React Material Color Picker Component
Material Design is a design language introduced by Google. If you want to find color inspiration for a specific design style based on material color palette, you can use this component as a development tool. You may find it useful while creating Material apps in combination with such libraries as Material-UI
$ npm i react-material-color-picker --save
;; // in your app<MaterialColorPicker initColor="rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.26)" onSubmit= onReset= style=width: 400 backgroundColor: '#c7c7c7' submitLabel='Apply' resetLabel='Undo'/>
Props and Callbacks
initColor should be color string from Goggle material color palette
style - inline style of the root div node
submitLabel and resetLabel are titles of the appropriate buttons
onSubmit and onReset are callbacks wich will be invoked by clicking the appropriate buttons. It will recieve an argument with the following structure:
event = type // 'submit' || 'reset', timeStamp // nativeEvent.timeStamp, target: value // currient color string, nativeEvent // nativeEvent, name: 'MaterialColorPicker' node // ref to root div element, ...thisprops ;