
0.1.2 • Public • Published


redux-via provides a basis for using Redux across boundaries with Flux Standard Actions.

By the way, via is Latin for "road", which brings us to a very important question: Why did the Redux FSA-compliant action cross the road? To get reduced at the other side. Duh!


OK, let's pretend that supposed joke never happened and get to the point.


First, install an adapter:

Client and server side configuration look very similar. Specifics will depend on the adapter API. We'll use the names outViaAdapter and inViaAdapter just for the example.

import {inClientViaAdapter as inViaAdapter} from 'redux-via-adapter';
import {outClientViaAdapter as outViaAdapter} from 'redux-via-adapter'; the client side, or...

import {inServerViaAdapter as inViaAdapter} from 'redux-via-adapter';
import {outServerViaAdapter as outViaAdapter} from 'redux-via-adapter'; the server side. Then...

// ...
const transport = ...; // object dealing with communication
const finalCreateStore = compose(
    outViaAdapter(transport), // initialize for outcoming actions
const store = finalCreateStore(rootReducer, initialState);
// initialize for incoming actions
inViaAdapter(transport, store.dispatch);

Meta options

Action flow is controlled by options specified in the meta property.

Client side

broadcast (Boolean)

If true, sends the action to all the other clients. Default value: false

server (Boolean)

If true, sends the action to the server. Default value: false

next (Boolean)

If true, the action continues to the next middleware or the reducer, locally in the server. Default value: true

Server side

broadcast (Boolean)

If true, sends the action to all the clients except the specified in client. Default value: false

client (String)

If broadcast is false, sends the action the specified client. If broadcast is true, sends the action to all clients except the specified client. Default value: undefined

next (Boolean)

If true, the action continues to the next middleware or the reducer in the client(s). Default value: true

Meta object keys conflicts

If redux-via meta keys conflict with other meta keys, use the meta.noConflict function. For example:

// before
const action = {
  type: 'ACTION',
  meta: {server: true} // say this is causing an error in another library
// after
import {meta} from 'redux-via';
const action = {
  type: 'ACTION',
  meta: {
    server: 'a-server-name-for-who-knows-what',
    ...meta.noConflict({server: true})  // PEACE!

Implementing an adapter

// Doc in progress... In the meantime, can provide an example of how to do it.

npm install --save redux-via

inClientVia(dispatch: Function, action: Object)

Handles incoming actions at client side. Arguments:

  • dispatch: The dispatch function from store.
  • action: The action object.

outClientVia(cross: Function): Function

Builds a middleware that handles outcoming actions at client side. Arguments:

  • cross: The function to cross the action out of the client boundary.
  • Returns a Redux middleware

inServerVia(dispatch: Function, action: Object, client: String)

Handles incoming actions at server side. Arguments:

  • dispatch: The dispatch function from store.
  • action: The action object.
  • client: The client identifier.

outServerVia(cross: Function): Function

Builds a middleware that handles outcoming actions at server side. Arguments:

  • cross: The function to cross the action out of the server boundary.
  • Returns a Redux middleware

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  • rstuven