React Native Advanced Video Player
A video player for react native with advanced controls made for react native.
- Swipe To Seek
- Native Brightness & Volume Controls
- Playing videos directly from a link or from a local path
- Supports RTMP & HLS live streaming
Peer Dependencies
This packages depends on the below packages to function properly:
- Orientation Locker - Uses to force the user include landscape/portrait mode
- Safe aArea - Uses to calculate fullscreen dimensions for iOS with safe area insets
- Home Indicator - Uses to hide iOS home indicator on newer gen iPhones
Install the dependencies at the root of your React Native project.
For React Native > 0.60
$ npm install --save react-native-advanced-video-player
For React Native < 0.59
$ npm install --save react-native-advanced-video-player
$ react-native link react-native-advanced-video-player
Additional Configurations
import com.rn_advanced_video_player.AdvancedVideoPackage;
protected List<ReactPackage> getPackages() {
List<ReactPackage> packages = new PackageList(this).getPackages();
packages.add(new AdvancedVideoPackage());
return packages;
Download the icons required for the iOS side to work from the link below:-
Paste the icons into your Project.xcworkspace/Images.xcassets directory
Basic Usage
import RNVideoPlayer from "react-native-advanced-video-player";
width: 300,
height: 450
Property | Type | Default | Descrption |
source | string | null | URL or path to video |
playerStyle | object | {} | Styling for the player container |
fullscreen | boolean | false | Determines whether the button should show fullscreen or not at first |
swipeToSeek | boolean | true | When true, user can swipe on the container to seek the video. NOT AVAILABLE for RTMP stream |
seekBarColor | string | #ffffff | Custom color for seekbar |
showFullscreenControls | boolean | true | Shows the fullscreen and back button |
showLikeButton | boolean | true | Shows the like button |
showShareButton | boolean | true | Shows the share button |
showDownloadButton | boolean | true | Shows the download button |
Property | Descrption |
onFullscreen | When the fullscreen button is pressed |
onBackPressed | When the back button is pressed |
onLikePressed | When the like button is pressed |
onSharePressed | When the share button is pressed |
onDownloadPressed | When the download button is pressed |
onControlsShow | When the controls overlay is shown |
onControlsHide | When the controls overlay is hidden |
onEnterFullsceen | When the video player enters fullscreen mode |
onLeaveFullscreen | When the video player leaves fullscreen mode |
Property | Descrption |
pause | Pauses the videoplayer |
play | Plays the videoplayer |
mutePlayer | Mutes the videoplayer |
unmutePlayer | Unmutes the videoplayer |
showSystemHUD | Method to switch to showing native iOS volume bar HUD |
killVideoPlayer | Kills video player instance, CALL to make sure video is stopped playing in background |
- Add more props to make it more configurable
Free Software, Hell Yeah!