TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

0.0.10 • Public • Published


Reknow is a state management library based on relational modeling concepts, designed to support React applications written in either TypeScript or JavaScript.

Why Reknow?

Designing shared state for React applications can be tricky if you're building something that will stand the test of time. Consider the venerable "Todo" application, which might start off modeled something like this:

TodoLists = [
  {name: "Home", todos: [
    {todo: "buy milk", status: "complete", due: "2022-02-03"},
    {todo: "wash dishes", status: "incomplete", due: "2022-02-04"},
  {name: "School", todos: [
    {todo: "schedule conference", status: "incomplete", due: "2022-02-05"},
    {todo: "permission slip", status: "incomplete", due: "2022-02-04"},

This structure works well if it matches the way your data is displayed. But what if you want to display all incomplete tasks from across all lists, sorted by due date? The additional code is not particularly difficult, but it doesn't take many more use cases before this structure loses its original value and starts to become a hindrance.

An alternative is to avoid committing to a hierarchical structure and model your data "relationally" instead, using id's to imply connections between data:

  TodoList: {
    "1": {name: "Home"}
    "2": {name: "School"}
  TodoItem: {
    "3": {todoListId: "1", todo: "buy milk", status: "complete", due: "2022-02-03"},
    "4": {todoListId: "1", todo: "wash dishes", status: "incomplete", due: "2022-02-04"},
    "5": {todoListId: "2", todo: "schedule conference", status: "incomplete", due: "2022-02-05"},
    "6": {todoListId: "2", todo: "permission slip", status: "incomplete", due: "2022-02-04"},

This approach maximizes the flexibility of your data, giving it a greater chance of remaining useful into the future. It's easy to extend the data model with new types and relationships and structures. Of course, the downside is that you'll need to write additional code, and perhaps maintain some indexes, if you're going to extract useful data out of the model.

This is where Reknow comes in. You provide Reknow with this relational data and tell Reknow what indexes and relationships you want. Reknow will then synthesize new properties on your data to expose those relationships and indexes:


Reknow also monitors the data for changes, so that if you change the "todoListId" or "status" properties of a TodoItem, the above relationships and indexes will automatically update to reflect those changes. Or if you add a TodoItem to the todoList.todos relationship, it will automatically assign the appropriate todoListId.

Reknow is especially useful when paired with React. Reknow's useQuery hook allows a React component to pull data directly from Reknow:

const IncompleteTodos = () => {
  const todos = useQuery(()=>TodoItems.byStatusSortedByDueDate.incomplete)
  return (
    <> => <TodoView key={} todo={todo} />

Reknow will track what data is accessed by useQuery, so that when any part of that data changes, Reknow will automatically trigger the component to re-render. These "query functions" can also be factored out into shared libraries or model methods, thereby taking on the role that "selectors" play in other state management systems.

Reknow data can be mutated by directly setting properties or manipulating relationships, without the use of "reducers" or "action creators" required by other state managers:

<button onclick={()=>todo.status = "complete"}>

Reknow's change detection system (which is powered by JavaScript Proxies) will automatically transmit the effects of those changes to the appropriate relationships, indexes, and React components.

Building on this foundation, Reknow offers several other features, such as indexable computed properties, multi-key hashing and sorting indexes, hooks that are called when data changes, JSON import and export, and even optional logging of all changes made to the data model. With all these features, Reknow is aiming to be a complete state management system for an application, handling not only shared global state, but also state down at the individual component level. Of course, you can choose to use Reknow at whatever granularity you find most useful or comfortable.

Although it can be used in JavaScript, Reknow is designed primarily for TypeScript, with heavy use of decorators. Each type of model object, such as TodoList or TodoItem is modeled as a separate "Entity" class. The declaration of the TodoItem model might look something like this:

import * as R from "reknow"

export type TodoItemStatus = "complete" | "incomplete"

export class TodoItem extends R.Entity { id!: string
  todoListId!: string
  status!: TodoItemStatus
  dueDate!: string

  @R.belongsTo(() => TodoList, "todoListId") todoList!: TodoList

class TodoItemsClass extends R.Entities<TodoItem> {
  @R.index("=status", "+dueDate")
  byStatusSortedByDueDate!: R.HashIndex<R.SortIndex<TodoListIem>>

export const TodoItems = new TodoItemsClass(TodoItem)

If you're not familiar with TypeScript or decorators, then the above code can seem arcane and noisy. But it doesn't take long to get used to it. If you're willing to give it a chance, and you're intrigued by the idea of relational modeling for client-side data, then read on - perhaps Reknow will be a good fit for your application building patterns.


Reknow organizes and maintains an application's internal state, separating that state from the application's presentation layer. In a React application, Reknow occupies the same space as libraries like Redux or Recoil.

Reknow borrows several concepts from relational modeling systems. Developers who have used relational databases or object/relational mapping libraries should find many of the concepts familiar. For example, model objects in Reknow do not reference each other directly, but instead reference each other through property values, usually id's. Reknow uses indexes and synthetic properties to expose those relationships in ways that feel natural to developers.

That "natural feel" is a guiding principle of Reknow. Reknow is designed to enable developers to model and maintain state naturally, minimizing the patterns for updating or selecting data. Applications can freely add and remove model instances, and even change instance property values directly. Reknow will automatically detect these changes and take care of the downstream effects, such as updating indexes and re-rendering React components. Applications can also compute and assemble selected values from the model using straightforward functions or getter methods. Reknow will automatically cache the results, while tracking what model objects and properties were referenced in those calculations, allowing Reknow to invalidate the cached values when those dependencies change.

Reknow uses JavaScript Proxies to make all of this possible. These Proxies intercept calls to get or set property values, and allow Reknow to react accordingly. For the most part, the application is unaware that it is using Proxies, and can be coded as if it were using model classes and instances directly.

Proxies also allow Reknow to interact with React, even though Reknow uses mutable model objects and does not create new immutable copies with every state change. When a model object is changed, Reknow creates a new Proxy to refer to that model object. This is sufficient to signal a data change to React, because it effectively presents React with a new object identity, even though the same model object is still being used "behind" that Proxy.

Because Reknow detects state changes all the way down to the property level, it is able to provide a "stream" of state changes to applications. The relational modeling pattern effectively boils every state change down to either adding a model object, removing a model object, or changing the property of a model object. By adding a listener to Reknow, an application can be notified of all these state changes. This allows applications to implement sophisticated undo/redo mechanisms, incrementally save document state as a stream of edits, or even broadcast state changes to collaborators to enable shared document viewing or editing.

The Reknow library itself has very few dependencies and can be used in Node.js or in browsers. It works well with React, but has no direct connection to the React libraries - that connection is provided through a separate "react-reknow" library. Reknow is designed primarily for TypeScript applications, but it can also be used effectively with JavaScript. Reknow does make use of decorators, which are still "experimental" as of ES6, but alternatives are provided for environments where decorators are not supported. All of Reknow's operations run synchronously, without the use of timers or Promises, and can be used from both async and non-async functions.

Sample Application

Reknow includes a sample TodoApp (demo), a simple unstlyed React Todo list manager that allows the user to add lists, add items to those lists, mark items as "done", and to remove entire lists. Items in each list are ordered by their creation time, most recent first. Items marked as "done" are displayed with a strikethrough at the bottom of the list. The lists offer a choice of ordering - either by creation time, alphabetically by list name, or by number of items in the list.

Before diving into the code, it helps to understand the Reknow concepts in some detail. This guide will come back to the sample application after covering those concepts.

Building the Todo Application

If you want to build and run the sample application locally, you can do so using create-react-app:

npx create-react-app todoapp --template typescript
cd todoapp
npm install --save reknow
npm install --save react-reknow

cp -r {path to reknow}/docs/todoapp/src/* src/

Edit tsconfig.json to enable experimentalDecorators:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "experimentalDecorators": true

Optionally, add a .env file to set the port of the development server, to enable https, etc:


Then start the create-react-app server:

npm start

When it comes up, you should be able to point your browser at the server and run the application.

Building An Application With Reknow

Typical Development Process

The steps to build a typical Reknow application look something like this:

  • Design the classes that will model as much of the application's state as possible. This includes both the data that the application manipulates (Topics, Posts, ShoppingCartItems, etc.), as well as the "view state" of the application (NavigationBreadcrumb, ErrorDialog, etc.). Keep object properties as simple as possible, preferably sticking to strings, numbers, and booleans, remembering that more complex structures can be defined using Reknow's relational facilities.
    • Add @hasMany, @hasOne, and @belongsTo declarations to the model classes to surface their relationships expressed through matching property values.
    • Add @index declarations to create automatically-maintained "hash" and "sort" structures of model objects
    • Add @query decorators to mark out methods that generate computed values from the model objects, automatically invalidating their cached values when their dependencies change. Keep those methods "pure" without side effects or state changes.
    • Add @action decorators to declare state-changing methods in the model classes. Keep those methods "pure", free of side effects or dependencies on anything outside the model.
    • Add @afterAdd, @afterRemove, and @afterChange decorators to methods that invoke side effects in response to the state changes in @action methods.
    • Add @reaction decorators to methods that perform state changes in response to other state changes (typically used to maintain "computed" properties that then feed into indexes).
  • Create a Reknow StateManager instance, passing it a list of all the model classes that it will be managing.
  • Build the presentation layer. Assuming it is a React application:
    • Apply the useQuery hook from the react-reknow library to pull data directly from model objects. useQuery will automatically trigger a component re-render whenever the underlying model object data changes.
    • Apply the useComponentyEntity hook to automatically create and remove model objects tied to a React component's life cycle.
    • Invoke @action methods directly on model objects in response to user actions
    • Inovke @action methods at any time, actually, even in response to asynchronous events like Timers, within async methods, etc.


Importing Reknow

Applications typically import Reknow into its own namespace:

import * as R from "reknow"

A Reknow model file typically uses many reknow exports, so it's often more convenient to import the whole namespace rather than importing individual exports. The file can then reference Reknow exports off of that namespace, for example: extends R.Entity or @R.hasMany (a decorator).

Entity and Entities classes

Each model class extends the Entity base class, and has an associated singleton instance that extends the Entities base class. The Entity class represents individual instances of the model, while the Entities singleton refers to the whole collection of instances. Each model is typically defined in its own file, containing both the Entity class and the Entities singleton. Often just the Entity class is exported, but if the model has also added useful definitions to the Entities class (indexes, finders, etc.), then its singleton would also be exported and made available to the rest of the application.

A minimal model file would look like this:

import * as R from "reknow"

export class TodoListItem extends R.Entity {
  constructor() {

class Entities extends R.Entities<TodoListItem> {

new Entities(TodoListItem)

// OR, if the Entities class contains definitions the rest of
// the application will find useful:
export const TodoListItemEntities = new Entities(TodoListItem)

Adding and Removing Entity Instances

Reknow will only manage Entity instances that have been added by the application. Adding an instance will also return a Proxy that the application should use from then on to access the instance. Typically an application will create and add an instance in a single step, so that it doesn't accidentally end up using an un-Proxied instance. For example:

const item = new TodoListItem("buy milk").addEntity()

Once added, an Entity instance will remain in Reknow until it is removed by the application:


Entity Id's

Every entity added to Reknow is assigned a permanent id. This id can be accessed with the entityId property:

const item = new TodoListItem("buy milk").addEntity()
const itemId = item.entityId

An entity can use the decorator to declare an id property, in which case Reknow will automatically copy the entity's id into that property. Or, if that property has a value when the Entity is added, Reknow will use that value as the id. For example, if Reknow is assigning the id:

export class TodoListItem extends R.Entity { id!:string

  constructor() {

(Note: the ! in the property declaration tells Typescript not to complain that the property hasn't been assigned in the constructor. This notation will show up with other "synthetic" properties used by Reknow)

Or if the application is providing the id in the constructor, then the declaration might look like this:

export class TodoListItem extends R.Entity { id:string

  constructor(id:string) {
    super() = id

The final way to assign an id is with the addEntity() method, which takes an optional id argument:

const item = new TodoListItem("buy milk").addEntity("Item22424")

Entity id's must be strings, and they must be unique among all instances of a given Entity type.

By default, if Reknow is generating the id, it will use a very simple counter to generate id's like "1", "2", etc. The application can provide an alternate id generator, which will be consulted whenever Reknow needs a new id.

Entities byId Index

Every Entities class (the singleton associated with each model class) has a built-in byId property that maps Entity id to Entity instance. For example:

const item = TodoListItemEntities.byId["item22424"]

This property is read-only, is updated automatically, and contains those instances that have been added. This facility is always available, although it is not often used by applications since indexes and relationships (described later) provide more convenient ways to access data.

Entity Properties

Entity instances can arbitrarily get and set properties as they normally would in JavaScript, without requiring any special declarations. TypeScript applications must continue to declare their property types, as they normally would.

In practice, Entities should stick to "simple" properties as much as possible: strings, numbers, and booleans. If an Entity needs to refer to other Entities, it should do so using id's and "relationships" rather than direct references. Data structures like ordered lists (arrays) or key/value collections (objects), should also be implemented relationally if possible.

Having said that, Reknow doesn't specify or enforce restrictions on property types. An application is free to use whatever values it wants for properties. However, the only changes Reknow will detect and react to are new values being assigned to properties. For a string, number, or boolean value, this will work naturally. But if a property value is an array, then Reknow will only detect if the property is assigned a completely new array - it will not detect if the array itself is mutated.

In some cases, this may be perfectly fine. If a complex structure is read-only, or is treated as immutable, then it should work fine as a property value. Or if the application has other ways to detect changes in the value, such as callbacks registered with the value, then it would be appropriate to store that as a property value. This would be the case for system-provided objects, like an XMLHttpRequest, or a DOM Node, or a Promise. An application is free to store such objects in Entity instances, keeping in mind that Reknow will not automatically respond to changes in those objects.

State Changes and Actions

From Reknow's perspective, all of its state is contained in Entity instances that have been added to it, and all of an Entity's state is contained in simple or (from Reknow's perspective) immutable property values. This means that there are only 3 kinds of state changes in Reknow:

  • Adding an Entity
  • Removing an Entity
  • Changing an Entity's property value

The addEntity() method, seen earlier, will add Entity instances to Reknow. Similarly, removeEntity() will remove an instance. Property changes are effected by simply assigning the property: todoItem.complete = true.

All of these state changes can be invoked at nearly any time: at the start of an application, in response to user input, in response to a callback, as part of an async method, etc. The one consistent rule is that all state changes must take place within an "Action". The easiest way to do this is to use a decorator to mark an Entity method as an action:

import * as R from "reknow"

export class TodoListItem extends R.Entity {
  @R.action setComplete() {
    this.complete = true

(alternatives to decorators are described later)

The @R.action decorator declares that a method will be making state changes. All of the state changes that occur while executing an @R.action method will be collected into a single "action", whether it's a single property change on one instance or a more complex sequence of changes spanning multiple instances. Reknow will wait until the end of the application's action before taking its own actions in response, such as reporting the action to its listeners, notifying the application of invalidated cached values, updating the affected React components.

It is fine for action methods to call other action methods - only the "outermost" action will apply. But before going and marking every method as an action, be aware that conceptually, an action should represent a "top-level" operation and should leave all affected model instances in valid and consistent states.

Action methods should be "pure", meaning that they depend only their inputs and the current state of the model, and they should have no side effects other than to make state changes to the model.


Indexes organize all of the Entities of a given class into orderly structures that facilitate rapid lookups by the application. Indexes are declared on the Entities class using decorators. For example:

export class TodoListItem extends R.Entity {

class Entities extends R.Entities<TodoListItem> {
  @R.index("+name") byName!:R.SortIndex<TodoListItem>

export const TodoListItemEntities = new Entities(TodoListItem)

The @R.index line declares that TodoListItemEntities.byName will be an array of all the TodoListItem instances that have been added to Reknow, sorted by name in ascending order. There's a lot packed into that line, so to break it down:

  • @R.index("+name") is the decorator that declares the index
  • byName! is the name of the property that will provide access to the index. The property will be "synthesized" by Reknow, so the ! tells Typescript not to complain that its value isn't being set explicitly in the constructor.
  • R.SortIndex<TodoListItem> is the property's type. This is effectively an alias for TodoListItem[].

This is an example of a "SortIndex", exposed to the application as an Array. Reknow will automatically keep this Array sorted in ascending order by each instance's name property, updating it as instances are added, removed, or modified. The application may read this structure freely, but is prevented from modifying it.

A SortIndex can sort by any number of properties, each in either ascending or descending order. For example, @R.index("+name", "-age") will sort instances first by name in ascending order, then by age in descending order for instances that have the same name. If instances have the same name and age, then Reknow will sort by entity id (ascending) as the last resort.

Only string, number, and boolean (false < true) values can be sorted. Attempts to sort by other types, or by values of different types, will result in an error. The null value can also be included in sorts, and is considered to be less than any other value.

Beyond sorting, an index can also be directed to group instances with the same property value. This is called a "HashIndex", and is declared by using = with the property name:

@R.index("=name", "+age") byNameAndAge!:R.HashIndex<SortIndex<TodoListItem>>

Instead of a single array, byNameAndAge is now an Object whose keys are names, and whose values are arrays of instances with those names, with each array ordered by age. For example:

  "name1": [...],
  "name2": [...],

An application can use TodoListItemEntities.byNameAndAge.name1 || [] to get a list of all TodoListItems with name property set to "name1". Note that if no instances had a name with "name1", then it won't have an entry in the object, hence the || [].

A HashIndex can also declare multiple levels of grouping. For example:

@R.index("=name", "=status") byNameAndStatus!:R.HashIndex<R.HashIndex<SortIndex<TodoListItem>>>

This will maintain a "multi-level" object, something like this:

  "name1": {
    "complete": [...],
    "incomplete": [...],
  "name2": {
    "complete": [...],
    "incomplete": [...],

Which an application can access with TodoListItemEntities.byNameAndStatus.name2?.complete || []. Again, the ?. and || [] are to protect against keys that might not exist in the object.

This example doesn't specify any sort terms, but as always, entity id is always used as the sort term of "last resort".

An index may specify any number of hash (=) and sort (+/-) terms. The only rule is that all of the hash terms must appear before all sort terms.

The final type of index is a "UniqueHashIndex". This is similar to a HashIndex, except that the final values are instances, as opposed to arrays of instances:

@R.uniqueIndex("=name", "=status") byNameAndStatus!:R.HashIndex<R.UniqueHashIndex<TodoListItem>>

Note the use of @R.uniqueIndex instead of @R.index. This causes the resulting structure to look like this:

  "name1": {
    "complete": TodoListItem,
    "incomplete": TodoListItem,
  "name2": {
    "complete": TodoListItem,

Declaring a UniqueHashIndex also enforces a uniqueness constraint on entity instances. For example, attempting to add or update two instances with the same name and status will throw an exception.

Indexes will only work on actual properties of Entity instances - they will not work correctly if they refer to getter methods. This is important for applications that want to create indexes based on "computed values". Reknow provides a "reaction" facility, described later, to help with that.


As mentioned previously, Entities refer to each other through properties and id's rather than direct pointers. For example, a TodoList may "own" multiple TodoListItem instances. This can be implemented by defining a todoListId property on TodoListItem, which holds the id of the TodoList to which the item belongs. When a TodoList wishes to get a list of its items, it effectively searches through all TodoListItems to find those whose todoListId match its id. Behind the scenes, Reknow would use a HashIndex to turn this search into a quick lookup.

Reknow provides @R.hasMany, @R.hasOne, and @R.belongsTo decorators that simplify the implementation of relationships. For example:

export class TodoList extends R.Entity {
  @R.hasMany(() => TodoListItem, "todoListId", {
    sort: "+createdAt",
    dependent: "remove",
  items!: Array<TodoListItem>

These declarations can look confusing at first, so to break it down:

@R.hasMany(...) items!: Array<TodoListItem>

The decorator is ultimately declaring an items property which will be an array of the items that belong to the TodoList. The ! in the declaration effectively tells Typescript that this is a "synthetic" property, and Typescript shouldn't complain that the property isn't set in the constructor.

The hasMany decorator has three arguments: the "foreign" Entity class, the "foreign key", and a set of options.

  • The foreign Entity class is expressed indirectly through the return value of a Function, so as to avoid circular references during startup.
  • The "foreign key" is the property on the foreign Entity that is used to refer back to the TodoList's id - todoListId in our case.
  • The sort option declares that the resulting list of items should be sorted by each item's createdAt (ascending). Without this option, the items would be sorted by id.
  • The dependent option declares that if the TodoList is removed, all of its items should also be removed automatically. Other options are nullify, meaning that all of its items will have their todoListId set to null, and none (the default), meaning that the items won't be modified if the instance is removed.

With this declaration in place, the application can simply refer to myTodoList.items and receive an array of items whose todoListId has the same value as, ordered by item.createdAt. If another item sets its todoListId to that same list, then it will immediately "appear" in the array at the correct position.

The array is also somewhat mutable. items.push(item) will "add" an item to the array by setting its todoListId appropriately, with the caveat that the new item will appear in the index correctly sorted, not necessarily at the end. Similarly, items.pop() will "remove" the last item from the list by setting its todoListId appropriately, or removing it from Reknow altogether if dependent: "remove" is specified.

Underneath, there is no actual array representing the relationship. The items property simply performs a lookup in the appropriate index, wrapping the result with a Proxy to make the array appear mutable.

To find the "appropriate index", the relationship will look through the indexes defined on TodoListItemEntities, specifically looking for one whose terms start with ("=todoListId", "+createdAt"). If it doesn't find such an index, then it will create an index itself and add it to the class. All of this is a one-time process that happens at startup. This process allows the application to define and use relationships without the burden of managing the associated indexes.

An Entity can declare as many relationships as it wants. It can even have multiple relationships to the same "foreign" Entity class, perhaps sorting them in different ways, although at most one of those relationships should define a dependent option.

The @R.hasOne declaration is similar to @R.hasMany, except that it results in only a single Entity (or null), and it uses a UniqueHashIndex underneath. @R.belongsTo is similar to @R.hasOne, except that the notion of "primary" and "foreign" are swapped.

Proxies and Object Identity

As described previously, Reknow relies heavily on Javascript Proxies to implement its functionality. Entity instances retrieved from Reknow by the application are presented through Proxies, so that Reknow is able to monitor how the application is reading or modifying the properties of those Entities. Indexes and relationships also follow this pattern, presenting data to the application through Proxies that mediate access and mutation. All of this happens automatically without the application needing to do anything special to use those Proxies.

Underneath all the Proxies, Reknow maintains the "real" data structures internally, and those data structures are mutable. When the application changes an Entity's property, that change eventually makes its way through the Proxy to the underlying instance, and that instance's property really is changed. Reknow is not maintaining immutable structures or using a copy-on-write strategy. This is true of Reknow's indexes as well.

This may seem to run counter to React's requirements, which rely on value changes to trigger visual changes. More specifically, React will not take action on a new value unless newValue !== oldValue. Treating data as immutable is one way to meet that requirement, creating new copies of objects to represent data changes.

Reknow takes a different approach, using new Proxy instances to present React with new object identities that satisfy the newValue !== oldValue requirement. Both oldValue and newValue are Proxies that "point" to the same underlying Entity or index structure, and accessing the data through either Proxy will yield the exact same results. React doesn't actually care that the underlying object is the same - it just sees a new object identity show up and concludes that the underlying data has changed.

Reknow supports this approach by automatically using a new Proxy instance when an Entity or index is changed. From the application's perspective, all of those Proxies are equivalent, and it's perfectly fine for the application to use multiple Proxies to the same Entity. But once the data reaches React, the application should make sure that React is seeing the "latest" Proxy associated with an Entity.

The Entity.currentEntity property will return the most recent Proxy associated with an Entity. However, it's unusual for applications to need this method, as Reknow provides more convenient ways to keep React synchronized with the most up-to-date Proxies, described below.


A "query" is a function whose return value is cached, so that calling the query again will return the cached value without executing the function again. As the query function executes, Reknow "watches" to see what Entity instances, properties, indexes, relationships, and other queries are referenced. If any of those referenced values later changes, Reknow will invalidate the query's cached value. If the query is called after that, it will execute its function and recompute the value, generating a possibly new set of referenced Entities and properties.

(Note: there is no "query language" or other special facility for reading data from Entity instances and indexes. The term "Query" has been appropriated from other relational systems, where it might have a different meaning)

An application can also associate a callback function with a query, which will be called after Reknow invalidates the Query. This is how react-reknow, for example, knows when to re-render a React component in response to a change in Reknow data.

The easiest way to define a query is to use the @R.query decorator on an Entity getter method.

@R.query get completeItems() {
  return this.items.filter(item => item.complete === true)

The first time this is called on a TodoList, it will search through that list for all of the items marked as "complete" and return the result. That result will be cached and returned the next time completeItems is called on that list.

While the getter was running, Reknow was building up a list of "dependencies", noting that the list of items was referenced (or more accurately, that the appropriate entry in the index underlying the items relationship was accessed), and that the complete property of each item was also referenced. Internally, Reknow keeps track of all those dependencies and watches them all for changes. For example, if one of the list's items changes its complete property, then the query would be invalidated. If the list itself changes by adding or removing an item, the query will also be invalidated.

A query can reference other queries as part of its computation. Reknow will track those references as dependencies, and if any of those dependent queries is invalidated, the referring query will also be invalidated.

Queries have a special case: if a query function returns an Entity, then the query will be invalidated if any property of the Entity is changed. This is a convenience that supports simplified usage in React, as will be described later.

A query must be a "pure" function, depending solely on the current state of the model and avoiding any side effects. It cannot take any inputs, and when declared with the @R.query decorator, it must be defined on a getter. An @R.query may be defined on either an Entity or an Entities class.


A "reaction" is a combination of a query and an action. Like a query, it is a function that Reknow "watches" to find its dependencies. Unlike a query, Reknow will automatically call the function initially, and will automatically call the function again if a dependency changes. Also unlike a query, a reaction is allowed, and even encouraged, to change model state when it is called.

The most common use of a reaction is to set an Entity property that is computed from other values, usually for the purpose of indexing on that property. Indexes can only operate on property values, not getter functions, so a reaction provides an equivalent solution. For example:

export class TodoList extends R.Entity {
  @R.reaction computeItemCount() {
    this.itemCount = this.items.length

This effectively defines itemCount to be a "computed" property that is kept in sync with the number of items in its relationship. An index can then be defined that allows all lists to be sorted by the number of items they contain. Whenever the set of items changes, computeItemCount will be called to update itemCount, which will in turn trigger updates to the indexes.

While reactions may modify state, they still should be kept free of other side effects. Reactions also need to be wary of creating circular dependencies that trigger an endless cycle of updates.

Side Effects

Reknow's actions, queries, and reactions should all be kept free of side effects, such as network requests, timers, DOM changes, etc. Real-world applications, of course, need to do all of these things. For applications that wish for side effects to be "model-driven", Reknow provides "effects" decorators that allow side effects to be triggered in response to state changes. These decorators are @R.afterAdd, @R.afterRemove, @R.afterChange, and @R.afterPropertyChange:

export class TodoListItem extends R.Entity {
  @R.afterAdd sendNetworkRequest() {

Effects are called at the end of an action, after all the state changes have been made. For example, sendNetworkRequest would be called on the item if it was added to Reknow during the action. Similarly, an @R.afterRemove method would be called if the item was removed from Reknow, and an @R.afterChange method would be called if any property of the Entity is changed during the action.

The @R.afterPropertyChange decorator can narrow the effect to a specific property. For example:

export class TodoListItem extends R.Entity {
  @R.afterPropertyChange("name") onNameChange(oldName:string) {

This would only be called if the "name" property changes during an action, and the method will be passed the old value of "name".

Effect methods are encouraged to invoke side effects. They should, however, be careful about changing model state, especially in a way that could trigger an endless loop of effects and model changes.

Effects allow an application to be entirely "model-driven", meaning that all application activity flows through changes to the model. This enables functions like undo/redo, saving and loading application state, and even collaborative editing.


Services are singleton instances of classes that provide access to the model without being tied to a specific Entity. Just like Entity and Entities classes, a Service can use @R.action, @R.reaction, and @R.query decorators.

A Service is typically implemented using this pattern:

class ShoppingCartServiceClass extends @R.Service {

export const ShoppingCartService = new ShoppingCartServiceClass()


StateManager is Reknow's central class. Every Reknow application must create a single StateManager, passing it all of the Entity classes and Service instances to be managed by Reknow. Additional options can also be passed to the StateManager. Applications typically create the StateManager in a Models.ts file:

import * as R from "reknow"
import {TodoList} from "./TodoList"
import {TodoListItem} from "./TodoListItem"
import {ShoppingCartService} from "./ShoppingCartService"

export const models = new R.StateManager({
  entities: {
  services: {

Once this is run, the application can start invoking actions, queries, etc. directly on Entity, Entities, and Service instances. Applications rarely need to access the StateManager directly after creating it.

As an application grows, the central StateManager might end up becoming very large, as it imports and declares every Entity and Service in the application. Reknow allows those declarations to be modularized, by simply declaring them in nested "namespaces". For example:

export const models = new R.StateManager({
  entities: {
    todo: {
    shoppingCart: {
  services: {
    shoppingCart: {

These "modules" can then be broken out into separate files to make them easier to maintain. For example:

import {todo} from "./todo"
import {shoppingCart, shoppingCartServices} from "./shoppingCart"

export const models = new R.StateManager({
  entities: {
  services: {
    shoppingCart: shoppingCartServices

And todo.ts might look like this:

import {TodoList} from "./TodoList"
import {TodoListItem} from "./TodoListItem"

export const todo = {

The "namespaces" can be nested to any level within the StateManager declaration. These namespaces are only an organizing tool - they don't affect the application directly, which is still directly accessing classes like TodoList and TodoListItem.

The namespaces do show up when the StateManager reports actions and debugging to its assigned listeners (described below). For example, a property change on a TodoListItem would be reported as a change to a "todo.TodoListItem".

Running Multiple StateManagers

A simple application will typically register all of its Entity classes with a single StateManager instance. However, Reknow doesn't prevent an application from running multiple StateManagers. A complex application with multiple subsystems developed by multiple teams could end up with many independently-created StateManagers. Or a Reknow application could include a library of React components that happens to use Reknow to manage its state in its own StateManager instance.

All of this is perfectly fine, as long as it's understood that each StateManager manages its own "domain" of Entity classes independently. Practically speaking, this means:

  • Each Entity class must be registered with at most one StateManager
  • Relationships (hasMany, hasOne, belongsTo) can only be established between Entity classes managed by the same StateManager.
  • An @R.action managed by a StateManager should not "span" Entities across different StateManagers
  • An @R.query managed by a StateManager will not track dependencies on Entities associated with other StateManagers

There is no practical limit to the number of Entity classes, either minimum or maximum, that can be associated with a StateManager. Even the simplest stateful React component can take advantage of Reknow, using a StateManager that manages a single Entity class.

Transaction and Debug Listeners

When a StateManager is created, it can optionally be assigned a TransactionListener and a DebugListener:

export const models = new R.StateManager({
  entities: {
    todo: {
  listener: (e) => console.log(R.stringifyTransaction(e)),
  debugListener: (e) => console.log(R.stringifyDebugEvent(e))

The listener is notified at the end of every action with a "Transaction" object that describes the @R.action that triggered it, along with the complete list of resulting entity state changes. For example:

  "action": {
    "type": "EntityAction",
    "entityType": "todo.TextInput",
    "id": "2",
    "name": "notifyValue",
    "args": []
  "stateChanges": [
      "type": "EntityAdded",
      "entityType": "todo.TodoList",
      "id": "1",
      "entity": {
        "name": "Groceries",
        "id": "1",
        "itemCount": 0
      "type": "EntityPropertyChanged",
      "entityType": "todo.TodoList",
      "id": "1",
      "property": "todoAppId",
      "newValue": "2"
      "type": "EntityPropertyChanged",
      "entityType": "todo.TextInput",
      "id": "2",
      "property": "value",
      "newValue": "",
      "oldValue": "Groceries"

This stream of reported transactions is sufficient to completely rebuild the application state "from scratch". It can also be used to create "reversing" transactions that implement an undo/redo system.

The listener can also be used to print to the console to help debug an application. The R.stringifyTransaction function will format Transactions into a more compact format:

  Added todo.TodoList#1: {"name":"Groceries","id":"1","itemCount":0}
  Changed todo.TodoList#1.todoAppId from undefined to 2
  Changed todo.TextInput#2.value from Groceries to

This format uses a shorthand for referring to entities, in the form {entity type (with "namespace")}#{entity id}.{property name}.

The debugListener, if specified, will be passed detailed events about the inner workings of Reknow, particularly around assigning and notifying subscribers of state changes.

Models.ts:18 Run useQuery "useQuery at TodoListView ("
  Run query "useQuery at TodoListView ("
    Add subscriber "useQuery at TodoListView (" to "todo.TodoList#1.incompleteItems"
    Run query "todo.TodoList#1.incompleteItems"
      Add subscriber "todo.TodoList#1.incompleteItems" to ""
      Add subscriber "todo.TodoList#1.incompleteItems" to "byComplete.1"

This tends to be an overwhelming amount of information (especially when viewing the raw JSON form), but it can occasionally be useful when tracking down unexpected behavior in the application.

Reknow and React

Reknow is a complete internal data management system unto itself. Although it is designed to be useful with React, it has no direct connection to React. That connection is provided by the react-reknow package, which provides React hooks useQuery and useComponentEntity.

An application will typically set up the connection when creating the StateManager, like this:

import * as R from "reknow"
import {ReactReknow} from "react-reknow"

export const models = new R.StateManager({

export const {useQuery, useComponentEntity} = ReactReknow(models)

The useQuery hook takes a function as an argument, and returns the result of executing that function. It uses Reknow's query facility to determine the function's dependencies, and forces the component to re-render if any of those dependencies changes. For example:

import React from "react"
import {useQuery} from "./Models"
import {TodoListItem} from "./TodoListItem"

export const TodoListItemView: React.FC<{item: TodoListItem}> = (p) => {
  const name = useQuery(() =>
  const isComplete = useQuery(() => p.item.isComplete)

  return (
      <div>Don't forget to {name}</div>
      { !isComplete? :
        <button onClick={() => item.setComplete()}>
        : null

This component is passed a TodoListItem, and will rerender if the item's name or isComplete properties are changed.

For convenience, the useQuery hook can also return the full Entity, in which case it will re-render the component if any property of the Entity changes:

export const TodoListItemView: React.FC<{item: TodoListItem}> = (p) => {
  const item = useQuery(() => p.item)

  return (
      <div>Don't forget to {}</div>
      { !item.isComplete? :
        <button onClick={() => item.setComplete()}>
        : null

Note that no special facility is needed for React components to invoke actions on the Reknow model. Here a component simply calls item.setComplete() in response to a UI action. Calling that method will likely involve some state changes (such as setting a complete flag to true), and if the TodoListItem is changed in the process, then the TodoListItemView will automatically be forced to re-render.


The useComponentEntity hook associates an Entity with the life cycle of a component. It takes a function that returns an Entity, typically created as a new instance. The hook will automatically add the Entity to Reknow (if it hasn't been already), and will remove it when the component is unmounted. Like useQuery, the component is forced to re-render if that Entity is changed.

For example:

export const TextInputView: React.FC<{}> = (params) => {
  const textInput = useComponentEntity(() => new TextInput()))

Here a TextInputView React component is using a TextInput Reknow Entity to handle its state. The useComponentEntity hook creates the TextInput instance, adds it to Reknow, and sets the TextInputView to be re-rendered whenever the TextInput is changed. Later, when the TextInputView is removed from the component tree, the TextInput will also be removed from Reknow.

This is useful for re-usable components, like this TextInputView, that are intended to be "dropped in" to an application without exposing the application to Reknow.

This is also useful for "top-level" components that are intended represent the "root" state of the overall application:

export const TodoAppView: React.FC<{}> = (params) => {
  const todoApp = useComponentEntity(() => new TodoApp())

The TodoApp Entity might have relationships and queries that ultimately provide access to all of the application's state, and the React component can pass those values to its children as appropriate.

Named Hooks

Both the useQuery and useComponentEntity hooks take an optional name as a second argument. For example:

  const item = useQuery(() => p.item, "TodoListItemView.item")

This name doesn't impact the behavior of the application, but it does appear in the events sent to the StateManager's debugListener. Most applications won't use this facility until they are trying to understand why some component is or is not updating. In that scenario, the application can enable the debugListener on the StateManager and start adding names to narrow down the behavior.


Entity classes are allowed to subclass other Entity classes, typically to represent inheritance in the data model. The subclass will inherit all of the declarations from the superclass (@action, @query, @hasMany, etc.) The subclass will also be managed in any indexes declared by the superclass.

Note that when an Entity subclasses another Entity, the corresponding Entities classes should not subclass each other.

For example:

// User superclass
export class User extends R.Entity {
  constructor(public name:string) {

  @R.action setName(name:string) { = name

export class UserEntitiesClass extends R.Entities<User> {
  @R.index("+name") byName!:R.SortIndex<User>

export const UserEntities = new UserEntitiesClass(User)

// Teacher subclasses User
export class Teacher extends User {
  constructor(name:string, public classroom:string) {

// TeacherEntitiesClass should NOT subclass UserEntitiesClass
export class TeacherEntitiesClass extends R.Entities<Teacher> {
  @R.uniqueIndex("=classroom") byClassroom!:R.UniqueHashIndex<Teacher>

export const TeacherEntities = new TeacherEntitiesClass(Teacher)

In this example, the Teacher Entity class extends User, inheriting all of the declarations from User, such as the setName action. However, the corresponding Entities classes (UserEntitiesClass and TeacherEntitiesClass) still just extend @R.Entities.

When a Teacher is added, Reknow will manage the indexes in the inheritance chain, adding it to both TeacherEntities.byClassroom and UserEntities.byName. On the other hand, if a User is added, Reknow will only add it to UserEntities.byName.

Examining the Sample TodoApp

With the main Reknow concepts covered, we see how they are applied in the sample application. As described previously, the sample application is a Todo list manager with multiple todo lists and items and the ability to sort lists in a few different ways.

Modeling the Application's Data

The application's data is modeled using TodoApp, TodoList, and TodoListItem classes, with one-to-many relationships between them:

TodoApp --< TodoList --< TodoListItem

A TextInput is also modeled, to demonstrate the use of a "standalone" reusable stateful component.

We start by sketching out what properties are needed in each class:

  • TodoApp: id, listSortOrder
  • TodoList: id, todoAppId, name, itemCount
  • TodoListItem: id, todoListId, name, createdAt, complete

Remember that model objects reference each other indirectly, typically through id's. So a TodoList, for example, has no property that directly references its items - rather, the TodoListItem has a todoListId property that references the TodoList that contains it.

The TextInput demonstrates a reusable component, in this case a simple text box with a button for taking action on that text. Its data model consists of the currently-entered value, and the function to be called when the user clicks the button:

  • TextInput: value, onValue

Create the Model Classes

Once we've designed our basic data model, we can create the "skeleton" of each class, deciding what properties need to be provided in the constructor, what properties will be set later, and what properties will be computed from other properties.

Starting with TodoListItem, the "skeleton" of that class' file looks something like this:

import * as R from "reknow"

export class TodoListItem extends R.Entity { id!: string
  todoListId!: string
  complete = false

  constructor(public name: string, public createdAt = new Date().toISOString()) {

class Entities extends R.Entities<TodoListItem> {}
new Entities(TodoListItem)

Both name and createdAt are set in the constructor (createdAt defaulting to the current Date in stringified form), while id will be set automatically by Reknow and todoListId will be set later by the application. We expect complete to be set based on a user interaction.

We also start with a blank skeleton for the corresponding Entities class.

The TodoList class looks similar:

import * as R from "reknow"

export class TodoList extends R.Entity { id!: string
  todoAppId!: string
  itemCount = 0

  constructor(public name: string) {

class Entities extends R.Entities<TodoList> {}
new Entities(TodoList)

The itemCount will be computed dynamically, and will be used to populate an index for sorting purposes.

The TodoApp follows the same pattern. We also see a ListSortOrder type acting as a TypeScript enumeration:

import * as R from "reknow"

export type ListSortOrder = "byCreatedAt" | "byName" | "byItemCount"

export class TodoApp extends R.Entity { id!: string
  listSortOrder: ListSortOrder = "byCreatedAt"

class Entities extends R.Entities<TodoApp> {}
new Entities(TodoApp)

Define Relationships

With the properties defined, we can give the data some structure by defining relationships:

TodoApp --< TodoList --< TodoListItem

Starting with TodoList:

  @R.hasMany(() => TodoListItem, "todoListId", {
    sort: "+createdAt",
    dependent: "remove",
  items!: Array<TodoListItem>

This declares that a TodoList has many TodoListItems, each identified by a todoListId property that matches the TodoList's id. Those items will appear in an items property as an array of TodoListItems. That property will be managed by Reknow and won't be set explicitly by the application, hence the ! in the declaration. Furthermore, the resulting array will be sorted by each item's createdAt property in ascending order, and if the list is removed, all of its items will also be removed.

Behind the scenes, Reknow will create and maintain an index on TodoListItem organized by ("=todoListId", "+createdAt"). The items property effectively acts like a getter that looks up the appropriate todoListId in that index. A TodoList instance itself contains no items.

The TodoApp is similar in that it "owns" a list of TodoLists, but it defines multiple relationships for accessing that same list with different orderings:

  @R.hasMany(() => TodoList, "todoAppId", {dependent: "remove"})
  todoLists!: Array<TodoList>

  @R.hasMany(() => TodoList, "todoAppId", {sort: "+name"})
  todoListsByName!: Array<TodoList>

  @R.hasMany(() => TodoList, "todoAppId", {sort: "+createdAt"})
  todoListsByCreatedAt!: Array<TodoList>

  @R.hasMany(() => TodoList, "todoAppId", {sort: "-itemCount"})
  todoListsByItemCount!: Array<TodoList>

The first declaration will be the "main" relationship - it's the one that the application will use to add new items, and is also responsible for removing the lists when the TodoApp is removed. The remaining relationships retrieve the same items using different sort orderings. Again, none of these relationships are actual data on the TodoApp - each acts as a lookup into an index that Reknow automatically creates on TodoList.

For completeness, we also define @R.belongsTo relationships that go in the "opposite" direction, so that a TodoList can reference its "owning" TodoApp:

  @R.belongsTo(() => TodoApp, "todoAppId") todoApp!: TodoApp

and a TodoListItem can reference its "owning" list:

  @R.belongsTo(() => TodoList, "todoListId") todoList!: TodoList

The application doesn't actually use these values, but it's good to declare them since they help give more structure to the data.

Define Actions

With the data modeled and structured, we can now define the actions we expect the application to take on the data. In our case, those are:

  • add a new list
  • add an item to a list
  • mark an item as complete
  • select a different sort ordering for the lists

To add a new list, TodoApp defines this method, marking it with @R.action since it will be modifying state:

  @R.action addList(value: string) {
    const todoList = new TodoList(value).addEntity()

It uses the pattern of creating and adding the model object to Reknow in a single step, which again is good practice so that the application doesn't accidentally use a "raw" unproxied TodoList. It then sets up the relationship between the TodoApp and the new TodoList by pushing it into the relationship. Behind the scenes, all that push call does is set the todoAppId property of the TodoList. The TodoApp could do that instead of calling push with the exact same effect, but the push call makes the intention a little clearer for someone reading the code later.

Adding an item to a list is similar, as shown in TodoList:

  @R.action addItem(value: string) {
    const item = new TodoListItem(value).addEntity()

Marking an item as complete is found in TodoListItem:

  @R.action setComplete() {
    this.complete = true

Note that @R.action can be used with setters, but that can be awkward, since you need to define a corresponding getter and a different "backing" property:

  this._complete = false

  @R.action set complete(complete:boolean) {
    this._complete = complete

  get complete() {
    return this._complete

Selecting a sort ordering for the TodoLists is found in TodoApp

  @R.action setListSortOrder(val: ListSortOrder) {
    this.listSortOrder = val

Note that this only sets a property. We'll see in the next section how the sort order is actually changed.

Select Data

The app's UI will by driven by the data in the model. Most of the data we need is already defined: the relationships allow the UI to step through lists and items in each list, while each model's properties provide the data to be displayed for each list and item.

There are a couple special cases to note. The first is the sort ordering of the lists, which the user can select by name, creation time, or number of items. We've chosen to implement that by defining three separate relationships, each referencing the same list of items but ordered in different ways. The choice of sort order is specified in the listSortOrder property. To implement this, we'll define a getter on TodoApp that does what we want:

  @R.query get sortedTodoLists() {
    switch (this.listSortOrder) {
      case "byName":
        return this.todoListsByName
      case "byItemCount":
        return this.todoListsByItemCount
        return this.todoListsByCreatedAt

Here we've chosen to mark the method as an @R.query just as an illustration. As a reminder, that causes the getter to cache its value, so that the next time it is called, it will return the same value. But if any of its dependents change, such as the value of listSortOrder, or the list of items held by the returned relationship, then the query will be invalidated and recalculated when next called. In this case, the caching behavior isn't particularly helpful since the method is just doing a simple lookup, but for more expensive calculations the declaration may be worthwhile.

The other interesting case is the way each list displays its items, with the incomplete items at the top and the complete items at the bottom, with each sub-list sorted by creation time. There are several ways to implement this, but in our case we'll use this as an opportunity to demonstrate custom indexes.

In TodoListItem we define an index:

class Entities extends R.Entities<TodoListItem> {
  @R.index("=todoListId", "=complete", "+createdAt") byComplete!: R.HashIndex<

export const TodoListItemEntities = new Entities(TodoListItem)

As described previously, this causes Reknow to maintain a structure of objects indexed by "todoListId", each pointing to an object indexed by the value of "complete", each pointing to a list of TodoListItems. Keeping in mind that all object keys are converted to strings, that structure might look like this:

  "13": {
    "true": [
    "false": [

The class also now exports TodoListItemEntities (the singleton, not the Entities class), since it now has something in it that may be of interest to the application.

With this index in place, each TodoList can return its complete and incomplete items by traversing that index structure:

  @R.query get completeItems() {
    return TodoListItemEntities.byComplete[]?.true || []

  @R.query get incompleteItems() {
    return TodoListItemEntities.byComplete[]?.false || []

Note the ?. and || [] used to protect against values not being found in the index, since Reknow will not keep empty objects or arrays around in its indexes. Also note the .true and .false, which shouldn't be confused with actual boolean values - they're just shorthand for ["true"] and ["false"].

Once again we mark the method with @R.query just for illustration. Because the methods are simple lookups, caching their values probably isn't a big help. On the other hand, if we had chosen to implement the methods using some computation without an index, then caching the result might make more sense. For example:

  @R.query get completeItems() {
    return this.items.filter(item => item.complete)

  @R.query get incompleteItems() {
    return this.items.filter(item => !item.complete)


We have one remaining function, which is the ability to sort lists by the number of items they contain. We want to use an index to do this so it can be expressed as a simple todoListsByItemCount relationship. Indexes can only operate on actual properties of an instance, which means that we need to maintain an itemCount property for each list, keeping that property up to date whenever the list of items changes.

TodoList shows how to do this with a @R.reaction:

  @R.reaction computeItemCount() {
    this.itemCount = this.items.length


We haven't spent much time looking at TextInput, except to note that it's an example of a reusable React component using Reknow for its state. Beyond holding data, there isn't much else to note about it, except that its onValue property is a Function. This is perfectly fine with Reknow, as long as it's understood that Reknow will only consider that property to have changed if it is assigned a new Function - the Function returning a new value, for example, would not be considered a property change by Reknow.

Models class

The Models file is where the Entities are registered with a Reknow StateManager. Each Entity class is imported and included in the entities initializer (in this case, placed in a todo namespace just for illustration).

The StateManager is also configured with a couple listeners that let you see some of the inner workings of Reknow in the console. These outputs are formatted for readability - if you want to the see the "raw" JSON being emitted, you can replace them with (e) => console.log(JSON.stringify(e, null, 2)).

  listener: (e) => console.log(R.stringifyTransaction(e)),
  debugListener: (e) => console.log(R.stringifyDebugEvent(e)),

The Models fils also handles the connection to react-reknow, setting up the useQuery and useComponentEntity hooks that will be used by the application's React components.

export const {useQuery, useComponentEntity} = ReactReknow(models)

React components

Building React components with Reknow is fairly straightforward. Components can directly access Entities, properties, relationships, indexes, etc. out of Reknow, and components are free to invoke actions on model objects directly.

Where things get tricky is reacting to changes in Reknow model objects. When a model object changes, Reknow tends to minimize the impact on the resulting React components, so as to avoid needless re-rendering. In exchange for this efficiency, React components must explicitly subscribe to the model object changes that will cause them to re-render.

This is where the useQuery hook comes into play. useQuery will evaluate a function, and if any dependency of that function changes, the component will re-render. Consider TodoListView, which takes a TodoList as a parameter:

export const TodoListView: React.FC<{todoList: TodoList}> = (params) => {
  const todoList = useQuery(() => params.todoList)
  const incompleteItems = useQuery(() => todoList.incompleteItems)
  const completeItems = useQuery(() => todoList.completeItems)

We'll explain in a bit why those particular useQuery calls are needed.

Rendering and Invoking Actions

With the above data available, the component can now render its HTML using the usual React techniques:

  return (
        List {}
        <button onClick={() => todoList.remove()}>Remove</button>
        { => (
          <TodoListItemView item={item} key={} />
        { => (
          <TodoListItemView item={item} key={} />
        Add new todo:
          caption="Add Item"
          onValue={(v) => todoList.addItem(v)}

A few things to note:

  • Values extracted from Entities can be used directly:
List {}
  • Actions on Reknow objects can be called directly in response to user actions:
<button onClick={() => todoList.remove()}>Remove</button>
  • Reknow values can be passed to other components:
        { => (
          <TodoListItemView item={item} key={} />
  • When iterating over lists, React requires each nested list item to specify a key. If the item is an Entity, the item's id can serve as that key.
          <TodoListItemView item={item} key={} />

When to Use useQuery

As described earlier, Reknow tends to minimize the re-renderings that take place in response to a data change. Components need to explicitly subscribe to data changes using useQuery, which will force a re-render if the useQuery references or returns Reknow data that later changes.

The trick is understanding what causes Reknow data to appear to "change", and therefore trigger a re-render. In general, changes are localized, and do not "bubble up" through structures like relationships and indexes. For example, consider TodoList, and its relationship to TodoListItem:

  • TodoList
    • Has "own" properties: id, todoAppId, name, itemCount
    • HasMany "items" (relationship to TodoListItem)
      • TodoListItem
        • Has "own" properties: id, todoListId, name, createdAt, complete

A TodoList has its "own" properties which it stores directly. If any of those properties changes, then the TodoList is considered changed. A useQuery that returns a TodoList will force a re-render in that case.

const todoList = useQuery(() => params.todoList)
return <>The list's name is {}</>

A TodoList also has an items relationship, but changes in that relationship are not considered changes in the TodoList itself. If an item is added or removed, the TodoList is not considered changed, and a useQuery listening to just the TodoList will not trigger a re-render. This code, for example, will not properly re-render:

const todoList = useQuery(() => params.todoList)
return <>
  The list's name is {}
  { => <div>An item</div>)}

This component is only listening for changes on todoList, so changes to the items relationship will not trigger a re-render. If the component wants to be re-rendered whenever the list of items changes, then it needs to subscribe to that list explicitly:

const todoList = useQuery(() => params.todoList)
const items = useQuery(() => params.todoList.items)
return <>
  The list's name is {}
  { => <div>An item</div>)}

The items relationship will be considered "changed" if the list of items changes or the ordering of those items changes. So adding or removing items, or pointing elements at different items, will be considered "changes" and will force a re-render.

But changes within each TodoListItem are not automatically considered changes to the items relationship. For example, if one of the items changes its name, the items relationship will not be considered changed, and no re-render will be forced. The items relationship is only considered changed if a TodoListItem changes a property that affects its membership or ordering in the items list.

So this code will not re-render properly:

const todoList = useQuery(() => params.todoList)
const items = useQuery(() => params.todoList.items)
return <>
  The list's name is {}
  { => <div>Item: {}</div>)}

To get this to re-render properly, each item must individually subscribe using its own useQuery. Because of the Rules of Hooks, we can't call useQuery in loops or condition, so we need to break out the TodoListItem into its own component, so that each item gets its own useQuery call:

const TodoListView: React.FC<{todoList: TodoList}> = (params) => {
  const todoList = useQuery(() => params.todoList)
  const items = useQuery(() => params.todoList.items)
  return <>
    The list's name is {}
    { => <TodoListItemView item={item} key={}/>)}

const TodoListItemView: React.FC<{item: TodoListItem}> = (params) => {
  const item = useQuery(() => params.item)
  return <>
    Item: {}

With all this in place, every component is properly subscribed to the data it needs, and changes in the data will force a re-render of only the affected components.

Other useQuery Scenarios

The useQuery hook can access any data available through Reknow. As described earlier, this might include references to Entities, their properties, and their relationships, as long as it's properly understood what changes will force re-renders.

If a useQuery accesses @R.query methods on Entity, Entities, or Service instances, then when the @R.query is invalidated, the useQuery will force a re-render.

If a useQuery accesses indexes on Entities instances, then changes to the indexes will force re-rendering. Index changes are similar to Entity changes, in that the changes are localized and do not "bubble up" through the layers of index structures. A HashIndex or SortIndex object will only "change" if its list of keys changes, or if those keys point to new values.


The other React hook used by Reknow is useComponentEntity. This is similar to useQuery, except that it will automatically manage the Reknow lifecycle of a returned Entity: it will call addEntity() when first called, and will call removeEntity() when the component is unmounted.

This is typically used when a Reknow Entity instance is intended to be "paired" with a React component instance. For example, the TextInputView component keeps its state in a TextInput Entity. The two are connected by useComponentEntity:

  const textInput = useComponentEntity(() => new TextInput("", onValue))

The component can now be assured of having its own TextInput instance which it can read and write. Users of the <TextInputView/> don't even need to be aware of Reknow's involvement.

The other main use case is the management of a "top-level" component and its associated "top-level" Entity. React applications are often "bootstrapped" by a component which initializes the application and its data. For example, in App.tsx, the application is booted by a "top-level" <TodoAppView/>:

function App() {
  return (
      <TodoAppView />

The TodoAppView.tsx in turn uses useComponentEntity to create and manage the corresponding "top-level" Entity:

export const TodoAppView: React.FC<{}> = (params) => {
  const todoApp = useComponentEntity(() => new TodoApp())

Reknow Data Integration

Besides using Entity instances, Reknow provides several facilities for moving data into and out of a Reknow StateManager. This can be useful for programs that want to save data to an external system, to load data from API responses, etc.

Note that using these mechanisms to bring data into Reknow will bypass any type safety that TypeScript provides. Property values are copied directly from provided Objects into Reknow Entities without regard for their TypeScript declarations. An application is responsible for "sanitizing" any data it plans to use this way, perhaps using something like JSON Schema.

Transaction Listener

As described previously, the StateManager can be configured with a listener function that will be notified of every Transaction. In Reknow terminology, a Transaction is an Action paired with all of its resulting Entity StateChange events. Each Transaction has a simple structure, which can be converted easily to and from JSON (assuming all of the Entities involved have "JSON-able" property values).

The data contained in a Transaction is sufficient to reconstruct the Reknow state. If an application saved every Transaction from the start of the program, then reapplied those Transactions in order to a fresh StateManager, it should end up with the exact same state.

Applying Transactions

An application can apply Transactions directly into a StateManager by calling applyTransaction(), effecting all of the state changes described by that Transaction. This allows an application to receive and apply Transactions from some external source. It also allows an application to create and apply its own Transactions. "Undo" is the most common example of this, where an application takes a Transaction, creates its "inverse", then applies that inverse.

When applying a Transaction, an application can choose to either apply the state changes in the Transaction, or to invoke the Action specified by the Transaction. In the latter case, Reknow would be invoking the specified method on the specified Entity, Entities, or Service, passing in the specified arguments. This may be useful for applications in a collaborative editing situation, where applying actions may be easier than trying to resolve conflicting state changes.

When a Transaction is applied, the Transaction is not reported to the StateManager's Transaction listener. However, the rest of the usual action sequence does take place: @R.reaction methods are called, @R.query methods are invalidated, and effects (e.g., @R.afterAdd) are called.

If a Transaction includes an addEntity, then an Entity instance of the correct type is created, populated with the specified property values, and added to Reknow. However, the instance's constructor method is not called as part of its creation.

Adding Objects

Sometimes it is more convnient to add data to Reknow without creating Entity instances. For example, if JSON data is received from a network request, an application may prefer to add that data directly into Reknow without converting it to an Entity instance first.

In these situations, an application can call addEntityObject() on the appropriate Entities instance. For example, instead of calling this:

const todoList = TodoListEntities.add(new TodoList("shopping"))

An application could call this instead:

const todoList = TodoListEntities.addObject({name: "shopping"})

Internally, Reknow will create a TodoList instance and assign it all the properties from that Object (just name, in this case). After that, it will follow the normal process of adding an Entity: assigning an id (if one isn't already specified), calling @R.reactions, and calling @R.afterAdd effects.

Note, however, that the constructor function is not called on the TodoList. So any initialization that would happen in the constructor would not take place in this instance. For example:

export class TodoList extends R.Entity {
  itemCount = 0
  constructor(public name: string) {
  @R.reaction computeItemCount() {
    this.itemCount = this.items.length

The constructor would not be called, nor would itemCount be set automatically to 0. In this case, this isn't a problem since the constructor doesn't do anything except assign name, and itemCount is assigned later in the computeItemCount reaction.

Adding Object Graphs

The real power of addObject is its ability to add entire "graphs" of Objects. If the added Object contains properties that correspond to the Entity's relationships, then those Objects will be added as well. For example:

const obj = {
  name: "shopping",
  items: [
    {name: "milk", complete: false, createdAt: "2021-04-02T09:48:40.911Z"},
    {name: "eggs", complete: false, createdAt: "2021-04-02T09:48:48.000Z"}
const todoList = TodoListEntities.addObject(obj)

This will result in a TodoList being created and added, and also two TodoListItem instances being created and added, and having their todoListId properties set to point at the id of the TodoList.

addObject will work to any depth of objects and their relationships, and will work through @R.hasMany, @R.hasOne, and @R.belongsTo relationships.

addObject will also remember which Object resulted in which Entity instance, and will reuse those same Entity instances if the same Objects are encountered during that call. This means that the Object that's passed in doesn't have to be a strict tree, but can be an entire graph of Objects, and addObject will correctly sort out the instances and connect them relationally.

Updating Objects

The addObject() call will only add new instances, and will result in an error if an instance is added with the same id as an existing already-added instance.

The updateObject() behaves similarly to addObject(), except that if an object's data includes its id value, Reknow will see if an instance already exists with that same id. If so, then it will update the properties of that instance with the properties from the Object. If not, or if the Object didn't specify an id, then a new instance will be added and assigned that id. This same behavior will "cascade" through all of the Entity's relationships provided by the Object.

Exporting and Importing State

StateManager.exportEntities() will return an object that represents all of the Entity instances that have been added to it. The object will be in this EntitiesExport form:

  entities: {
    <entity type>: {
      byId: {
        <entity id>: {
          <entity's "own" properties>

The entity type is the name of the Entity as it was declared to the StateManager. For example:

export const models = new R.StateManager({
  entities: {
    todo: {

The name used for TodoList would be "todo.TodoList".

Each entity in the resulting structure will only contain its "own" properties. Relationships are not expressed directly here. Assuming all of the properties as JSON-friendly (strings, numbers, booleans, null), this entire structure can be converted to JSON and stored or sent elsewhere.

The importEntities() method does the reverse. It takes an EntitiesExport structure and adds all of the Entities it contains. The same caveats apply to addObject and applyTransaction, in that the constructors of the objects are not called, and the Transaction is not reported to the listener.

The importEntitiesForUpdate() is similar, except that it follows the same rules as updateObject(), in that it will modify existing Entity instances in place, if they have id's that match those specified in the supplied EntitiesExport.

Using With JavaScript

While Reknow was designed to work well with TypeScript, it can also be used with JavaScript. The main adjustment is in the use of decorators. Reknow uses decorators declared on properties, not just methods, and those decorators are not supported by JavaScript. There may also be some environments where decorators cannot be used at all, since they are not (as of this writing) an officially adopted part of the language.

To address this, Reknow provides alternative ways of specifying the various decorators that are used. This is accomplished by calling static methods that mirror the decorators directly on the Entity, Entities, or Service class.

For example, in TypeScript, decorators might be used like this:

export class TodoListItem extends R.Entity { id!: string
  @R.belongsTo(() => TodoList, "todoListId") todoList!: TodoList
  @R.action setComplete() {

In Javascript, it would look like this:

export class TodoListItem extends R.Entity {
  setComplete() {
TodoListItem.belongsTo("todoList", () => TodoList, "todoListId")

Each decorator has a corresponding static method call, in which the name of the property or method appears as the first argument.

These declarations must be made before the class is added to the StateManager.


API Reference

Entity Reference

Entity Instance Methods

The following properties and methods are available to instances of Entity and its application-defined subclasses. Available decorators are specified below.


Constructor constructor()

If an Entity class has a constructor, it should start by calling super() as usual. There are situations where an Entity instance might be created and added without calling its constructor (applyTransaction for example). If an application anticipates being in such a situation, it should avoid doing anything more in its constructor than assigning its parameters to properties. Other initializations can be performed in @R.reaction methods.


Read-only property entityId:string

Returns the id associated with the Entity. Throws an exception if the Entity has not yet been added.


Read-only property entityTypeName:string

Returns the name assigned to the Entity's class when it was added to the StateManager - e.g., todo.TodoListItem. Throws an exception if the Entity has not yet been added.


Read-only property entityName:string

Returns the full name used by the Entity for debugging purposes, defined as {entityTypeName}#{entityId}. Throws an exception if the Entity has not yet been added.


Read-only property currentEntity:this

Returns the current Proxy version of the Entity. If a property of the Entity is changed, its current Proxy is discarded, and a new Proxy will be created with the next call to currentEntity. Throws an exception if the Entity has not yet been added.


Read-only property isEntityRemoved:boolean

Returns true if the Entity had been previously added, and is now removed. The Entity should no longer be used, and should not be re-added.


Method addEntity(id: string | null = null):this

Adds an Entity. The Entity is assigned an id, is added to all appropriate indexes, and any @R.reaction methods are called. At the end of the action, any declared @R.afterAdd methods will be called.

The id assigned to the Entity follows these rules:

  • If an id is passed to addEntity then that becomes the id
  • If the Entity specifies an property and that property is non-null, then that becomes the id
  • If the StateManager was configured with an idGenerator, then that method is called
  • The StateManager's default id generator is called (a simple counter)

An exception is thrown if the id is already assigned to another Entity of the same type.


Method removeEntity():void

Removes an Entity. The Entity is removed from all appropriate indexes and any @R.reaction and @R.query methods on the Entity will no longer receive invalidations.

If the Entity declares relationships with a dependent value specified, then the appropriate action is taken on the Entities in that relationship.

At the end of the action, any declared @R.afterRemove methods will be called.


Method isSameEntity(entity: Entity|null|undefined):boolean

Returns true if the Entity is the same underlying instance as the given entity. Because a single Entity instance can be represented by multiple Proxy instances, this method effectively determines if two Proxies are "pointing" at the same Entity.

Entities Reference

Entities Instance Methods

The following properties and methods are available to instances of Entities and its application-defined subclasses. Available decorators are specified below.

Each application Entity subclass is expected to define an associated Entities subclass, and to create a singleton instance of that Entities class


Constructor constructor(entityClass:EntityClass<E>)

Creates an Entities, specifying the Entity class with which it is associated. Applications should rarely, if ever, need to override this constructor.


Read-only property byId:ById<E>

Provides access to all Entity instances that have been added. The property's value is an object whose keys are the Entity id's, and whose values are the Entity instances.


Method add(entity: E, id: string | null = null):E

Adds an Entity instance. See addEntity.


Method update(entity: E, id: string | null = null):E

Similar to add, except that it behaves differently if another Entity exists with the id that would be assigned to this Entity. In that case, all of the "own" properties from the entity are copied into the existing Entity.


Method addObject(entity: Object, id: string | null = null):E

Creates and adds a new Entity instance, copying its "own" properties from the given entity. The same id generation and effects are followed as addEntity. Note that the Entity instance is created without calling its constructor, which includes TypeScript's property initializations:

export class TodoListItem extends R.Entity {
  // NOT CALLED when created through `addObject`
  complete = false

In addition, if an Entity declares relationships, and the entity object specifies properties corresponding to those relationships, then addObject will be called recursively on those property values, and the resulting Entities will be assigned to the relationships. If the same Object is encountered multiple times in this process, then the same created Entity instance will be reused.


Method updateObject(entity: Object, id: string | null = null):E

Similar to addObject, except that it follows the rules for update. If Entities already exist with the same id, then they will be modified rather than new Entities being created, and those same update rules will be followed recursively through relationships.

If an existing Entity is modified, then only those properties specified in the entity Object will be copied. Other properties will not be affected, or removed.

Similarly, when calling through @R.hasMany relationships, the Entity Objects will be added to the existing relationship, rather than replacing it. For @R.hasOne and @R.belongsTo, the Entity Objects may end up replacing the existing Entity.


Method remove(entity: E):void

Removes an Entity instance. See removeEntity.


Method removeAll():void

Convenience method that calls remove for every Entity instance.


Service Instance Methods

Constructor constructor()

Creates a Service instance. Applications should rarely, if ever, need to override this constructor.


TBD - coming soon


TBD - coming soon


TBD - coming soon


id or static id(propertyName)

May only be specified for a string property of an Entity class.

Designates a property to contain an Entity's id. If the property has a value when the Entity is added, then that property's value becomes the Entity's id (unless overridden by an id passed explicitly to the addEntity call). Otherwise, that property will be set to the id assigned to the Entity.


@R.action or static action(methodName)

May only be specified for a non-getter/setter method of an Entity, Entities, or Service class.

Indicates that the given method will execute in the context of an action. If an action is not in place when the method is called, then an action will be started before the method executes, and will be ended when the method finishes executing. If an action is already in place when the method is called, then the method is executed without additional processing.

Action methods should perform no other side effects besides modifying Reknow state, and should rely on no other data besides their parameters and existing Reknow state.


@R.query or static action(getterName)

May only be specified for a getter in an Entity, Entities, or Service class.

Indicates that the given method will be executed as a Query. Its return value will be cached and returned on subsequent calls without executing the body of the method. If the query's result is invalidated, then the cached value will be discarded and recomputed the next time the method is called. When the body of the method executes, Reknow will record its dependencies and subscribe to changes in those dependencies, invalidating the query's result if any dependency changes. The rules for what constitutes an invalidating change are described in Invalidation Rules.

If an @R.query is called by another query, then the called query itself becomes a dependent of the calling query. If the called query's result is later invalidated, the calling query will also invalidate its result.

If @R.query is specified for an Entity, then the query is "disconnected" when the Entity is removed, meaning that it no longer subscribes to changes, nor does it publish invalidations to calling queries.

Query methods should rely solely on existing Reknow state, and should not modify that state or perform other side effects or use data outside of Reknow.


@R.reaction or static reaction(methodName)

May only be specified for a non-getter/setter no-argument method of an Entity, Entities, or Service class.

Indicates that the given method will be executed as a Reaction. The method will be executed once on startup (for an Entities or Service class), or upon being added (for an Entity class). As the body of the reaction executes, Reknow will record its dependencies and subscribe to changes in those dependencies. If a dependency later changes as part of some action, the reaction will be called at the end of that action.

Reaction methods should perform no other side effects besides modifying Reknow state, and should rely on no other data besides existing Reknow state.

Reactions are typically used to set "computed" properties derived from other state values. While an @R.query can achieve the same effect, the advantage of using an @R.action is that it can assign the result of its computation to an "own" property, which can then be indexed, unlike @R.query methods which cannot be used to drive indexes.

Applications do not typically call @R.reaction methods directly.

@R.hasMany<E extends Entity>(
  foreignEntityFunc: () => EntityClass<E>,
  foreignKey: string,
  options: HasManyOptions | null = null

type HasManyOptions {
  primaryKey?: string
  dependent?: "none" | "remove" | "nullify"
  sort?: HasManySort


static hasMany(propertyName, foreignEntityFunc, foreignKey, options)

May only be specified for a property of an Entity class.

Declares a "hasMany" relationship between an instance of the "primary" Entity class (the one declaring the relationship), and instances of a "foreign" Entity class (which may be the same class). The relationship will appear as a property of type Array<E>.

The instances in the relationship will be those "foreign" Entity instances whose foreignKey property === the "primary" Entity instance's primaryKey. By default the primaryKey is the Entity's id, but a different primary key property can be specified in the options.

By default the instances in the relationships are ordered by their id. This sort ordering can be overridden by specifying a sort option, which can take on these forms:

  • "name": the name of the property, assumed to be ascending order
  • "+name" or "-name": the name of the property in ascending or descending order
  • [...]: an array of the above forms, in any combination, specifying the comparison priority for sorts. If two elements have the same value for the first property, then the second property will be compared, etc.

In all cases, the Entity id's are used as the final comparison between instances. null property values are considered to be less than all other values.

The dependent option declares what happens to foreign Entities in the relationship if the primary Entity is removed, or if instances are removed from the relationship:

  • "none" (default): nothing happens to the foreign instances
  • "remove": the foreign instances are removed (i.e., equivalent of calling remove())
  • "nullify": the foreign key property on the foreign instances are set to null

The array property is partially mutable - items can be added or removed or replaced, but attempts to reorder the elements of the array will be ignored. An entirely new array can even be assigned to the property. If an Entity is added, then its foreignKey property wlil be set to the primaryKey. The array elements will always follow the specified sort order. If a mutation causes an element to be removed (pop(), items[0] = newValue, etc.), the removed element will follow the dependent option above, except that the "none" option is treated the same as "nullify".

@R.hasOne<E extends Entity>(
  foreignEntityFunc: () => EntityClass<E>,
  foreignKey: string,
  options: HasOneOptions | null = null

type HasOneOptions {
  primaryKey?: string
  dependent?: "none" | "remove" | "nullify"


static hasOne(propertyName, foreignEntityFunc, foreignKey, options)

May only be specified for a property of an Entity class.

Declares a "hasOne" relationship between an instance of the "primary" Entity class (the one declaring the relationship), and zero or one instance of a "foreign" Entity class (which may be the same class). The relationship will appear as a property of type E|null.

The instance in the relationship will be the "foreign" Entity instance whose foreignKey property === the "primary" Entity instance's primaryKey. By default the primaryKey is the Entity's id, but a different primary key property can be specified in the options. If no "foreign" Entity matches, then the relationship's value is null.

The dependent option declares what happens to the foreign Entity if the primary Entity is removed, or if the foreign Entity is replaced:

  • "none" (default): nothing happens to the foreign instance
  • "remove": the foreign instance is removed (i.e., equivalent of calling remove())
  • "nullify": the foreign key property on the foreign instance is set to null

The property is mutable, in that it can be assigned a different foreign Entity, or null. If a different foreign Entity is assigned, then its foreignKey is set to the value of the primary key. If a foreign Entity is removed or replaced, then the removed element will follow the dependent option above, except that the "none" option is treated the same as "nullify".

A hasMany declaration will implicitly create or use a uniqueIndex on the foreign Entity, which enforces uniqueness of the foreignKey property. If that uniqueness is ever violated (two Entity instances are assigned the same foreignKey property value), an exception is thrown immediately.

belongsTo<E extends Entity>(
  foreignEntityFunc: () => EntityClass<E>,
  primaryKey: string,
  options: BelongsToOptions | null = null

type BelongsToOptions {
  foreignKey?: string | null
  dependent?: "none" | "remove" | null


static hasOne(propertyName, foreignEntityFunc, primaryKey, options)

May only be specified for a property of an Entity class.

Declares a "belongsTo" relationship between an instance of the "primary" Entity class (the one declaring the relationship), and zero or one instance of a "foreign" Entity class (which may be the same class). The relationship will appear as a property of type E|null.

The instance in the relationship will be the "foreign" Entity instance whose foreignKey property === the "primary" Entity instance's primaryKey. By default the foreignKey is the foreign Entity's id, but a different foreign key property can be specified in the options. If no "foreign" Entity matches, then the relationship's value is null.

The dependent option declares what happens to the foreign Entity if the primary Entity is removed, or if the foreign Entity is replaced (note that it is not typical to specify a dependent option on a belongsTo relationship):

  • "none" (default): nothing happens to the foreign instance
  • "remove": the foreign instance is removed (i.e., equivalent of calling remove())
  • "nullify": the foreign key property on the foreign instance is set to null

The property is mutable, in that it can be assigned a different foreign Entity, or null. If a different foreign Entity is assigned, then the primary Entity's primaryKey value is set to the value of the foreign Entity's foreignKey. If a foreign Entity is removed or replaced, then the removed element will follow the dependent option above, except that the "none" option is treated the same as "nullify".

A belongsTo declaration will implicitly create or use a uniqueIndex on the foreign Entity, which enforces uniqueness of the foreignKey property. If that uniqueness is ever violated (two Entity instances are assigned the same foreignKey property value), an exception is thrown immediately.


@R.afterAdd or static afterAdd(methodName)

May only be specified for a non-getter/setter no-argument method of an Entity class.

Declares an "effect" to be called after an Entity has been added to Reknow.

Effects are performed after the action has completed and are technically considered to be occurring outside of the action. An effect may perform side effects, interact with other systems, access any data, and even initiate other Reknow actions.


@R.afterRemove or static afterRemove(methodName)

May only be specified for a non-getter/setter no-argument method of an Entity class.

Declares an "effect" to be called after an Entity has been removed from Reknow.

Effects are performed after the action has completed and are technically considered to be occurring outside of the action. An effect may perform side effects, interact with other systems, access any data, and even initiate other Reknow actions.


@R.afterChange or static afterChange(methodName)

May only be specified for a non-getter/setter no-argument method of an Entity class.

Declares an "effect" to be called after an "own" property of an Entity has been changed.

Effects are performed after the action has completed and are technically considered to be occurring outside of the action. An effect may perform side effects, interact with other systems, access any data, and even initiate other Reknow actions.


@R.afterPropertyChange(propertyName:string) OR static afterChange(methodName, propertyName)

May only be specified for a non-getter/setter method of an Entity class. The method must accept a single oldValue parameter.

Declares an "effect" to be called after the specified "own" property of an Entity has changed. The method will be passed a single argument containing the previous value of the property.

Effects are performed after the action has completed and are technically considered to be occurring outside of the action. An effect may perform side effects, interact with other systems, access any data, and even initiate other Reknow actions.


@R.index(...terms: Array<string>) or static index(name, ...terms)

May only be specified for a property of an Entities class.

Declares that a property will hold an automatically-maintained structure that organizes the Entity instances associated with the Entities class according to the specified terms. These terms direct the structure to either group Entities by matching "own" property values (HashIndex), or sort them by a set of property values (SortIndex), or a combination of the two.

The terms specify an ordered list of property names, each prefixed with either =, +, or -. Any combination and number of terms and prefixes may be used, but all = terms must appear before any + or - terms.


@R.uniqueIndex(...terms: Array<string>) or static uniqueIndex(name, ...terms)

May only be specified for a property of an Entities class.

Invalidation Rules

These are the rules that govern what dependencies are formed when evaluating an @R.query or useQuery, and what data changes will trigger those dependencies, resulting in the invalidation of an @R.query or a re-rendering of a useQuery.

These rules are easier to understand if you know how Reknow stores its data internally. From the perspective of dependencies and invalidation, Reknow only uses a few data structures, which it categorized into either "Reknow Objects" (key/value pairs) or "Reknow Arrays":

  • Entities - these are considered to be "Objects", holding only the Entity's "own" properties. The Entity's relationships, queries, etc. are not considered part of the "own" properties.
  • HashIndexes - these are considered to be "Objects", in which each key maps to either an Entity, another HashIndex, or a SortIndex. This includes the byId index automatically created for each Entities, indexes declared by the application, and indexes created implicitly by relationships.
  • SortIndexes - these are considered to be "Arrays", in which the elements are Entity instances.

With that in mind, here are the dependency and invalidation rules:

  • If a query accesses a property of a Reknow Object (Entity or HashIndex), then the query will be invalidated if that property changes.

    • "Accessing a property" means:

      • Retrieving the property's value (
      • Referencing the property with Object.hasOwnProperty()
      • Retrieving the property's descriptor with Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor()
    • "Property changes" means:

      • The property is added to the Object
      • The property is removed from the Object (delete
      • The property's value changes (where newValue !== oldValue)
    • This only applies to properties whose names are strings. Symbol property names are effectively ignored by Reknow - they are passed straight to the underlying Entity without any dependency detection.

  • If a query accesses the keys of a Reknow Object (Entity or HashIndex), then the query will be invalidated if the Object's list of keys changes.

    • "Accesses the keys of an Object" means:

      • Iterating over the keys using a loop
      • Implicitly iterating over the keys using a for...of loop
      • Calling methods that implicitly iterate over the keys, such as JSON.stringify
      • Using Object.keys() on the Object
      • Using Object.getOwnPropertyNames() on the Object
      • Using Reflect.ownKeys() on the Object
    • "List of keys changes" means:

      • A new property is added to the Object
      • An existing property is deleted from the Object
  • If a query returns a Reknow Object (Entity or HashIndex), then the query will be invalidated if any property of the Object changes, or if the Object's list of keys changes.

  • If a query accesses a Reknow Array (SortIndex), then the query will be invalidated if the Array changes.

    • "Accesing a Reknow Array" means:

      • Retrieving the length of the Array
      • Retrieving an indexed element of the Array (myArray[12])
      • Retrieving the keys of the Array (same as "accesses the keys of an Object" above)
    • "Array changes" means:

      • The length of the Array changes
      • An element of the Array changes value (where newValue !== oldValue)
  • If a query retrieves the value of a another query, then the original query will be invalidated if the retrieved query is invalidated.

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