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1.6.0 • Public • Published

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Redux As Repo

This library provides utility functions to deal with redux without the boilerplate.

Usage Examples on CodeSandbox


npm i redux-as-repo
# using yarn
yarn add redux-as-repo


import { repoReducer } from 'redux-as-repo';

// in your rootReducer, add the repoReducer

	repository: repoReducer,

// or if you are using a reducer registry

reducerRegistry.register('repository', repoReducer);
import { all, fork } from 'react-sagas/effects';
import { createRepoSaga } from 'redux-as-repo';
import { axiosInstance } from 'your/axios/instance';

// in your rootSaga, create repoSaga

const handleResponse = (axiosData) => {
	if (...){
		return ...
	return ...

const repoSaga = createRepoSaga(axiosInstance, handleResponse);

export default function* rootSaga() {
	yield all([fork(repoSaga)]);

createRepoSaga takes 2 arguments:

  1. axiosInstance which is required
  2. response handler: optional (if your backend has fixed format to return data, you can create a handler that returns a portion of response and store it inside the key data)
	"result": [],
	"status": "success",
	"errorMessage": "...",
	"errorCode": "..."

if you need just result, define a response handler and pass it to createRepoSaga

const handleResponse = data => {
	if (status === 'success') {
		return data.result;
	} else throw new Error(data.errorMessage);

Throwing an error will cause a FETCH_ERROR action to be dispatched

Common Action Creators

actionCreator args saga effect Description
fetchInit FetchOptions takeEvery Every action is handled by the repo reducer
fetchLatest FetchOptions takeLatest Only last resolved value will be taken into consideration by the repo reducer
fetchFirst FetchOptions takeLeading it blocks all upcoming actions FETCH_FIRST until the previous action is handled by repo reducer
fetchNewInit FetchOptions takeEvery same as fetchInit but creates a new namespace template for each request
fetchClear string None No Saga effect, will clear the namespace in question
updateRepository UpdateOptions takeEvery update/create new namespace with the resulting of compute method


repository slice in redux store handled by common action creators to store data.

Property Type required Description
url string Yes url
namespace string Yes where to store the dara inside repository
config AxiosRequestConfig Axios config object (method, data, params)
successCb Action Creator Function that takes response data as an argument and returns an action (data) => ({type:'SOME_ACTION', data})
errorCb Action Creator same as successCb but will take error as callback argument
autoClear boolean will clear the namespace after success
skipResponseHandler boolean if you are using response handler that you want to disable for this specific request , pass this option as true
selector Function A selector that returns an object with the desired to be formatted keys: state => ( { projectId: state.projectId })
const url = '/randomLink/{projectId}'
projectId will be replaced therefore by the value coming from the selector
export function fetchProjects() {
	return fetchInit(({
		namespace: 'projects'

//in your YourComponent
import { useDispatch } from 'react-redux';
import { fetchProjects } from 'path/of/your_redux_actions';

const MyComponent = () => {
	const dispatch = useDispatch()

	useEffect(() => {

	return (...)
  1. dispatch action of type : @repo-as-reducer/FETCH_INIT
  2. an xhr call to url with options provided
  3. response data will be stored inside repository.projects

data is stored in this format

        repository: {
            projects: {
                data: [...],
                error: false,
                loading: false,
                success: true,
                trace: null,


Use this common action creator for creating a new namespace or updating an existing namespace.


UpdateOptions {
	namespace: string;
	compute: (namespaceState: undefined | NamespaceState) => NewNamespaceState;


function updateProject(newValue) {
	return updateRepository({
		namespace: 'projects',
		compute: oldNamespaceState => ({
			key: newValue,


to get stored data by namespace use getData(namespace) this will create a memoized selector.

// store/YourComponent/index.ts

import { getData, getLoadingState } from 'redux-as-repo';

const dataSelector = getData(namespace);
const loadingStateSelector = getLoadingState(namespace);

// YourComponent/index.tsx
const data = useSelector(dataSelector);
const isLoading = useSelector(loadingStateSelector);

useNamespace as a custom hook

To get namespace data without using selectors, a custom hook is there for you

import { useNamespace } from 'redux-as-repo';

const { data, error, loading } = useNamespace({
	namespace: 'PROJECTS',
	onSuccess: callback,
	autoClear: true,
Property Type required Description
autoClear boolean default : false clear namespace on component cleanup
namespace string Yes where namespace is saved
onSuccess callback No will be executed if namespace.success is true, data is passed to the callback

Query Hooks Generation

To generate hooks ready to be used in the component


Property Type required Description
namespace string Yes base namespace where to store data {namespace}_{queryName}
queries Hook Yes object that holds all queries methods
interface Hook {
	[key: string]: {
		query: (...args: any[]) => string | HookFetchOptions;
		effect?: `${FetchEffect}`;
		fetchOnMount?: boolean;

interface HookFetchOptions {
	url: string;
	config: AxiosRequestConfig;

export enum FetchEffect {
	New = 'new',
	First = 'first',
	Latest = 'latest',
	Init = 'init',

Generated Hook ReturnType

interface HookResult extends NamespaceState {
	namespace: string;
	refetch: (...args: any[]) => void;

export type NamespaceState = {
	data: any;
	error: boolean;
	loading: boolean;
	success: boolean;
	trace: null | string;
	fullError: null | any;


import { createNamespaceApi, FetchEffect } from 'redux-as-repo';

const hooks = createNamespaceApi({
	namespace: 'todos',
	queries: {
		getTodo: {
			query: () => 'todos',
			effect: FetchEffect.First,
			fetchOnMount: true,
		getTodoById: {
			query: id => `todos/${id}`,
		addTodo: {
			query: data => ({
				url: '/todos',
				config: {
					method: 'post',

export const { useGetTodo, useGetTodoById, useAddTodo } = hooks;

// Component.tsx
const [state, setState] = useState(false);
const [id, setId] = useState(1);

const { data, loading, error, refetch } = useGetTodo({
	autoClear: true,
	onSuccess: console.log,
	deps: [state],

const { refetch: getTodoById } = useGetTodoById(id, {
	deps: [id, state],

const { refetch: addTodo } = useAddTodo({ key: 'value' });
interface HookOptions {
	autoClear?: boolean;
	deps: any[];
	onSuccess: (data: NamespaceState) => any;



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  • chemss91