TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

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Welcome to the React Questionaire Package! πŸš€

The React Questionaire Package is your all-in-one solution for building dynamic and interactive surveys, quizzes, feedback forms, and more within your React applications. πŸ“Šβœ¨. It reduces developer time by simplifying the implementation of complex logic and handling error cases effectively. β±οΈπŸ› οΈ


List of key features provided by the package:

  • Dynamic Forms: Easily create dynamic and interactive forms with nested questions.
  • Survey Component: Build engaging surveys and questionnaires for your users.
  • React Hook Form Integration: Seamlessly integrate with React Hook Form for efficient state management and validation.
  • Custom Styling: Customize the appearance of your forms to match your application's design.
  • Accessible UX: Prioritize accessibility with an accessible user experience out-of-the-box.
  • Responsive Design: Ensure a seamless experience across devices with responsive design.
  • Efficient State Management: Manage form state efficiently for optimal performance.
  • Form Validation: Validate form data to ensure accuracy and data integrity.
  • User Engagement: Engage users with interactive forms and surveys.
  • Scalable Solution: Scalable and suitable for projects of all sizes.
  • Extensible Components: Extend and customize components to suit your specific needs.
  • Feedback Forms: Gather valuable user feedback with customizable feedback forms.
  • Quiz Component: Create quizzes for assessments or educational purposes.
  • Mobile-friendly Forms: Ensure a smooth experience on mobile devices.
  • Error Handling: Handle errors gracefully to enhance the user experience.


To install the package, use npm or yarn:

npm install react-questionaire


yarn add react-questionaire

Use Cases

The react-questionnaire component offers a versatile solution for building interactive forms and surveys within your React application. Here's a breakdown of its potential use cases:

  • Surveys: Create feedback forms to gather user opinions and insights on products, services, or events.
  • Quizzes: Develop educational quizzes for students or training programs, incorporating multiple-choice, true/false, and open-ended questions.
  • Forms: Build complex forms with conditional logic and validation for registration, onboarding, or data collection.


import React, { useRef, useState } from "react";
import { Questionnaire } from "react-questionaire";
import { data } from "./data"; // Import your question data

const App = () => {
  const [response, setResponse] = useState();
  const innerComponentRef = useRef();

  const handleSubmit = () => {
    if (innerComponentRef.current) {

  return (
          isSingle: true,
          setResponse: setResponse,
      <button onClick={handleSubmit}>Submit</button>

export default App;



  • questions: QUESTION[] (Required): An array of question objects to be rendered. Each question object should define the content and structure of the question.


  • config: CONFIG (Required): A configuration object to customize the questionnaire. This object allows you to define various aspects of the questionnaire's behavior and appearance.

QUESTION Interface (TypeScript)

This interface defines the structure of a question object used within your questionnaire component.

interface QUESTION {
  main_question: string;
  question_description?: string | null;
  response_type: "bool" | "text" | "number" | "dropdown" | "textArea" | "date" | string;
  value: string | boolean | number | object | null;
  sub_ques?: QUESTION[];
  is_mandatory: boolean | number;
  options?: { label: string; value: any }[];
  min?: number;
  max?: number;
  regex?: string;
  multi_select?: boolean;


  • main_question: string
    • The primary text of the question that will be displayed to the user.
  • question_description (optional): string | null
    • Additional information or explanation about the question.
  • response_type: "bool" | "text" | "number" | "dropdown" | "textArea" | "date" | string
    • Defines the type of response expected from the user. Options include:
      • "bool": Boolean (true/false)
      • "text": Text input
      • "number": Numeric input
      • "dropdown": Dropdown selection from available options
      • "textArea": Multi-line text input
      • "date": Date selection
  • value (optional): string | boolean | number | object | null
    • The default value for the question.
  • sub_ques (optional): QUESTION[]
    • An array containing sub-questions that are nested within this question.
  • is_mandatory: boolean | number
    • Indicates if the question is mandatory for the user to answer. Can be a boolean (true/false) or a number representing a validation rule.
  • options (optional): { label: string; value: any }[]
    • An array of objects defining the options available for selection if response_type is "dropdown". Each object should have the following properties:
      • label: The text displayed for the option.
      • value: The actual value associated with the option.
  • min (optional): number
    • Minimum allowed value for numeric responses.
  • max (optional): number
    • Maximum allowed value for numeric responses.
  • regex (optional): string
    • A regular expression string used to validate text input.
  • multi_select (optional): boolean
    • Indicates if multiple selections are allowed for dropdown responses.

CONFIG Interface (TypeScript)

This interface defines the configuration options for your questionnaire component. It allows you to customize various aspects of the questionnaire's behavior and appearance.


  • isSingle: boolean
    • Determines if the questionnaire allows only one response or multiple responses simultaneously.
      • true: Only one response can be submitted at a time.
      • false (default): Multiple responses can be submitted simultaneously.
  • setResponse:
    • A function used to update the state of the questionnaire responses. This allows you to capture user input and manage the response data.
  • memberArray (optional)
    • An optional array of strings that can be used to filter which questions are displayed based on membership criteria (e.g., user roles).
  • globalStyle (optional):
    • An optional object containing style properties for various elements within the questionnaire. These properties utilize the React.CSSProperties type to define CSS styles directly within your configuration.
      • question: Styles for the main question text.
      • subQuestion: Styles for sub-questions.
      • description: Styles for the question description text.
      • toggleButton: Styles for the toggle button (if applicable).
      • inputSelectStyle: Styles for the input select element (used for dropdown responses).
      • toggleButtonContainer: Styles for the container element holding the toggle button.
      • questionContainer: Styles for the container element holding the question.
      • toggleBtnTheme (optional): An optional object defining themes for the toggle button:
        • primary: The primary color for the toggle button.
        • secondary (optional): An optional secondary color for the toggle button.

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npm i react-questionaire

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