
0.1.4 • Public • Published


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A simple React Datepicker component built with styled-components and date-fns


DatePicker datepickerDemo

RangePicker rangepickerDemo

Play with them on Storybook


npm install react-styled-calendar --save

Example Usage

import react from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { DatePicker } from 'react-styled-calendar';

function App() {
  return (
      <DatePicker />

const rootElement = document.getElementById("root");
ReactDOM.render(<App />, rootElement);


  • support IE9+, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Opera
  • support en_US and zh_CN locale(UI)
  • support several select panels(hour, date, week, month)
  • support Range Selector


API for DatePicker

name type default description
showTimeSelector Boolean false control the display of the TimeSelector
showConfirmButton Boolean false control the display of the Confirm Button
showCancelButton Boolean true control the display of the Cancel Button
formatWeek String 'dddd' A string used to override the default formattting of the weekday in the Calendar Header
formatMonthYear String 'MMMM YYYY' A string used to override the default formatting of the month and year in Calendar Header
formatDateInput String 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm' A string used to specify the format of the date in dateinput component
confirmButtonMessage String 'Confirm' A string specify the message shows up at the confirm button
cancelButtonMessage String 'Cancel' A string specify the message shows up at the cancel button
timeSelectorMessage String 'Pick Up A Time !' A string specify the content of the switch of the time selector
withLabel Boolean false Whether show up the label of the Date input
labelMessage String 'Date' The content of the date input label
minDate Date undefined The minimum date that can be selected from the calendar
maxDate Date undefined The maximum date that can be selected from the calendar
onDateSelected Function ( dateSelected ) => { console.log(dateSelected.toLocaleDateString()) }; The handler function which is called once a date is selected
view String 'day' It specifies the view of the datepicker, it can be one of ['day', 'week', 'month']
defaultDate Date new Date() It specifies the initial selected date of the DatePicker component

API for RangePicker

name type default description
minDate Date undefined The minimum date that can be selected from the calendar
maxDate Date undefined The maximum date that can be selected from the calendar
className String '' The customized className which is used on the wrapper of the RangePicker
withLabel Boolean false Whether show up the label of the Date input
fromInputLabel String 'From' Specify the content of the first date input label
toInputLael String 'To' Specify the content of the second date input label
onRangeSelected Function (from, to) => { console.log(from, to); } The handler function which is called once a range is selected
defaultFromDate Date new Date() Specify the initial selected date of the first (from) input
defaultToDate Date new Date() Specify the initial selected date of the second (to) input


  • [ ] Implement the customized theme.
  • [ ] test

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npm i react-styled-calendar

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  • nickxiao