TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

0.0.14 • Public • Published


without timer progressbar with timer progressbar
image image2

Getting Started


$ npm i react-snackbar-ui-customizable
$ yarn add react-snackbar-ui-customizable


Snackbar Provider Setup

To use snackbar, you must wrap the SnackbarContextProvider at the top of your application

import { SnackbarContextProvider } from 'react-snackbar-ui-customizable'

const App = () => {
  return (

Snackbar Usage

Then you can use it by declaring it in a react hook method inside the component you need.

import { useSnackbar } from 'react-snackbar-ui-customizable'

const Example = (): JSX.Element => {
  const snackbar = useSnackbar();

  return (
    <button onClick={() => snackbar.on({ title: 'snackbar title', message: 'this is snackbar message' })}>
      Show Snackbar!



(* Required)

property name Description Type
id portal id. (default: snackbar-portal) string
option portal options OptionType
children* your application components JSX.Element

option (all of the option property is optional) - OptionType

property name Description Type
position will be displayed (top-left, top-center, top-right(default), bottom-left, bottom-center, bottom-right) string
zIndex z index (default: 100) number
duration 0: infinity, 1 ~ : for the given time, snackbar appears and disappears (default: 3s) number(second(s))
successIcon Success Icon (default: CheckCircleOutlined of @ant-design/icon) React.ReactNode | JSX.Element
errorIcon Error Icon (default: WarningOutlined of @ant-design/icon) React.ReactNode | JSX.Element
warnIcon Warning Icon (default: ExclamationCircleOutlined of @ant-design/icon) React.ReactNode | JSX.Element
infoIcon Information Icon (default: InfoCircleOutlined of @ant-design/icon) React.ReactNode | JSX.Element
closeIcon Close Icon (default: CloseOutlined of @ant-design/icon) React.ReactNode | JSX.Element


property name Description Type
on execution method for stacking snackbars on list (option: SnackbarOption) => void
off excution method for removing snackbars on list (id: number) => void
length length of snackbar list number
list snack bar list currently being displayed on the screen Array

Snackbar Option (when you use on method of useSnackbar)

property name Description Type
id snackbar unique id (default: auto generation using uuid()) string
title snackbar title string
message* snackbar message string
type snackbar type 'SUCCESS' | 'ERROR' | 'WARN' | 'INFO'
onClose event for close snackbar (id: string) => void
buttonText action button text located on the bottom right string
onClickButton action function when clicking action button, (caution) this property is always used with buttonText property () => void
duration 0: infinity, 1 ~ : for the given time, snackbar appears and disappears (default: 3s) number(second(s))
successIcon Success Icon (default: CheckCircleOutlined of @ant-design/icon) React.ReactNode | JSX.Element
errorIcon Error Icon (default: WarningOutlined of @ant-design/icon) React.ReactNode | JSX.Element
warnIcon Warning Icon (default: ExclamationCircleOutlined of @ant-design/icon) React.ReactNode | JSX.Element
infoIcon Information Icon (default: InfoCircleOutlined of @ant-design/icon) React.ReactNode | JSX.Element
closeIcon Close Icon (default: CloseOutlined of @ant-design/icon) React.ReactNode | JSX.Element


  1. Local option setting value is always applied before global option setting value.
    • In the example below, the duration is set to 10, which is set locally.
  option={{ duration: 0 }}
  <Example />

import { useSnackbar } from 'react-snackbar-ui-customizable'

const Example = (): JSX.Element => {
  const snackbar = useSnackbar();

  return (
    <button onClick={() => snackbar.on({ title: 'snackbar title', message: 'this is snackbar message', duration: 10 })}>
      Show Snackbar!

CSS Style

type is one of the injected snackbar type (SUCCESS, ERROR, WARN, INFO)

Snackbar Container

className: snackbar-container snackbar-container--{type}

Snackbar box

className: snackbar-box snackbar-box--{type}

Snackbar progressbar

className: snackbar-progressbar snackbar-progressbar--{type}

Snackbar title

className: snackbar-title snackbar-title--{type}

Snackbar description

className: snackbar-description snackbar-description--{type}

Snackbar button

className: snackbar-button snackbar-button--{type}

Package Sidebar


npm i react-snackbar-ui-customizable

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  • ian.lee