
1.0.15 • Public • Published


Getting started

$ npm install react-native-hmplatform --save

Mostly automatic installation

$ react-native link react-native-hmplatform

Manual installation


  1. In XCode, in the project navigator, right click LibrariesAdd Files to [your project's name]
  2. Go to node_modulesreact-native-hmplatform and add RNHmplatform.xcodeproj
  3. In XCode, in the project navigator, select your project. Add libRNHmplatform.a to your project's Build PhasesLink Binary With Libraries
  4. Run your project (Cmd+R)<


  1. Open up android/app/src/main/java/[...]/
  • Add import com.hessian.hmplatform.RNHmplatformPackage; to the imports at the top of the file
  • Add new RNHmplatformPackage() to the list returned by the getPackages() method
  1. Append the following lines to android/settings.gradle:
    include ':react-native-hmplatform'
    project(':react-native-hmplatform').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, 	'../node_modules/react-native-hmplatform/android')
  2. Insert the following lines inside the dependencies block in android/app/build.gradle:
      compile project(':react-native-hmplatform')

Common Usage as a Webview

import  {HMView}  from 'react-native-hmplatform';

// the other code

render() {
	var url = "";
		<HMView url={url} />

Load local html file

import  {HMView}  from 'react-native-hmplatform';

// the other code

render() {
	var html = `
        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <h1>A common WebView extended by ImagePicker for React Native (Android and iOS platform).</h1>
		<HMView html={html} />

Extend Usage as a image picker view

Before your want to use image picker by javascript in H5, notice as below:

  1. H5 need to post a message to RN;
  2. RN listen the message from H5 and do something about image picking;
  3. After image selected, RN inject a message named onRNMessage include image's datas;
  4. H5 listen the onRNMessage function and parse the callback result;

select from camera

you need to copy code blow in your H5 page

function openCamera(){
  window.ReactNativeWebView.postMessage(JSON.stringify({ type: "HSopenCamera",data: { } }))

Select from gallery

you need to copy code blow in your H5 page

function selectGalley(){
  window.ReactNativeWebView.postMessage(JSON.stringify({ type: "HSselectGalley",data: { } }))

Listen the result

you need to copy code blow in your H5 page

window["onRNMessage"] = (data) => {
	// todo parse the data

	// example:
	if (data instanceof Object) {
		var img = new Image()
	} else if (data instanceof Array) {
		for (var i = 0 ; i < data.length ; i++) {
      var img = new Image()
	} else {
		console.e('pase data failed')

Result data object

Property Type Description
path string Selected image location. This is null when the writeTempFile option is set to false.
localIdentifier(ios only) string Selected images' localidentifier, used for PHAsset searching
sourceURL(ios only) string Selected images' source path, do not have write access
filename(ios only) string Selected images' filename
width number Selected image width
height number Selected image height
mime string Selected image MIME type (image/jpeg, image/png)
size number Selected image size in bytes
duration number Video duration time in milliseconds
data base64 Optional base64 selected file representation
exif object Extracted exif data from image. Response format is platform specific
cropRect object Cropped image rectangle (width, height, x, y)
creationDate (ios only) string UNIX timestamp when image was created
modificationDate string UNIX timestamp when image was last modified


The custom props for the HMView

Property Type Description
html string Load local html file
url string Load remote url
pickerOptions object the common properties for image picker


Property Type Description
cropping bool (default false) Enable or disable cropping
width number Width of result image when used with cropping option
height number Height of result image when used with cropping option
multiple bool (default false) Enable or disable multiple image selection
writeTempFile (ios only) bool (default true) When set to false, does not write temporary files for the selected images. This is useful to improve performance when you are retrieving file contents with the includeBase64 option and don't need to read files from disk.
includeBase64 bool (default false) When set to true, the image file content will be available as a base64-encoded string in the data property. Hint: To use this string as an image source, use it like: <Image source={{uri: `data:${image.mime};base64,${}`}} />
includeExif bool (default false) Include image exif data in the response
avoidEmptySpaceAroundImage (ios only) bool (default true) When set to true, the image will always fill the mask space.
cropperActiveWidgetColor (android only) string (default "#424242") When cropping image, determines ActiveWidget color.
cropperStatusBarColor (android only) string (default #424242) When cropping image, determines the color of StatusBar.
cropperToolbarColor (android only) string (default #424242) When cropping image, determines the color of Toolbar.
cropperToolbarWidgetColor (android only) string (default darker orange) When cropping image, determines the color of Toolbar text and buttons.
freeStyleCropEnabled bool (default false) Enables user to apply custom rectangle area for cropping
cropperToolbarTitle string (default Edit Photo) When cropping image, determines the title of Toolbar.
cropperCircleOverlay bool (default false) Enable or disable circular cropping mask.
disableCropperColorSetters (android only) bool (default false) When cropping image, disables the color setters for cropping library.
minFiles (ios only) number (default 1) Min number of files to select when using multiple option
maxFiles (ios only) number (default 5) Max number of files to select when using multiple option
waitAnimationEnd (ios only) bool (default true) Promise will resolve/reject once ViewController completion block is called
smartAlbums (ios only) array (default ['UserLibrary', 'PhotoStream', 'Panoramas', 'Videos', 'Bursts']) List of smart albums to choose from
useFrontCamera bool (default false) Whether to default to the front/'selfie' camera when opened. Please note that not all Android devices handle this parameter
compressVideoPreset (ios only) string (default MediumQuality) Choose which preset will be used for video compression
compressImageMaxWidth number (default none) Compress image with maximum width
compressImageMaxHeight number (default none) Compress image with maximum height
compressImageQuality number (default 1 (Android)/0.8 (iOS)) Compress image with quality (from 0 to 1, where 1 is best quality). On iOS, values larger than 0.8 don't produce a noticeable quality increase in most images, while a value of 0.8 will reduce the file size by about half or less compared to a value of 1.
loadingLabelText (ios only) string (default "Processing assets...") Text displayed while photo is loading in picker
mediaType string (default any) Accepted mediaType for image selection, can be one of: 'photo', 'video', or 'any'
showsSelectedCount (ios only) bool (default true) Whether to show the number of selected assets
sortOrder (ios only) string (default 'none', supported values: 'asc', 'desc', 'none') Applies a sort order on the creation date on how media is displayed within the albums/detail photo views when opening the image picker
forceJpg (ios only) bool (default false) Whether to convert photos to JPG. This will also convert any Live Photo into its JPG representation
showCropGuidelines (android only) bool (default true) Whether to show the 3x3 grid on top of the image during cropping
showCropFrame (android only) bool (default true) Whether to show crop frame during cropping
hideBottomControls (android only) bool (default false) Whether to display bottom controls
enableRotationGesture (android only) bool (default false) Whether to enable rotating the image by hand gesture
cropperChooseText (ios only) string (default choose) Choose button text
cropperCancelText (ios only) string (default Cancel) Cancel button text
cropperRotateButtonsHidden (ios only) bool (default false) Enable or disable cropper rotate buttons

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