
3.1.1 • Public • Published

LueHsoft LueH LABS Lue Hang luehang

React Native Swipe Render

An easy and simple to use React Native component that renders swipable performant pages for large lists or content. Supporting both iOS and Android. Check out the docs.

  • Supports smart or minimal rendering for large lists.
  • Supports two ways of rendering contents. Render using function and data or render React.Element children.
  • Horizontal and vertical paging for both Android and iOS.
  • Initial index can be placed anywhere. Supporting both Android and iOS.
  • Dynamic index support for iOS.
  • Optional slide looping.
  • Optional automatic slides.
  • Optional alternative usage with Android ScrollView instead of ViewPagerAndroid.
  • Supports both iOS and Android.


🔗 Quick Links

💎 Install

Type in the following to the command line to install the module.

$ npm install --save react-native-swipe-render


$ yarn add react-native-swipe-render

🎉 Usage Example One

Add an import to the top of the file. At minimal, place array data into the data prop and render the pages using the renderItem prop.

If you like react-native-swipe-render, please be sure to give it a star at GitHub. Thanks.

import SwipeRender from "react-native-swipe-render";
import { View, Image } from "react-native";
render() {
    return (
                { uri: "" },
                { uri: "" },
                { uri: "" },
                { uri: "" },
                { uri: "" }
            renderItem={({ item, index }) => {
                return (
                    <View key={"SwipeRender-slide#" + index} style={{flex: 1, backgroundColor: "#000"}}>
                            source={{ uri: item.uri }}
                            style={{flex: 1}}
            // OPTIONAL PROP USAGE.
            index={0} // default 0
            loop={false} // default false
            loadMinimal={true} // default false
            horizontal={true} // default true
            enableAndroidViewPager={false} // default ScrollView
            // TO ENABLE AndroidViewPager:
            // react-native >= 0.60 - install @react-native-community/viewpager separately
            // react-native < 0.60 - ready to go!

🎉 Usage Example Two

Add an import to the top of the file. At minimal, wrap any view in the <SwipeRender></SwipeRender>.

If you like react-native-swipe-render, please be sure to give it a star at GitHub. Thanks.

import SwipeRender from "react-native-swipe-render";
import { View, Image, Text } from "react-native";
render() {
    return (
            // OPTIONAL PROP USAGE.
            index={0} // default 0
            loop={false} // default false
            loadMinimal={true} // default false
            horizontal={true} // default true
            enableAndroidViewPager={false} // default ScrollView
            // TO ENABLE AndroidViewPager:
            // react-native >= 0.60 - install @react-native-community/viewpager separately
            // react-native < 0.60 - ready to go!
            <View style={{flex: 1, backgroundColor: "#000"}}>
                    source={{ uri: "" }}
                    style={{flex: 1}}
            <View style={{flex: 1, justifyContent: "center", alignItems: "center"}}>
                <Text style={{color: "blue", fontSize: 25, fontWeight: "bold"}}>
                    Any kind of View
            <View style={{flex: 1, backgroundColor: "#000"}}>
                    source={{ uri: "" }}
                    style={{flex: 1}}

⌚️ Performance Optimization List Example

If you like react-native-swipe-render, please be sure to give it a star at GitHub. Thanks.

import SwipeRender from "react-native-swipe-render";
import { View, Image } from "react-native";
render() {
    return (
                { uri: "" },
                { uri: "" },
                { uri: "" },
                { uri: "" },
                { uri: "" },
                // Test with 100s to 1000s of data to be rendered
                // ...
                // ...
                // ...
            renderItem={({ item, index }) => {
                return (
                    <View key={index} style={{flex: 1, backgroundColor: "#000"}}>
                            source={{ uri: item.uri }}
                            style={{flex: 1}}
            index={3} // Initial index can be placed anywhere.  Dynamic index support for only iOS.

📖 Full Documentation

Learn more about the installation and how to use this package in the updated documentation page.

👏 Contribute

Pull requests are welcomed.

🎩 Contributors

Contributors will be posted here.

👶 Beginners

Not sure where to start, or a beginner? Take a look at the issues page.

LueHsoft LueH LABS Lue Hang luehang

📄 License

MIT © Lue Hang, as found in the LICENSE file.

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npm i react-native-swipe-render

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  • luehang