A press and hold wrapper component that can trigger hold action multiple times while holding down.
npm install --save react-repeatable
<Repeatable = = = = = => Press Me</Repeatable>
Repeatable Button
const RepeatableButton = onClick ...props <Repeatable ="button" ="button" = = />; <RepeatableButton = />
Sequence of Events
Hold action is occurred
onPress -> onHoldStart -> onHold (once or more) -> onHoldEnd -> onRelease
Hold action is not occurred
onPress -> onRelease
Name | Type | Default | Description |
tag | element | 'div' | A custom element for this component. |
disabled | Boolean | false | Set it to true to disable event actions. |
repeatDelay | Number | 500 | The time (in milliseconds) to wait before the first hold action is being triggered. |
repeatInterval | Number | 32 | The time interval (in milliseconds) on how often to trigger a hold action. |
repeatCount | Number | 0 | The number of times the hold action will take place. A zero value will disable the repeat counter. |
onPress | Function(event) | Callback fired when the mousedown or touchstart event is triggered. | |
onHoldStart | Function() | Callback fired once before the first hold action. | |
onHold | Function() | Callback fired mutiple times while holding down. | |
onHoldEnd | Function() | Callback fired once after the last hold action. | |
onRelease | Function(event) | Callback fired when the mouseup, touchcancel, or touchend event is triggered. |