
1.0.1 • Public • Published

Rolling Storage

Rolling storage provides an API to localStorage and sessionStorage (or anything that implements the storage interface) that provides expiration and a maximum size.

Basic Usage

var rollingStorage = require('rolling-storage');
var storedItems = rollingStorage({
    namespace: 'my-items',
    ttl: 1000 * 60 * 60, // 1 hour
    maxSize: 1024 * 1024 * 1.5, // 1.5 MB
    storage: localStorage
// set
storedItems.set('thing1', 'hello!');
// access
storedItems.has('thing1'); // true
storedItems.get('thing1'); // 'hello!'
// remove
// now it's gone
storedItems.has('thing1'); // false
storedItems.get('thing1'); // undefined

Creating an Instance

Each instance of rollingStorage has a namspace, a ttl, a maximum size, and must be provided with a storage strategy.

  • namespace - This keeps instances of rollingStorage separate. Can be any string.
  • ttl - The expiration time of values in milliseconds.
  • maxSize - The max size of this namespace. Old elements will be removed when this limit is exceeded.
  • storage - Probably localStorage or sessionStorage, but can be anything that implements the Storage API.

Using an Instace

Instance methods:

  • instance.set(key, value) - sets a value. Value can be any type that can be run through JSON.stringify.
  • instance.get(key) - gets a value from storage or undefined if the key doesn't exist.
  • instance.has(key) - returns true if this key exists, false otherwise.
  • instance.remove(key) - removes a key from storage.
  • instance.flush() - removes all values from this instance.

Running The Tests

The tests were written with Jasmine and Testem.

  1. npm install -g testem
  2. testem
  3. Open http://localhost:7357

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  • sakabako