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Strongly-typed way to manage URL parameters. Works with react-router (v6). Allows to strong-type parameters in routes and search.


yarn add react-router-url-params query-string

It's implied, that you have react-router and react-router-dom installed.

After that you could start using the createRoute and useQueryParams.


Create the route once, use it everywhere!

Just pass you URL pattern to createRoute function:

const productPageRoute = createRoute('/products/:id');

optionally you could specify a type for the parameters

const productPageRoute = createRoute('/products/:id', {id: RequiredNumberParam});

or you could even specify parameters that will go to search part (e.g. /products/3 ?sortBy=price), see below for details

const productPageRoute = createRoute('/products/:id', {id: RequiredNumberParam}, {sortBy: StringParam});

After that you could use it to

  1. Generate a link to that page{id: 123}); // gives you /products/123
  1. Read parameter values inside your page (useParams hook with types)
const params = productPageRoute.useParams(); // gives you { id: 123 } with correct Typescript types
  1. Match url inside your page (useMatch hook with types)
const match = productPageRoute.useMatch(); 
// gives you: { params: { id: 123 }, pathname: '/products/123', pattern: '/products/:id' } with correct Typescript types 
  1. Match url from arbitrary place (not a hook)
const matchAnywhere = productPageRoute.matchPath(window.location.pathname); 
// gives you: { params: { id: 123 }, pathname: '/products/123', pattern: '/products/:id' } with correct Typescript types
  1. Use it in your Routes configuration:
  <Route path={productPageRoute.route} element={/*your component here*/}/>


This is a port of use-query-params to react-router-v6. Original API of useQueryParams and useQueryParam is preserved (and even serialization engine is reused).

The only change is that we are using useSearchParams of react-router to get and set query parameters. Also, you don't need to wrap your app in <QueryParamProvider></QueryParamProvider>, because we are tied to react-router API.

Since the API is the same, you could check the original docs or original demo (all credits go to pbeshai). I'm copying a part of original API description here for clarity:

URLUpdateType has also been ported.


import { useQueryParams, StringParam, NumberParam } from 'react-router-url-params';

// reads query parameters `foo` and `bar` from the URL and stores their decoded values
const [query, setQuery] = useQueryParams({ foo: NumberParam, bar: StringParam });
setQuery({ foo: 500 }); // will change the URL to '?foo=500'
setQuery({ foo: 123, bar: 'zzz' }, 'push'); // will change the URL to '?foo=123&bar=zzz'

// to unset or remove a parameter set it to undefined and use pushIn or replaceIn update types
setQuery({ foo: undefined }) // ?foo=123&bar=zzz becomes ?bar=zzz

// functional updates are also supported:
setQuery((latestQuery) => ({ foo: + 150 }))

Param Types

See all param definitions from serialize-query-params. You can define your own parameter types by creating an object with an encode and a decode function. See the existing definitions for examples.

Examples in this table assume query parameter named qp.

Param Type Example Decoded Example Encoded
StringParam string 'foo' ?qp=foo
NumberParam number 123 ?qp=123
ObjectParam { key: string } { foo: 'bar', baz: 'zzz' } ?qp=foo-bar_baz-zzz
ArrayParam string[] ['a','b','c'] ?qp=a&qp=b&qp=c
JsonParam any { foo: 'bar' } ?qp=%7B%22foo%22%3A%22bar%22%7D
DateParam Date Date(2019, 2, 1) ?qp=2019-03-01
BooleanParam boolean true ?qp=1
NumericObjectParam { key: number } { foo: 1, bar: 2 } ?qp=foo-1_bar-2
DelimitedArrayParam string[] ['a','b','c'] ?qp=a_b_c
DelimitedNumericArrayParam number[] [1, 2, 3] ?qp=1_2_3

createRoute with search params

You could add useQueryParams support directly into createRoute function as well! Just add a 3rd parameter to createRoute, specifying the types of your search parameters:

const productPageRoute = createRoute('/products/:id', {id: RequiredNumberParam}, {sortBy: StringParam});

After that you could use .link to generate a URL:{id: 123}, {sortBy: 'price'}); 
// gives you /products/123?sortBy=price, and Typescript hints you about available parameters

and you could use .useParams to read search parameters as well:

const params = productPageRoute.useParams(); 
// gives you { id: 123, queryParams: { sortBy: 'price' }, setQueryParams: (params: {sortBy: string}) => void } with correct Typescript types
const sortBy = params.queryParams.sortBy; // sortBy will be typed according to the definition in createRoute
params.setQueryParams({ sortBy: 'availabilityDate' }); // this will change the searchParam. Function argument will be correctly typed as well

Note that useMatch and matchPath do not have the queryParams and setQueryParams props. If you'd like them to be added, please create an issue!

Contributions and support

Issues and Pull Requests are welcome.

For any kind of private consulting or support you could contact Artur Drobinskiy directly via email.

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