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1.0.4 • Public • Published


  • 基于react-native-wechat修改,主要是因为react-native-wechat中的微信sdk使用的是微信的旧sdk,其中包含uiwebview,这里使用微信的新sdk,除了去除uiwebview,也添加了Universal Links(这个我自己用,担心到时候忘记修改了什么)

API Documentation

[react-native-wechat-ck] uses Promises, therefore you can use Promise or async/await to manage your dataflow.


  • appid {String} the appid you get from WeChat dashboard
  • returns {Boolean} explains if your application is registered done

This method should be called once globally.

import * as WeChat from 'react-native-wechat-ck';


registerAppWithDescription(appid, description)

  • appid {String} the appid you get from WeChat dashboard
  • description {String} the description of your app
  • returns {Boolean} explains if your application is registered done

This method is only available on iOS.


  • returns {Boolean} if WeChat is installed.

Check if the WeChat app is installed on the device.


  • returns {Boolean} Contains the result.

Check if wechat support open url.


  • returns {String} Contains the result.

Get the WeChat SDK api version.


  • returns {Boolean}

Open the WeChat app from your application.

sendAuthRequest([scope[, state]])

  • scope {Array|String} Scopes of auth request.
  • state {String} the state of OAuth2
  • returns {Object}

Send authentication request, and it returns an object with the following fields:

field type description
errCode Number Error Code
errStr String Error message if any error occurred
openId String
code String Authorization code
url String The URL string
lang String The user language
country String The user country

class ShareMetadata

  • title {String} title of this message.
  • type {Number} type of this message. Can be {news|text|imageUrl|imageFile|imageResource|video|audio|file}
  • thumbImage {String} Thumb image of the message, which can be a uri or a resource id.
  • description {String} The description about the sharing.
  • webpageUrl {String} Required if type equals news. The webpage link to share.
  • imageUrl {String} Provide a remote image if type equals image.
  • videoUrl {String} Provide a remote video if type equals video.
  • musicUrl {String} Provide a remote music if type equals audio.
  • filePath {String} Provide a local file if type equals file.
  • fileExtension {String} Provide the file type if type equals file.


  • message {ShareMetadata} This object saves the metadata for sharing
  • returns {Object}

Share a ShareMetadata message to timeline(朋友圈) and returns:

name type description
errCode Number 0 if authorization successed
errStr String Error message if any error occurred

The following examples require the 'react-native-chat' and 'react-native-fs' packages.

import * as WeChat from 'react-native-wechat-ck';
import fs from 'react-native-fs';
let resolveAssetSource = require('resolveAssetSource');

// Code example to share text message:
try {
  let result = await WeChat.shareToTimeline({
    type: 'text', 
    description: 'hello, wechat'
  console.log('share text message to time line successful:', result);
} catch (e) {
  if (e instanceof WeChat.WechatError) {
  } else {
    throw e;

// Code example to share image url:
// Share raw http(s) image from web will always fail with unknown reason, please use image file or image resource instead
try {
  let result = await WeChat.shareToTimeline({
    type: 'imageUrl',
    title: 'web image',
    description: 'share web image to time line',
    mediaTagName: 'email signature',
    messageAction: undefined,
    messageExt: undefined,
    imageUrl: ''
  console.log('share image url to time line successful:', result);
} catch (e) {
  if (e instanceof WeChat.WechatError) {
  } else {
    throw e;

// Code example to share image file:
try {
  let rootPath = fs.DocumentDirectoryPath;
  let savePath = rootPath + '/email-signature-262x100.png';
   * savePath on iOS may be:
   *  /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/B1308E13-35F1-41AB-A20D-3117BE8EE8FE/Documents/email-signature-262x100.png
   * savePath on Android may be:
   *  /data/data/com.wechatsample/files/email-signature-262x100.png
  await fs.downloadFile('', savePath);
  let result = await WeChat.shareToTimeline({
    type: 'imageFile',
    title: 'image file download from network',
    description: 'share image file to time line',
    mediaTagName: 'email signature',
    messageAction: undefined,
    messageExt: undefined,
    imageUrl: "file://" + savePath // require the prefix on both iOS and Android platform
  console.log('share image file to time line successful:', result);
} catch (e) {
  if (e instanceof WeChat.WechatError) {
  } else {
    throw e;

// Code example to share image resource:
try {
  let imageResource = require('./email-signature-262x100.png');
  let result = await WeChat.shareToTimeline({
    type: 'imageResource',
    title: 'resource image',
    description: 'share resource image to time line',
    mediaTagName: 'email signature',
    messageAction: undefined,
    messageExt: undefined,
    imageUrl: resolveAssetSource(imageResource).uri
  console.log('share resource image to time line successful', result);
catch (e) {
  if (e instanceof WeChat.WechatError) {
  } else {
    throw e;

// Code example to download an word file from web, then share it to WeChat session
// only support to share to session but time line
// iOS code use DocumentDirectoryPath
try {
  let rootPath = fs.DocumentDirectoryPath;
  let fileName = 'signature_method.doc';
   * savePath on iOS may be:
   *  /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/B1308E13-35F1-41AB-A20D-3117BE8EE8FE/Documents/signature_method.doc
  let savePath = rootPath + '/' + fileName;

  await fs.downloadFile('', savePath);
  let result = await WeChat.shareToSession({
    type: 'file',
    title: fileName, // WeChat app treat title as file name
    description: 'share word file to chat session',
    mediaTagName: 'word file',
    messageAction: undefined,
    messageExt: undefined,
    filePath: savePath,
    fileExtension: '.doc'
  console.log('share word file to chat session successful', result);
} catch (e) {
  if (e instanceof WeChat.WechatError) {
  } else {
    throw e;

//android code use ExternalDirectoryPath
try {
  let rootPath = fs.ExternalDirectoryPath;
  let fileName = 'signature_method.doc';
   * savePath on Android may be:
   *  /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.wechatsample/files/signature_method.doc
  let savePath = rootPath + '/' + fileName;
  await fs.downloadFile('', savePath);
  let result = await WeChat.shareToSession({
    type: 'file',
    title: fileName, // WeChat app treat title as file name
    description: 'share word file to chat session',
    mediaTagName: 'word file',
    messageAction: undefined,
    messageExt: undefined,
    filePath: savePath,
    fileExtension: '.doc'
  console.log('share word file to chat session successful', result);
catch (e) {
  if (e instanceof WeChat.WechatError) {
  } else {
    throw e;


  • message {ShareMetadata} This object saves the metadata for sharing
  • returns {Object}

Similar to shareToTimeline but sends the message to a friend or chat group.


  • payload {Object} the payment data
    • partnerId {String} 商家向财付通申请的商家ID
    • prepayId {String} 预支付订单ID
    • nonceStr {String} 随机串
    • timeStamp {String} 时间戳
    • package {String} 商家根据财付通文档填写的数据和签名
    • sign {String} 商家根据微信开放平台文档对数据做的签名
  • returns {Object}

Sends request for proceeding payment, then returns an object:

name type description
errCode Number 0 if authorization successed
errStr String Error message if any error occurred


$ npm install react-native-wechat-ck --save



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