React Native Map Cluster
Create clustered map views in React Native with current user location, custom marker rendering, custom cluster rendering and custom callout rendering.
npm i --save react-native-map-cluster
- the prop
of the markers rendered throughrenderMarker
should not be left up to React. Instead, we strongly suggest to use anid
in order the have unique keys while still taking advantage of React's recycling -
supports usual React children. Those children won't be affected by clustering, i.e. the behavior for those children is exactly the same as wrapping them around an AirBnB's react-native-maps instance - Use
event on MapView instead of usingonPress
directly on Markers whenever possibile, in particular if you have a lot of pins and clusters. WithinonMarkerPress
you have access to the marker identifier through theevent.nativeEvent
attribute, hence you should be able to do everything you would do within anonPress
function of a Marker
import React, { Component } from 'react'
import { Marker, Callout } from 'react-native-maps'
import ClusteredMapView from 'react-native-map-cluster'
const INIT_REGION = {
latitude: 41.8962667,
longitude: 11.3340056,
latitudeDelta: 12,
longitudeDelta: 12
export default class MyClusteredMapView extends Component {
renderCluster = (cluster, onPress) => {
const pointCount = cluster.pointCount,
coordinate = cluster.coordinate,
clusterId = cluster.clusterId
const clusteringEngine =,
clusteredPoints = clusteringEngine.getLeaves(clusterId, 100)
return (
<Marker coordinate={coordinate} onPress={onPress}>
<View style={styles.myClusterStyle}>
<Text style={styles.myClusterTextStyle}>
Eventually use <Callout /> to
show clustered point thumbs, i.e.:
{ => (
<Image source={p.image}>
renderMarker = (data) => <Marker key={ || Math.random()} coordinate={data.location} />
render() {
return (
style={{flex: 1}}
ref={(r) => { = r }}
renderCluster={this.renderCluster} />
Name | Type | Required | Default | Note |
showsUserLocation | Bool | false | undefined | Show current location on map. |
permissionsAndroid | Object | false | undefined | Needed when showsUserLocation is set to true. See example here. |
radius | Number | false | window width * 4,5% | SuperCluster radius. |
extent | Number | false | 512 | SuperCluster extent. |
minZoom | Number | false | 1 | SuperCluster minZoom. |
maxZoom | Number | false | 16 | SuperCluster maxZoom. |
width | Number | false | window width | map's width. |
height | Number | false | window height | map's height. |
data | Array | true | undefined | Objects must have an attribute location representing a GeoPoint , i.e. { latitude: x, longitude: y } . |
onExplode | Function | false | undefined | TODO |
onImplode | Function | false | undefined | TODO |
onClusterPress(clusterId, ?children) | Function | false | Add (or completey override) behaviours to the clusterPress handler. children is passed when default behavior is preserved (see preserveClusterPressBehavior prop). |
preserveClusterPressBehavior | Bool | false | true | Whether onClusterPress prop should completely override module's behavior rather than integrate it. |
clusterPressMaxChildren | Function | false | 100 | Max number of cluster leaves returned as second parameter of onClusterPress . |
edgePadding | Object | false | { top: 10, left: 10, bottom: 10, right: 10 } | Edge padding for react-native-maps's fitToCoordinates method, called in onClusterPress for fitting to pressed cluster children. |
renderMarker | Function | true | undefined | Must return a react-native-maps' Marker component. |
renderCluster | Function | true | undefined | Render the cluster. |
animateClusters | Bool | false | true | Animate imploding/exploding of clusters' markers and clusters size change. Works only on iOS. |
layoutAnimationConf | LayoutAnimationConfig | false | LayoutAnimation.Presets.spring |
Custom Layout animation configuration object for clusters animation during implode / explode Works only on iOS. |
clusteringEnabled | Bool | false | true | Dynamically set whether to pass through clustering functions or immediately render markers as a normal mapview. |
accessor | String|Func | false | "location" | Accessor for item coordinate values. Could be a string (field name of an item object with latitude and longitude values) or a function (that describes how to access to coordinate data). |
Name | Params | Description | Note |
getMapRef | none | Getter for underlying react-native-maps instance | Official Doc |
getClusteringEngine | none | Getter for underlying SuperCluster instance | Official Doc |
This repository is a fork of react-native-maps-super-cluster with many more features and updated implementations.