
3.0.0 • Public • Published


A full width page banner that acts as a notification to the user. When shown banner will absolutely slide below the parent element, and disappear after a certain duration.

React Page Banner


message {String} Message that the banner will display.

type {String} Type of banner, which determines the color and theme of the banner (success, error, etc...).

duration {Number} The length of time (in ms) the message is seen by user.

afterClose {Method} callback method that is executed after close.

topOffset {String} pixel top offset (default 0px).

topPalmOffset {String} pixel top offset for palm media query (default 0px).

closeIconClass {String} classname to add to the close icon element.

ariaHidden {Boolean} used to control whether or not the page banner is hidden from screen reader. By default it is true after it closes and animation has completed. It is false if it is showing.

SCSS Options

To optionally change any of these colors, place the scss variable above the import line of the PageBanner.scss file.

$page-banner-success-bg - background color for success type page banner

$page-banner-warning-bg - background color for warning type page banner

$page-banner-error-bg - background color for error type page banner

$page-banner-warning-color - message color for warning type page banner

$page-banner-error-color - message color for error type page banner

$page-banner-message-success-color - message color for success type page banner

NOTE: For close button you must copy svg image in dist/page-banner-close.svg into your own images directory, and implement the class:

.page-banner__icon-close {
  background-image: url('/path/to/page-banner-icons.svg');

If you would like to add a custom class please pass in a string to closeIconClass

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npm i react-page-banner

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  • darthcharles
  • pts-manuelvalle
  • ryanirilli
  • moog16