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0.0.1 • Public • Published

PhotosGellary - Simform


npm version Android iOS MIT

Introducing a cutting-edge Photo Gallery library built with pure JavaScript and React Native Reanimated, designed to enhance your photo gallery experience by allowing you to effortlessly open and view selected photos.

Our user-friendly and highly customizable library ensures a seamless experience. Whether you're an Android or iOS user, our library is compatible with both platforms, guaranteeing optimal performance.

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OneColumn List TwoColumn List Horizontal List
alt Default alt Modal alt Modal

Quick Access

Getting Started 🔧

Here's how to get started with react-native-photos-gallery in your React Native project:


1. Install the package

Using npm:

npm install react-native-photos-gallery react-native-reanimated react-native-gesture-handler

Using Yarn:

yarn add react-native-photos-gallery react-native-reanimated react-native-gesture-handler
2. Install cocoapods in the ios project
cd ios && pod install

Note: Make sure to add Reanimated's babel plugin to your babel.config.js

module.exports = {
      plugins: [
Know more about react-native-reanimated


Sample Data

const data = [
    id: number,
    source: ImageSourcePropType,

Basic Example

import React from 'react';
import { SafeAreaView, StyleSheet } from 'react-native';
import { PhotoGallery } from 'react-native-photos-gallery';

export const data = [
    id: 1,
    source: require('./assets/images/apple.jpeg'),
    id: 2,
    source: require('./assets/images/apple_icon.jpeg'),
    id: 3,
    source: require('./assets/images/DeepPurple.png'),
    id: 4,
    source: require('./assets/images/iPhone12.jpeg'),
    id: 5,
    source: require('./assets/images/iPhoneX.jpeg'),
    id: 6,
    source: require('./assets/images/iphoneXWall.jpg'),
    id: 7,
    source: require('./assets/images/112ProMax.jpg'),
    id: 8,
    source: {
      uri: '',

const App = () => {
  return (
    <SafeAreaView style={styles.screen}>
        onImageExpand={({ visible }) => console.log(visible)}

export default App;

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  screen: { flex: 1 },
  modalBackgroundStyle: {
    backgroundColor: 'white',

🎬 Preview

Default Modal


Props Default Type Description
data - Data Data to render images
scaledImageResizeMode 'cover' ImageResizeMode Image size mode
animationCloseSpeed 350 Range<200, 500> Animation close speed between 200 to 500
animatedThumbnailScrollSpeed 30 10 | 20 | 30 Thumbnail List scroll speed
animatedImageDelay 90 20 | 30 | 60 | 90 Animated image delay
thumbnailListImageHeight 120 number Height of thumbnail list image
thumbnailListImageWidth 120 number Width of thumbnail list image
thumbnailListImageSpace 10 number Space between thumbnail list images
renderHeader - function Custom header content instead of default child content and it provide close() as an argument
onImageExpand - function Function to call when image expanded and it provide {visible} as an argument
renderNetworkLoader - function Custom network loader instead of default loader
flatListProps - FlatListProps<ArrayData> Provide flatlist props
listItemProps - ListItemProps List item props contain containerStyle, imageContainerStyle and imageProps
modalProps - ModalProps Provide Modal props
modalBackgroundProps - AnimateProps<ViewProps> Provide animated view props
modalBackgroundStyle - AnimateStyle<ViewStyle> Modal background style
modalHeaderProps - ModalHeaderProps Modal header props contain containerProps and containerStyle
modalContentProps - ModalContentProps Modal content props contain contentProps and contentStyle
modalContentImageProps - AnimateProps<ImageProps> Modal content Image props
modalFooterProps - ModalFooterProps Modal footer props contain thumbnailFlatListProps, footerContainerProps and footerContainerStyle
networkLoaderProps - ActivityIndicatorProps Provide ActivityIndicator props
networkImageProps - ImageProps Provide Image props

Props Default Type Description
containerStyle - ViewStyle Container style
imageContainerStyle - AnimateStyle<ViewStyle> Image container style
imageProps - AnimateProps<ImageProps> Image Props

Props Default Type Description
containerProps - AnimateProps<ViewProps> Container props
containerStyle - AnimateStyle<ViewStyle> Container style

Props Default Type Description
contentProps - AnimateProps<ViewProps> Content props
contentStyle - AnimateStyle<ViewStyle> Content style

Props Default Type Description
thumbnailFlatListProps - FlatListProps<any> Thumbnail flatlist props
footerContainerProps - AnimateProps<ViewProps> Container props
footerContainerStyle - AnimateStyle<ViewStyle> Container style
Know more about ViewProps, ViewStyle, FlatListProps, ModalProps, ImageProps


A full working example project is here Example

yarn example ios   // For ios
yarn example android   // For Android

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Bugs / Feature requests / Feedbacks

For bugs, feature requests, and discussion please use GitHub Issues, GitHub New Feature, GitHub Feedback

🤝 How to Contribute

We'd love to have you improve this library or fix a problem 💪 Check out our Contributing Guide for ideas on contributing.

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  • simform_solutions