is a component that can generate a water mark background image.- this react component is from an internal project of youzan company.
- the arrangement is oblique
- security defense -- prevent somebody from deleting the watermark dom, or modifying the style attribute
- support securityAlarm callback -- it will be revoked when the watermark is attacked
- support to configurate the style of watermark text, such as the font, rotate angle, chunkWidth, chunkHeight.
- support to use this component twice or more times in one page
- the watermark is drawn by canvas
- we suggest to use this component in the global, namely, the root dom.
- the performance is better when the component is used in single page application, the position is the root component of react-router.
yarn add react-watermark-component
npm i react-watermark-component --save
- this package is developed using es6 syntax, so we recommend to load the package as follows:
or you can also load as follows:
const ReactWaterMark =
the props of this component
waterMarkText:string, the text of watermark
openSecurityDefense:bool, decide whether to open security defense. By default, the security defense isn't opened.
securityAlarm:function, when the security defense is opened and water mark is attacked, the securityAlarm callback will be called. The securityAlarm props is optional, it will be triggered when someone is deleting the water mark dom or modifying the style attribute of the water mark dom.
options:object, the options is optional, the default value of the field of the options object is as follows.
default value
chunkWidth 200
chunkHeight 60
textAlign 'left'
textBaseline 'bottom'
globalAlpha 0.17
font '14px Microsoft Yahei'
rotateAngle -0.26
fillStyle '#666'
- chunkWidth:number, the width of a piece of water mark, it's suggested that the value is more than the real width, such as the real width is 150, correspondingly the chunkWidth is 200
- chunkHeight:number, the height of a piece of water mark, it's suggested that the value is at least four times than the font-size of the real water mark text
{ const text = `, `; const beginAlarm = { console; }; const options = chunkWidth: 200 chunkHeight: 60 textAlign: 'left' textBaseline: 'bottom' globalAlpha: 017 font: '14px Microsoft Yahei' rotateAngle: -026 fillStyle: '#666' return <ReactWaterMark waterMarkText=text openSecurityDefense securityAlarm=beginAlarm options=options > <AppLayout> ... </Applayout> </ReactWaterMark> }
- as we all know, the react support IE9+ from version 15, about the detail you can read the react-dom browser support
- in the part of security defense, we use MutationObserver(IE 11+) to observe the dom deleting and the dom attribute change. MutationObserver is included in the DOM4 standard.
- MutationObserver compatibility
- MutationObserver introduction
- compile
npm run build