
3.1.0 • Public • Published


release-verifier is a command line tool that verifies a released package matches that same tagged version in a source repository.

npm, rubygems, and pypi are the supported repositories and github is the supported source repository.

command line ui

to verify the latest version of the package appoptics-apm in the npm repository:

$ node verify appoptics-apm -r npm

to verify the latest version of the package appoptics_apm in the rubygems repository:

$ node verify appoptics_apm -r rubygems

to verify a specific version (note the default repository is npm):

$ node verify appoptics-apm -v 6.6.0

to verify a range of versions

$ node verify appoptics-apm -v '> 6.0.0'

if a released package (or version) doesn't contain a reference to the github source repository it can be specified with the -S option. the value of the -S option is the user and repository name on github, e.g., appoptics/release-verification.

$ node verify -r rubygems appoptics_apm -v 4.3.0 -S appoptics/appoptics-apm-ruby

it's also possible to specify a config file. a config file essentially provides default values for options, i.e., specifying an option on the command line overrides what is in the config file. defaults can be either the cli option name or the alias. in the case of aliases that contain dash characters the config file option is the camelCase version of the kebab-case name, e.g. the exclude-dir command line option is mapped to the excludeDir config file property. the test directory has two config file examples.

$ node verify -r rubygems appoptics_apm -v 4.9.0 -c ./test/test-config-rubygems.js

some github repositories are private. in order to work access private repositories the user must be authenticated and supply a github token on the command line using the --token option.

$ node verify -r pypi appoptics-apm -v 3.5.9 -S librato/python-appoptics -k $GIT_TOKEN

additional options can be found in lib/get-cli-options.js or via $ node verify -h

adding a package repository

i've tried to design the this so that repositories can be added with a minimum of effort. but i'm discovering the differences in various repositories as i go through them, so the design could be better. and the code is the only real documentation. so if you have a repository you'd like added let me know.

to add a package-repository start by creating a <package-repository>Verifier class that extends BaseVerifier. put it in a file named lib/<package-repository>-verifier.js, copy the general structure from one of the existing verifiers. then let me know what i've missed in the code and/or documentation for this. then import your file and add the mapping of the repository name to the class in verify.js.

adding a source repository

if it's not github then some thinking will be needed. i haven't spent any time on this. it does seem like support for bitbucket should be coming along but the source repository is less abstracted than the package repositories.

stuff to be done

  • allow output format with detail differences
  • add --base option to create work directories in another place
  • document the api that verify.js uses.
  • add bitbucket support.
  • add download support to populate either pkg-unpacked or git-unpacked with external dependencies.

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  • bmacnaughton
  • cheempz