
1.0.21 • Public • Published

Lib React Validations Components

by github Fernando.LC

Table of Contents

Table of Contents
  • Introduction
  • Install
  • Usage
  • Contribute
  • License
  • Introduction

    This is a small package that allows you to validate different components.


    Install with npm

    $ npm install --save react-validations-components
    $ npm i -S react-validations-components

    Install with yarn

    $ yarn add react-validations-components


    To use, import the different functions exposed.

    Description of individual functions parameters

    name Description
    value data value
    varError variable error name
    id component identifier
    title component title

    Description Parameter Type

    value Description
    R data validation required
    T validation of type text
    N validation of type number
    TN validation of type text and number
    RFC validation of type RFC
    RFC_GENERIC validation of type RFC Generic
    IS_RFC_GENERIC validation of type Is RFC Generic
    RFC_CLAVE validation of type RFC
    RFC_DATE validation of type RFC and date
    RFC_DATE_GENERIC validation of type RFC Generic and date
    EMAIL validation of type email
    COMMON validation of type common
    C validation of type combo
    RB validation of type Radio button
    DATE validation of type date
    CHECK validation of type check
    TEXT_AREA_SPECIAL validation of type tex area multi
    SPECIAL_CHARACTER validation of type special character
    CURP validation of type CURP

    import {
    } from 'react-validations-components'
    console.log("textValidate", textValidate( "hola", "errorText", "ID_COMPONENT", "TITLE_COMPO" ))
    console.log("textValidate", textValidate( "hola" ))
    // Result Successful = { status : true }
    console.log( "textValidate", textValidate( "#$%", "errorText", "ID_COMPONENT", "TITLE_COMPO" ))
    // Result Error = {status: false, error: 'El dato TITLE_COMPO, no es válido, ingresa solo letras.', varError: 'errorText', id: 'ID_COMPONENT'}
    console.log( "textValidate", textValidate( "#$%", "errorText", "ID_COMPONENT" ))
    // Result Error = {status: false, error: 'El dato no es válido, ingresa solo letras.', varError: 'errorText', id: 'ID_COMPONENT'}
    console.log("numValidate", numValidate( "123", "errorText", "ID_COMPONENT", "TITLE_COMPO" ))
    console.log("numValidate", numValidate( 123 ))
    // Result Successful = { status : true }
    console.log( "numValidate", numValidate( "qwerty", "errorText", "ID_COMPONENT", "TITLE_COMPO" ))
    // Result Error = {status: false, error: 'El dato TITLE_COMPO no es válido, ingresa solo números.', varError: 'errorText', id: 'ID_COMPONENT'}
    console.log( "numValidate", numValidate( "qwerty", "errorText", "ID_COMPONENT" ))
    // Result Error = {status: false, error: 'El dato TITLE_COMPO no es válido, ingresa solo números.', varError: 'errorText', id: 'ID_COMPONENT'}
    console.log("textNumberValidate", textNumberValidate( "qwerty123qwerty", "errorText", "ID_COMPONENT", "TITLE_COMPO" ))
    console.log("textNumberValidate", textNumberValidate( "qwerty123qwerty" ))
    // Result Successful = { status : true }
    console.log( "textNumberValidate", textNumberValidate( "13as!#$%", "errorText", "ID_COMPONENT", "TITLE_COMPO" ))
    // Result Error = {status: false, error: 'El dato TITLE_COMPO no es válido, ingresa solo letras y números.', varError: 'errorText', id: 'ID_COMPONENT'}
    console.log( "textNumberValidate", textNumberValidate( "13as!#$%", "errorText", "ID_COMPONENT" ))
    // Result Error = {status: false, error: 'El dato no es válido, ingresa solo letras y números.', varError: 'errorText', id: 'ID_COMPONENT'}
    console.log("rfcValidate", rfcValidate( "XXXX920804XX1", "errorText", "ID_COMPONENT", "TITLE_COMPO" ))
    console.log("rfcValidate", rfcValidate( "XXXX920804XX1" ))
    // Result Successful = { status : true }
    console.log("rfcValidateGeneric", rfcValidateGeneric( "XAXX010101000", "errorText", "ID_COMPONENT", "TITLE_COMPO" ))
    console.log("rfcValidateGeneric", rfcValidateGeneric( "XAXX010101000" ))
    // Result Successful = { status : true, isGeneric : true }
    console.log("isGenericRFC", isGenericRFC( "XAXX010101000" ))
    // Result Successful = { status : true }
    console.log("isGenericRFC", isGenericRFC( "XAXX010101000", "errorText", "ID_COMPONENT", "TITLE_COMPO" ))
    // Result Error =  { status: false, error: 'El dato TITLE_COMPO no es válido', varError: 'errorText', id: 'ID_COMPONENT' }
    console.log( "rfcValidate", rfcValidate( "XX920804", "errorText", "ID_COMPONENT", "TITLE_COMPO" ))
    // Result Error = {status: false, error: 'El dato TITLE_COMPO no es válido', varError: 'errorText', id: 'ID_COMPONENT'}
    console.log( "rfcValidate", rfcValidate( "XX920804", "errorText", "ID_COMPONENT" ))
    // Result Error = {status: false, error: 'El dato no es válido, ingresa solo letras y números.', varError: 'errorText', id: 'ID_COMPONENT'}
    console.log("rfcValidateClave", rfcValidateClave( "XXXX920804XX1", "errorText", "ID_COMPONENT", "TITLE_COMPO" ))
    console.log("rfcValidateClave", rfcValidateClave( "XXXX920804XX1" ))
    // Result Successful = { status : true }
    console.log( "rfcValidateClave", rfcValidateClave( "XX920804", "errorText", "ID_COMPONENT", "TITLE_COMPO" ))
    // Result Error = {status: false, error: 'El dato TITLE_COMPO no es válido', varError: 'errorText', id: 'ID_COMPONENT'}
    console.log( "rfcValidateClave", rfcValidateClave( "XX920804", "errorText", "ID_COMPONENT" ))
    // Result Error = {status: false, error: 'El dato no es válido, ingresa solo letras y números.', varError: 'errorText', id: 'ID_COMPONENT'}
    console.log("emailValidate", emailValidate( "", "errorText", "ID_COMPONENT", "TITLE_COMPO" ))
    console.log("emailValidate", emailValidate( "" ))
    // Result Successful = { status : true }
    console.log( "emailValidate", emailValidate( "fer.@", "errorText", "ID_COMPONENT", "TITLE_COMPO" ))
    // Result Error = {status: false, error: 'El dato TITLE_COMPO no es válido', varError: 'errorText', id: 'ID_COMPONENT'}
    console.log( "emailValidate", emailValidate( "fer.@", "errorText", "ID_COMPONENT" ))
    // Result Error = {status: false, error: 'El dato no es válido, ingresa solo letras y números.', varError: 'errorText', id: 'ID_COMPONENT'}
    console.log("textAreSpecialValidate", textAreSpecialValidate( "$%&", "errorText", "ID_COMPONENT", "TITLE_COMPO" ))
    console.log("textAreSpecialValidate", textAreSpecialValidate( "$%&" ))
    // Result Successful = { status : true }
    console.log( "textAreSpecialValidate", textAreSpecialValidate( "||°°", "errorText", "ID_COMPONENT", "TITLE_COMPO" ))
    // Result Error = {status: false, error: 'El dato TITLE_COMPO no es válido', varError: 'errorText', id: 'ID_COMPONENT'}
    console.log( "textAreSpecialValidate", textAreSpecialValidate( "||°°", "errorText", "ID_COMPONENT" ))
    // Result Error = {status: false, error: 'El dato no es válido, ingresa solo letras y números.', varError: 'errorText', id: 'ID_COMPONENT'}
    console.log("specialCharacterInValidate", specialCharacterInValidate(  ":;#/()&\-_*,.", "errorText", "ID_COMPONENT", "TITLE_COMPO" ))
    console.log("specialCharacterInValidate", specialCharacterInValidate( ":;#/()&\-_*,." ))
    // Result Successful = { status : true }
    console.log( "specialCharacterInValidate", specialCharacterInValidate( "||°°", "errorText", "ID_COMPONENT", "TITLE_COMPO" ))
    // Result Error = {status: false, error: 'El dato TITLE_COMPO no es válido', varError: 'errorText', id: 'ID_COMPONENT'}
    console.log( "specialCharacterInValidate", specialCharacterInValidate( "||°°", "errorText", "ID_COMPONENT" ))
    // Result Error = {status: false, error: 'El dato no es válido, ingresa solo letras y números.', varError: 'errorText', id: 'ID_COMPONENT'}
    console.log("requiredData", requiredData( "Hola", "errorText", "ID_COMPONENT", "TITLE_COMPO" ))
    console.log("requiredData", requiredData( 1 ))
    // Result Successful = { status : true }
    console.log( "requiredData", requiredData( "", "errorText", "ID_COMPONENT", "TITLE_COMPO" ))
    // Result Error = {status: false, error: 'El dato TITLE_COMPO es requerido.', varError: 'errorText', id: 'ID_COMPONENT'}
    console.log( "requiredData", requiredData( "", "errorText", "ID_COMPONENT" ))
    // Result Error = {status: false, error: 'El dato es requerido.', varError: 'errorText', id: 'ID_COMPONENT'}
    console.log("comboValidate", comboValidate( "1", "errorText", "ID_COMPONENT", "TITLE_COMPO" ))
    console.log("comboValidate", comboValidate( 1 ))
    // Result Successful = { status : true }
    console.log( "comboValidate", comboValidate( -1, "errorText", "ID_COMPONENT", "TITLE_COMPO" ))
    // Result Error = {status: false, error: 'El dato TITLE_COMPO es requerido.', varError: 'errorText', id: 'ID_COMPONENT'}
    console.log( "comboValidate", comboValidate( -1, "errorText", "ID_COMPONENT" ))
    // Result Error = {status: false, error: 'El dato es requerido.', varError: 'errorText', id: 'ID_COMPONENT'}
    console.log("radioButtonValidate", radioButtonValidate( false, "errorText", "ID_COMPONENT", "TITLE_COMPO" ))
    console.log("radioButtonValidate", radioButtonValidate( true ))
    // Result Successful = { status : true }
    console.log( "radioButtonValidate", radioButtonValidate( null, "errorText", "ID_COMPONENT", "TITLE_COMPO" ))
    // Result Error = {status: false, error: 'El dato TITLE_COMPO es requerido.', varError: 'errorText', id: 'ID_COMPONENT'}
    console.log( "radioButtonValidate", radioButtonValidate( "", "errorText", "ID_COMPONENT" ))
    // Result Error = {status: false, error: 'El dato es requerido.', varError: 'errorText', id: 'ID_COMPONENT'}
    console.log("dateValidateFormat", dateValidateFormat( "01/01/1991", "errorText", "ID_COMPONENT", "TITLE_COMPO" ))
    console.log("dateValidateFormat", dateValidateFormat( "01-01-1991" ))
    // Result Successful = { status : true }
    console.log( "dateValidateFormat", dateValidateFormat( "01/1991", "errorText", "ID_COMPONENT", "TITLE_COMPO" ))
    // Result Error = {status: false, error: 'El dato TITLE_COMPO no es válido.', varError: 'errorText', id: 'ID_COMPONENT'}
    console.log( "dateValidateFormat", dateValidateFormat( "01-1992", "errorText", "ID_COMPONENT" ))
    // Result Error = {status: false, error: 'El dato no es válido.', varError: 'errorText', id: 'ID_COMPONENT'}
    console.log("validationCheckBox", validationCheckBox( { 1 : true }, "errorText", "ID_COMPONENT", "TITLE_COMPO" ))
    console.log("validationCheckBox", validationCheckBox( { 1 : true } ))
    // Result Successful = { status : true }
    console.log( "validationCheckBox", validationCheckBox( { 1 : false }, "errorText", "ID_COMPONENT", "TITLE_COMPO" ))
    // Result Error = {status: false, error: 'El dato TITLE_COMPO es requerido.', varError: 'errorText', id: 'ID_COMPONENT'}
    console.log( "validationCheckBox", validationCheckBox( { 1 : false }, "errorText", "ID_COMPONENT" ))
    // Result Error = {status: false, error: 'El dato es requerido.', varError: 'errorText', id: 'ID_COMPONENT'}
    console.log("commonValidate", commonValidate( "12314", /^([0-9])*$/, "errorOther", "errorText", "ID_COMPONENT" ))
    console.log("commonValidate", commonValidate( "12314", /^([0-9])*$/ ))
    // Result Successful = { status : true }
    console.log("commonValidate", commonValidate( "12314#$%", /^([0-9])*$/, "errorOther", "errorText", "ID_COMPONENT" ))
    // Result Error = status: false, error: 'errorOther', varError: 'errorText', id: 'ID_COMPONENT'}
    console.log( "curpValidate", curpValidate( "PXDO560626MNELRN09", "errorText", "ID_COMPONENT" ))
    // Result Successful = { status : true }
    console.log( "curpValidate", curpValidate( "PXDOA60626MNELRNAA", "errorText", "ID_COMPONENT" ))
    //Result Error =  {status: false, error: 'El dato no es válido.', varError: 'errorText', id: 'ID_COMPONENT'}

    To use the advanced functions, import the different functions exposed.

    Description Parameters

    name Description Type Data
    type type of validation String, Array
    value data value Number, Bolean, String, Floating
    varError variable error name String
    id component identifier String
    title name to show in the error message String
    import {
    } from 'react-validations-components'

    Example function single

    The following function can identify a type of validation or several TYPE that can be distinguished by a STRING or ARRAY, which is shown below.

    console.log( singleValidation( { type : [ "R", "T" ], value : 'QWE', varError : "fer", id : "R", title : "titulo R" } ) )
    // Result successful  = { status : true }
    // Result Error= {status: false, error: 'El dato titulo R es requerido.', varError: 'fer', id: 'R'}

    Example function munti

    The next function is composed of an array of objects, which have the same properties as the previous functions.

    const DATA = [
        { type : [ "R"    ],               value : 'QWE',                  varError : "fer",       id: "R",                 title: "titulo R" },
        { type : [ "N"    ],               value : '123',                  varError : "fer",       id: "N",                 title: "titulo N" },
        { type : [ "CHECK" ],              value : { 1:true, 2:false },    varError : "fer",       id: "CHECK",             title: "titulo CHECK"},
        { type : [ "R","N"    ],           value : '1234',                 varError : "fer",       id: "[R, N]",            title: "titulo R-N"},
        { type : [ "R","RFC"  ],           value : 'XXXX920804LP2',        varError : "rfc1",      id: "RFC",               title: "titulo RFC"},
        { type : [ "R","RFC_GENERIC"  ],   value : 'XAXX010101000',        varError : "rfc2",      id: "RFC_GENERIC",       title: "titulo_RFC_GENERIC"},
        { type : [ "R","RFC_CLAVE"  ],     value : 'XXXX920801',           varError : "rfc clave", id: "RFC_CLAVE",         title: "titulo RFC_CLAVE"},
        { type : [ "R","DATE" ],           value : '09-12-1992',           varError : "fecha1",    id: "DATE 09-12-1992",   title: "titulo DATE 1"},
        { type : [ "R","DATE" ],           value : '09/12/1992',           varError : "fecha2",    id: "DATE 09/12/1992",   title: "titulo DATE 2"},
        { type : [ "R","DATE" ],           value : '09.12.1992',           varError : "fecha3",    id: "DATE 09.12.1992",   title: "titulo DATE 3"},
        { type : "T",                      value : 'example',              varError : "fer",       id: "T",                 title: "titulo T"},
        { type : "TEXT_AREA_SPECIAL",      value : 'a1,.',                 varError : "fer",       id: "text_area_special", title: "titulo T_A_SPECIAL"},
        { type : [ "R",
                    "SPECIAL_CHARACTER" ], value : 'b2;:',                 varError : "fer",       id: "special_character", title: "titulo S_CH"},
            type         : [ 'R', 'RFC', 'RFC_DATE' ],
            value        : 'XXXX920804XX1',       // value rfc
            valueDate    : '04-08-1992',
            titleRFC     : 'R.F.C.',              // title rfc
            titleDate    : 'Fecha de nacimiento', // title Date
            varError     : 'varErrorRFC',         // varError rfc
            varErrorDate : 'varErrorDate',
            id           : 'focusRFC',            //focusRFC
            focusDate    : 'focusDate',
            type         : [ 'R', 'RFC_GENERIC', 'RFC_DATE_GENERIC' ],
            value        : 'XAXX010101000',       // value rfc
            valueDate    : '04-08-1992',
            titleRFC     : 'R.F.C.',              // title rfc
            titleDate    : 'Fecha de nacimiento', // title Date
            varError     : 'varErrorRFC',         // varError rfc
            varErrorDate : 'varErrorDate',
            id           : 'focusRFC',            //focusRFC
            focusDate    : 'focusDate',
        { type : ["R","CURP"],      value : 'PXDO560626MNELRN09',           varError : "curp",             id: "text_curp",         title: "titulo_curp"},
        { type : "COMMON", value : 'sd', expRegular : /^([a-zA-Z ñáéíóúÑÁÉÍÓÚ .,]{0,100})$/, varError : "fer", id : "errorrorooror", message : 'wshbehfbwejf' }
    console.log( multiValidation( DATA ) )
    // Result successful  = { status : true }
    /** Returns one error at a time */
    // Result Error= {status: false, error: 'El dato titulo R es requerido.', varError: 'fer', id: 'R'}


    All Contributions are welcome! Please open up an issue if you would like to help out.


    Licensed under the MIT License.

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    • ferlc
    • isco.javier123