This is currently in a pre-alpha state.
- a functional abstraction over IndexedDB over ReScript.
- simple, succinct, readable database operations.
- static typing guarantees for database records and their properties
- monadic return values to eliminate null/undefined checks
- typo-proofing property names in keys and indices.
- ability to easily "escape" the library and work directly with IndexedDB bindings when necessary.
The following are intentional simplifications which may not suit every use case.
- No multi-operation transactions (how much ACID safety do you really need for an in-browser database?)
- Primary keys are represented as strings and aren't meant to be iterable. (Use GUIDs.)
- Every object store is a well-typed list of a certain type of objects.
- Undefined behavior if a function-valued index or key goes to something other than a JS object property. (The algorithm that converts lambda expressions to property name strings uses reflection.)