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1.1.2 • Public • Published


A React Native module to retrieve interface/device orientation, listen to orientation changes, and lock screen to a specific orientation.

Supported platforms

  • [x] iOS
  • [x] Android
  • [x] Windows


Using npm

npm install react-native-orientation-manager

Using yarn

yarn add react-native-orientation-manager

iOS Only:

Make sure pods are installed by navigating to the iOS project and running:

bundle exec pod install

Additional Configuration

To ensure that the module is fully initialized during app startup, include this import statement in your app's entry file (index.* or App.*):

import "react-native-orientation-manager";

For example:

import "react-native-orientation-manager";
import { AppRegistry } from "react-native";
import App from "./src/App";
import { name as appName } from "./app.json";

AppRegistry.registerComponent(appName, () => App);


Add the following code to which is probably located at android/app/src/main/java/<your package name>/

// ... code
import com.kroosx4v.orientationmanager.OrientationManagerActivityLifecycleCallbacks;

public class MainApplication extends Application implements ReactApplication
    // ...code

    public void onCreate()
        // ...code
        registerActivityLifecycleCallbacks(new OrientationManagerActivityLifecycleCallbacks());


Add the following code to your project's

// ...code
#import "RNOrientationManager.h"

@implementation AppDelegate

// ...code

- (UIInterfaceOrientationMask)application:(UIApplication *)application supportedInterfaceOrientationsForWindow:(UIWindow *)window
    return [RNOrientationManager getSupportedInterfaceOrientations];



Retrieve current interface and device orientations:

import Orientations from "react-native-orientation-manager";
import type { InterfaceOrientation, DeviceOrientation } from "react-native-orientation-manager";

const currentInterfaceOrientation: InterfaceOrientation = Orientations.interfaceOrientation;
const currentDeviceOrientation: DeviceOrientation = Orientations.deviceOrientation;

Use current interface and device orientations as state hooks:

import { Text } from "react-native";
import { useInterfaceOrientation, useDeviceOrientation } from "react-native-orientation-manager";

function OrientationValues(): React.JSX.Element
    const interfaceOrientation = useInterfaceOrientation();
    const deviceOrientation = useDeviceOrientation();

    return (
            <Text style={{ color: "#841584" }}>
                Interface orientation: {interfaceOrientation.getName()}
            <Text style={{ color: "#841584" }}>
                Device orientation: {deviceOrientation.getName()}

Lock interface orientation to a specific orientation:

Using functions:

import { lockToLandscape, lockToPortrait, unlockAllOrientations, resetInterfaceOrientationSetting } from "react-native-orientation-manager";

// ...or
// ...or

// remove lock

Using OrientationLocker component:

import { View } from "react-native";
import { OrientationLocker } from "react-native-orientation-manager";

function LandscapeOnlyScreen(): React.JSX.Element
    return (
        <View style={{ flex: 1 }}>
            <OrientationLocker lock="Landscape" />

Listen to orientation changes:

import { addInterfaceOrientationChangeListener, addDeviceOrientationChangeListener } from "react-native-orientation-manager";
import type { InterfaceOrientation, DeviceOrientation } from "react-native-orientation-manager";

const listenerRemover = addInterfaceOrientationChangeListener((interfaceOrientation: InterfaceOrientation) => {
    if (interfaceOrientation.isPortrait())
        // something

const listenerRemover2 = addDeviceOrientationChangeListener((deviceOrientation: DeviceOrientation) => {
    if (deviceOrientation.isPortrait())
        // something

Do something every time the interface orientation changes while a screen is focused (requires @react-navigation/native 5x or higher):

import { useInterfaceOrientationWhenFocusedEffect } from "react-native-orientation-manager";
import type { InterfaceOrientation } from "react-native-orientation-manager";
import { useNavigation } from "@react-navigation/native";

function SomeComponent(): React.JSX.Element
    const navigation = useNavigation();

    useInterfaceOrientationWhenFocusedEffect((interfaceOrientation: InterfaceOrientation) => {
        if (!interfaceOrientation.isLandscape())
            // Only allow landscape orientation in this screen with the possibility of leaving it when orientation changes to portrait

        // optionally return a cleanup function
        return () => {
            // something


Class InterfaceOrientation

Function Return Type
isUnknown() boolean
isPortrait() boolean
isPortraitUpsideDown() boolean
isLandscapeLeft() boolean
isLandscapeRight() boolean
isEitherPortrait() boolean
isLandscape() boolean
getName() string
equals(interfaceOrientation: InterfaceOrientation) boolean

Class DeviceOrientation

Function Return Type
isUnknown() boolean
isPortrait() boolean
isPortraitUpsideDown() boolean
isLandscapeLeft() boolean
isLandscapeRight() boolean
isFaceUp() boolean
isFaceDown() boolean
isEitherPortrait() boolean
isLandscape() boolean
isFace() boolean
getName() string
equals(deviceOrientation: DeviceOrientation) boolean

Default Export: An object with the following properties:

Property Type Represents
interfaceOrientation InterfaceOrientation Current interface orientation
deviceOrientation DeviceOrientation Current device orienation

Listener Registrar Functions:

Function Returns
addInterfaceOrientationChangeListener((interfaceOrientation: InterfaceOrientation) => void) Listener remover function
addDeviceOrientationChangeListener((deviceOrientation: DeviceOrientation) => void) Listener remover function

Interface Orientation Locking Functions:

Function Return Type Notes
async lockToPortrait() Promise<void>
async lockToPortraitUpsideDown() Promise<void>
async lockToLandscapeLeft() Promise<void>
async lockToLandscapeRight() Promise<void>
async lockToLandscape() Promise<void>
async lockToAllOrientationsButUpsideDown() Promise<void> Not supported on Android
async unlockAllOrientations() Promise<void>

To remove interface orientation lock:

Function Return Type
async resetInterfaceOrientationSetting() Promise<void>

Component OrientationLocker

Prop Type Value
lock string Can be one of the following:
  • "Portrait": Locks to portrait only. Same as lockToPortrait()
  • "PortraitUpsideDown": Locks to portrait upside down only. Same as lockToPortraitUpsideDown()
  • "LandscapeLeft": Locks to landscape left only. Same as lockToLandscapeLeft()
  • "LandscapeRight": Locks to landscape right only. Same as lockToLandscapeRight()
  • "Landscape": Locks to landscape left or right only. Same as lockToLandscape()
  • "AllButUpsideDown": Locks to all orientations except portrait upside down. Same as lockToAllOrientationsButUpsideDown(). Not supported on Android
  • "All": Unlocks all orientations. Same as unlockAllOrientations()


    Hook Return Type Functionality
    useInterfaceOrientation() InterfaceOrientation Uses current interface orientation as a state
    useDeviceOrientation() DeviceOrientation Uses current device orientation as a state
            effect: (interfaceOrientation: InterfaceOrientation) => CleanupFunction | undefined,
            dependencies: any[] = [],
    void This runs on mount and subsequently whenever the interface orientation changes or when dependencies change during a re-render
            effect: (deviceOrientation: DeviceOrientation) => CleanupFunction | undefined,
            dependencies: any[] = [],
    void This runs on mount and subsequently whenever the device orientation changes or when dependencies change during a re-render
            effect: (interfaceOrientation: InterfaceOrientation) => CleanupFunction | undefined,
            dependencies: any[] = [],
    void This hook runs under three conditions:
    1. When screen has just been focused
    2. When interface orientation changes while screen is focused
    3. When a re-render occurs and dependencies change while screen is focused
    Second argument (dependencies) is optional. When it's not given or an empty array is given, the third condition does not apply.
    You can provide a cleanup function that gets called before the effect function must run again or when screen loses focus

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    npm i react-native-orientation-manager

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    • kroosx4v