Add the Women's Refuge Shielded Site button to your React website.
What's Shielded?
From The Shielded Site Project website:
We’ve created a tool for victims of abuse to ask for help, without fear of it showing up in their browser’s history or an abusive partner ever seeing it. A simple icon which can sit on any website and launch a powerful resource to help end domestic violence.
💯 Rewrite of the Shielded script in React.🔒 No external resources requested—except the iframed content.✒️ Hand-crafted vector icons.♿ Accessibility support.
Install with your favourite package manager:
npm install react-shielded
or yarn add react-shielded
⚠️ Requires React v16.14.0 or higher.
Import in the Shielded
import Shielded from 'react-shielded';
Use in your React app:
<Shielded />
And that's it!