
0.26.5 • Public • Published


Resolve authentication module provides out-of-box support for Passport compatible strategies ( When using resolve-module-auth in resolve application, developer should only provide authentication strategy and supply API routes for login, register and other actions.

Use resolve-module-auth in application in following manner.

Entry point (run.js):

import { defaultResolveConfig, build, start, watch, runTestcafe, merge, injectRuntimeEnv } from 'resolve-scripts'
import createAuthModule from 'resolve-module-auth' // Import authentication module

import appConfig from './' // Main application config with defined domain logic
import devConfig from './' // Development config. Prod and other configs ommited here for simplify example
const launchMode = process.argv[2]

void (async () => {
  const authModule = createAuthModule([ // Create authentication module to merge in config
      name: 'local-strategy', // Strategy name
      createStrategy: 'auth/create_strategy.js', // Path to strategy construction file in project
      options: { // Passed vary compile-time/runtime options
        strategySecretKey: injectRuntimeEnv('STRATEGY_SECRET_KEY_ENV_VARIABLE_NAME')
      logoutRoute: { // HTTP route for logout
          path: 'logout',
          method: 'POST'
      routes: [ // HTTP API handlers for current strategy
          path: 'register', // HTTP path part after http://app-domain.tld/rootPath/api/
          method: 'POST', // HTTP invocation method
          callback: 'auth/route_register_callback.js' // Path to API handler
          path: 'login',
          method: 'POST',
          callback: 'auth/route_login_callback.js'

  switch (launchMode) {
    case 'dev': {
      await watch( // Merge developer-defined and module-generated configs by merge tool
        merge([defaultResolveConfig, appConfig, devConfig, authModule])

    // Handle prod, cloud, test:functional modes in some manner
})().catch(error => {
  // eslint-disable-next-line no-console

Strategy constructor (auth/create_strategy.js):

import { Strategy as StrategyFactory } from 'passport-local' // Import passport strategy

const createStrategy = options => ({ // Export function which will accept runtime vary options from application config
  factory: StrategyFactory, // Re-export passport strategy factory
  options: { // Custom compile-time options ...
    failureRedirect: error =>
    errorRedirect: error => `/error?text=${encodeURIComponent(error.message)}`,
    usernameField: 'username',
    passwordField: 'username',
    successRedirect: null,
    // ... plus runtime options, like secret keys

export default createStrategy

Register API handler (auth/route_register_callback.js) - other handlers are omitted:

import jwt from 'jsonwebtoken'
import jwtSecret from './jwt_secret' // Store JWT secret in secret place, like environment variable
import bcrypt from 'bcrypt'

// Route handler accepts req as first argument, and second and following arguments is strategy result
// Local strategy returns two arguments - username and password. It's strictly strategy-dependent
const routeRegisterCallback = async ({ resolve }, username, password) => {
  const { data: existingUser } = await resolve.executeQuery({ // Request read model to check user is exists
    modelName: 'read-model-name',
    resolverName: 'resolver-name',
    resolverArgs: { name: username.trim())  }
  // Throw if user is already exists
  if (existingUser) {
    throw new Error('User can not be created')
  // Describe user struct to pass in aggregate and jwt token
  const user = {
    name: username.trim(),
    password: bcrypt.hashSync(password),
    id: uuid.v4()
  // Try to create user in domain
  await resolve.executeCommand({
    type: 'create-user',
    aggregateName: 'user',
    payload: user
  // Return signed JWT with user struct, potentially includes user role and so on.
  // It's most important step - authentication API handler always should return signed JWT value.
  // To drop JWT - just sign empty object. Non-object argument is not allowed.
  return jwt.sign(user, jwtSecret)

export default routeRegisterCallback

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