Typesafely create actions and reducers for Redux in TypeScript.
Using this library possibly makes modules Ducks-like.
npm install redux-typed-action --save
Create action creators and a reducer using createAction
and createReducer
provided by redux-typed-action.
console.logcounterActions.increment // { type: 'INCREMENT' }console.logcounterActions.add100 // { type: 'ADD', payload: 100 }// counterActions.increment(100) // compile error: payload of increment() requires undefined// counterActions.add('100') // compile error: payload of add() requires number
And use them normally with combineReducers
, createStore
, bindActionCreators
of Redux.
console.logstore.getState // { counter: 0 }actions.counter.incrementconsole.logstore.getState // { counter: 1 }actions.counter.add100console.logstore.getState // { counter: 101 } // actions.counter.increment(100) // compile error: payload of increment() requires undefined// actions.counter.add('100') // compile error: payload of add() requires number
Using Redux requires some boilerplate code.
In TypeScript, redundant code increases.
The reducer have to identify the type of the action by the type
Therefore, each action should be typed explicitly and that type will be shared with the action creator and the reducer.
// cf.
But it is painful to define type for each action.
This library offers you to declare type of payload as an inline type literal and use that payload immediately once.
The created action creator requires a parameter of the type declared above. The compiler and IDE will help you. I think this way is safe, efficient and easy to maintain.
createAction<State, Payload, Metadata>(type: string, handler: (State, Payload, Metadata) => State, metadataFactory: Payload => Metadata) => ActionCreator<State, Payload, Metadata>
Returns a new action creator.
createReducer<State>(actions: Record<string, ActionCreator<State, any, any>>, initialState: State) => Reducer<State>
Returns a new reducer.