A regular expression library for node.js.
$ npm i relib --save
var ips = ipv4 = ipsv4 v6 = ipsv6 ip = ipsip; console; // trueconsole; // trueconsole; // trueconsole; // trueconsole; // ['1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8'] console; // falseconsole; // trueconsole; // [ '' ]console; // = .contain() -> trueconsole; // = .is() -> fasleconsole; // /(?:(?:[0-9a-fA-F:]){1,4}(?:(?::(?:[0-9a-fA-F]){1,4}|:)){2,7})+/
Check if a string is match the regex.
Check if a string matching the regex.
Return an array if a string matching the regex.
See RECOO for details.
IP Address Regex
-, v4.contain(), v4.match() - IPv4 regex
-, v6.contain(), v6.match() - IPv6 regex
-, ip.contain(), ip.match() - IPv4 or IPv6
var ips = ipv4 = ipsv4 v6 = ipsv6 ip = ipsip; ip; // trueip; // falseip; // trueip; // ['', '1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8'] v4; // truev4; // falsev6; // true
Email Address Regex
- - Check if a string is email address.
- email.contain(string) - Check if a string contains email address.
- email.match(string) - Return an array if a string contains email address.
var email = email; email; // trueemail; // trueemail; // ['', '']
Domain Regex
- - Check if a string is domain.
- domain.contain(string) - Check if a string contains domain.
- domain.match(string) - Return an array if a string contains domain.
var domain = domain; domain; // truedomain; // falsedomain; // truedomain; // ['', '']
URLs Regex
- - Check if a string is URL.
- url.contain(string) - Check if a string contains URL.
- url.match(string) - Return an array if a string contains URL.
var url = url; url; // trueurl; // trueurl; // ['', '']
To run the tests for relib simply run:
npm i && npm test # install dev dependencies and test
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- Fork it
- Create your feature branch
git checkout -b my-new-feature
- Commit your changes
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
- Push to the branch
git push origin my-new-feature
- Create new Pull Request
MIT © 2015 Mark Zhan.