A node module that checks the health of a Redis server, suitable for use by a service's "health" route.
npm install redis-status --save
var express = ;var router = express; // Construct a `RedisStatus` object configured to check the status of// the Redis server named 'foo' at `redis//localhost:6379`.var fooStatus = name: 'foo' port: 6379 host: 'localhost'; // If 'foo' is healthy, this route will print 'great'; otherwise it will print// the reason that 'foo' is not healthy. A monitoring service like Webmon or// Pingdom can raise non-'great' responses as alerts.router;
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Release History
- 1.0.3 Connect to Redis only to check the status and then disconnect.
- 1.0.2 Keep a persistent connection to Redis.
- 1.0.1 Fix typo and clean up documentation.
- 1.0.0 Initial release.