MultiToggle Switch for React-Native

npm i react-native-multi-toggle-switch --save
Link react-native-vector-icons
native dependencies to your project with:
react-native link react-native-vector-icons
or just:
react-native link
First step: import the component:
import MultiToggleSwitch from 'react-native-multi-toggle-switch';
Second step: Use it.
<MultiToggleSwitch.Item onPress={() => console.log("Facebook tapped!")}>
<Icon name={'facebook'} size={30} />
<MultiToggleSwitch.Item primaryColor={'#CF4647'}>
<Icon name={'twitter'} size={30} />
<Icon name={'instagram'} size={30}/>
<MultiToggleSwitch.Item primaryColor={'orange'}>
<Icon name={'github'} size={30} />
Property | Type | Default | Description |
defaultActiveIndex | number | 0 | Item index which should be active when the component renders |
primaryColor | string | #124E96 | Color of icon when in non-active state & Color of icon background when in active state |
secondaryColor | string | white | Color of icon when in active state & Color of icon background when in non-active state |
itemContainer | style | null | Style of item container |
activeContainerStyle | style | null | Style of item container when active |
itemsContainer | style | null | Style of container containing all items |
itemsContainerBackgroundStyle | style | null | Background Style of container containing items |
onPress | function | Function to be called as soon as the user presses any item |
- Example
- Able to use all icons(only FontAwesome Supported)