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1.0.5 • Public • Published


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Basic Demo

Basic Demo


react-native-quiz-input is a React-Native package that allows the creation of individual character text inputs. While typing, focus will automatically move to the next input or to the previous one (in case of backspace). Spaces are also supported, therefore it is suitable for Quiz-like interfaces, Credit Card inputs, OTP screens and so on.


with Yarn:

yarn add react-native-quiz-input

or NPM:

npm install react-native-quiz-input --save


Import the component in your project:

import { QuizInput } from 'react-native-quiz-input';

Use the component:

    wordStructure={ [ true, true, true, false, true, true, true ] }
    onChange={ onChange }
const onChange = ( data ) => {
    // your code goes here


Name Type Description Example isRequired?
wordStructure TWordStructure Array representation of the words, where true is a letter and false is a space [true, true, false, true, true, true] yes
onChange (TCallbackData) => void Callback function. It will return the input content as an array and as a string check types section for data structure yes
maxBoxesPerLine number Max input boxes per line. When set, it will automatically create multiple rows when needed.
Default: 0 (off)
13 no
lineBreakOnSpace boolean Create a new row for each word.
Default: false
true no
autoFocus boolean Autofocus first input when component is loaded.
Default: true
true no
backgroundColor string Background color of each input box.
Default: transparent
#7FDCFF no
textColor string Text color of each input box.
Default: #000
#001F3F no
borderColor string Border color of each input box.
Default: #BBB
#DDD no
size small | medium | large Size of each input.
Default: medium
large no



type TWordStructure = ReadonlyArray<boolean>;

Word structure is defined by providing an array of booleans where true means letter and false mean space.


Hello World
[ true, true, true, true, true, false, true, true, true, true, true ]


type TCallbackData = {
    wordArray: ReadonlyArray<string | false>;
    wordString: string;

The callback returns an object with 2 properties:


An array with the input content. Each row in the array is either a string with the letter or false in case of a space.


The input content as a string


    wordArray: ['H', 'E', 'L', 'L', 'O', false, 'W', 'O', 'R', 'L', 'D' ],
    wordString: 'HELLO WORLD'

Other examples

With lineBreakOnSpace: true

const wordStructure = [ true, true, true, true, true, false, true, true, true, true, true ];

    wordStructure={ wordStructure }
    onChange={ onChange }
    lineBreakOnSpace={ true }

Basic Demo

With long word and maxBoxesPerLine set

const wordStructure = [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true ];

    wordStructure={ wordStructure }
    onChange={ onChange }
    maxBoxesPerLine={ 12 }

Basic Demo

With size: big

const wordStructure = [ true, true, true, true, true, false, true, true, true, true, true ];

    wordStructure={ wordStructure }
    onChange={ onChange }
    size={ 'big' }

Basic Demo

With size: small

const wordStructure = [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true ];

    wordStructure={ wordStructure }
    onChange={ onChange }
    size={ 'small' }

Basic Demo

Live Demos


You can try out the component in different environments (including your device) on

Live Apps

This library is currently used in Flipping Cards, an iOS/Android flashcards app availble in the App Store and Play Store. If you want to see the component in action just download the app and try out Challenge Mode.

Are you using this library in your project? Feel free to let me know by opening an issue. I will be happy to feature your app here.


Developed and maintained by @antoniocosentino

Many thanks to @demchenkoalex for creating the boilerplate that I used for this repo.



Found a bug?

Please open an issue. PRs are also welcome 😉

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  • antoniocosentino