsbuild-plugin-legacy-deps-compat'

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [
    // Any version of webpack and postcss@7.x is used in the project.

    // Any version of webpack and postcss@<7 is used in the project, but want to use postcss@8 in rsbuild.
      postcss: {
        // Place the postcss.config.js file in the "compat" directory.
        configDir: 'compat',

    // Any version of webpack and want to use custom postcss-loader.
      postcss: {
        customPostcssLoaderOptions: {
          // Fill in the configuration of postcss-loader here.


Name Type Default Description
webpack boolean true Whether to set an alias for webpack
postcss false|object {} postcss related configuration, set to false for no changes
postcss.clearBuiltinPlugins boolean true Whether to clear built-in postcss plugins
postcss.configDir string ./ The directory where the postcss configuration file is located
postcss.customPostcssLoaderOptions any undefined postcss-loader options, setting this will use a custom postcss-loader. Make sure you have installed postcss-loader
postcss.addEmptyLoader boolean false Whether to add an empty-loader before postcss-loader

Encountered Component Library Style Issues with Custom postcss-loader

module.exports = ":root{--van-swipe-indicator-size:0.12rem;}"

If the styles of a component library (such as vant) become as shown above, although the specific cause is not known, it has been found through testing that adding an empty loader before the postcss-loader can resolve the issue. This is already built into the configuration

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [
      customPostcssLoaderOptions: {},
      addEmptyLoader: true,

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npm i rsbuild-plugin-legacy-deps-compat

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  • skymoonya