
1.0.16 • Public • Published


It's a component library for React, and named 'Kekkai'(Japanese). Let's see Kekkai via the agenda as follows:

What is Kekkai

Kekkai provided 5 components to build the common data layout(such as Form / Grid / Card). You could use the same way to build the layout through these Kekkai components, and change layout via easy setting.

The pattern about using 5 components is...

<KekkaiContainer panel={LayoutOpts.List} view={data => (
  <KekkaiDataview key={data.$uid} dataModel={data}>
    <KekkaiField label="Name" name="fullName">
      <KekkaiDisplay># {data.fullName}</KekkaiDisplay>

      <KekkaiEditor required={true} validation={value =>
        value.trim().length === 0 ? 'Name is required.' : true
        <input type="text" />

In Japanese, 'Kekkai' means magic circle, and the pattern just looks like a magic circle, so I named it as 'Kekkai' ^^.

About Install

Download from NPM npm i react moment numeral react-kekkai -s

Import Kekkai

Except the kekkai components, also import the CSS.

import {
  // Components
  KekkaiContainer, KekkaiDataview, KekkaiField, KekkaiDisplay, KekkaiEditor,

  // Option Enums
  LayoutOpts, TriggerOpts, EditingOpts,

  // Operations Building Helper
  Todo, TodoScripts
} from 'react-kekkai';

import 'react-kekkai/dist/index.css';

5 Components

Using this pattern concept to accomplish building the different layout via the only one way. It will reduce our work for HTML, and make sure all the layout could follow the same business rule. Now, let's check the purposes of these 5 components:

  • <KekkaiContainer /> (API Documentation)
    1 <KekkaiContainer /> means 1 data source, all the data will work under the container. <KekkaiContainer /> is responsible for privding a basic Toolbar / Pagination, and allocating HTML Layout Panel.

  • <KekkaiDataview /> (API Documentation)
    1 <KekkaiDataview /> means 1 data, so there will be many <KekkaiDataview /> in 1 <KekkaiContainer />. We use <KekkaiDataview /> to pack the data columns(field), and it provided Data-Row Selection / Menu.

  • <KekkaiField /> (API Documentation)
    <KekkaiField /> is used to pack Display and Editor, and responsible for switching them by data status on the right time. So, we don't need to use any skill to make up the switching control. It could also define the column layout under the different panel.

  • <KekkaiDisplay /> (API Documentation)
    <KekkaiField /> has provided a default <KekkaiDisplay /> to show value. If you wanna use different ways or format to show the value, you could override it by your own. This is responsibility of <KekkaiDisplay />.

  • <KekkaiEditor /> (API Documentation)
    When data need to be edited, we could use <KekkaiEditor /> to pack the form items. We could also bind the events to append rule to control editable status / handle data changed / do validation and tip, and make every form item be unified into one solution by these 3 events. By the way, the form item which is packed by <KekkaiEditor /> must have supported properties of 'value' and 'onChange'.

API Documentation

After the introduction of Kekkai, let's see the API to know how to use Kekkai. (PS. '*' means required.)


<KekkaiContainer />

  • Options(props)

    • *ref: string
      Define a ref, we could call the methods through ref.

    • panel: LayoutOpts
      Specify the HTML layout, default is LayoutOpts.List.

    • toolBgColor: string
      Define background-color of tool, default is #007bff.

    • toolTxColor: string
      Define text-color of tool, default is white.

    • pageSize: number
      Define data count in 1 page, and the allowed number is 10 / 25 / 50 / 100(means show all by infinite-scroll), default is 10.

    • todos: (Todo | TodoScripts)[]
      Inject the data manipulations which are defined by yourself or Kekkai provided. If there is not any todos, users could only read the data in .

  • Events

    • *getSearchResponse: async ({ sort, filters, page}) => { data, total }
      This is the most important event, all the data that needs are returned by it. You can also make up parameters of request and send request here. Check more as follows:

      • Parameters

        • sort: [{ name, dir }] -

          • name: string - means the field name of data.
          • dir: string - It will only be asc or desc.
        • filters: [{ name, operator, value }] -

          • name: string - means the field name of data.
          • operator: string - means condition, and it's defined by <KekkaiField />'s property: filter.
          • value: any - This is input by user filtering.
        • page: { page, pageSize, skip, start } -

          • page: number - The target page index of loading.
          • pageSize: number - Data count of 1 page.
          • skip: number - Skip count.
          • start: number - Target start data index in the page.
      • Return: { data, total }

        • data: Object[] - When you get the data JSON array from response with await, please put the data JSON into this property.

        • total: number - Set the total count of data to make pagination work.

    • *view: (data) => <KekkaiDataview />
      This event will be fired when Kekkai get the response data and convert JSON to KekkaiModel. KekkaiModel will be inputted in this event, so we could build <KekkaiDataview /> by it.

    • onCommit: async (todoRef, { target, modifieds, removes }) => { success, msg }
      If there is any request-process in todos, this event will be fired when user submit modifieds. We could get the target modified data to make up the parameters and send request here. Check more as follows:

      • Parameters

        • todoRef: string - We could check what request should be sent by this parameter, and it's defined in todo. Here are 2 cases that we should know:

          • Specific Case:
            Most manipulations and their own request process are explicitly and single, so we could get the only one todoRef that defined by ourself.

          • Commit Case:
            Kekkai provided inline-editing, and user could edit multiple data via this feature. No metter data is updated or created, we'll only get todoRef as KekkaiContainer.CommitAll, and it means this commit is for all modified data.

        • target: KekkaiModel[] - In specific case, we could get the request target data from this parameter.

        • modifieds: KekkaiModel[] - This parameter will be inputted when the todoRef is KekkaiContainer.CommitAll, and it contains the updated and created data.

        • removes: KekkaiModel[] - This parameter will be inputted when the todoRef is KekkaiContainer.CommitAll. It means the temporarily removed data.

      • Return: { success, msg }

        • success: boolean - The response result, set as false will make Kekkai popup a Error Message Box, and the content is msg.

        • msg: string - Error message.

  • Readonly Properties

    • panel: LayoutOpts
      Get current layout type.

    • pager: KekkaiPager
      Get pagination manager. If you wanna change page size or index, you could use this property.

    • data: KekkaiModel[]
      Get all data in current page.

    • selecteds: KekkaiModel[]
      Get the selected data in current page.

    • editings: KekkaiModel[]
      Get the editable data in current page.

    • modifieds: KekkaiModel[]
      Get the dirty data in current page.

  • Methods

    • setAlert(content, { type, title, icon, callbackFn }): void
      To show a message tip.

      • Parameters
        • *content: string | React Element - The message content.

        • type: string - Define the background-color of message box, and the allowed values are info / success / warning / danger. Default is info.

        • title: string - The message title.

        • icon: string - Set as a icon class name, such as Font-Awesome. By the way, Kekkai use Font Awesome 4.7 as default icon.

        • callbackFn: () => void - This function will be called after the message box closed.

    • setConfirm(content, { type, title, icon, callbackFn }): void
      To show a confirmed message.

      • Parameters
        • *content: string | React Element - The message content.

        • type: string - Define the background-color of message box, and the allowed values are info / success / warning / danger. Default is info.

        • title: string - The message title.

        • icon: string - Set as a icon class name, such as Font-Awesome. By the way, Kekkai use Font Awesome 4.7 as default icon.

        • *callbackFn: (isConfirmed: boolean) => void - This function will be called after the message box closed.

    • add(newData, { index }): void
      Append new JSON data to <KekkaiContainer />, and you could also specify the index of data(default is 0).

    • edit(turnOn, { editData }): void
      Turn on/off the editable status of data. If you haven't specified the target data, the default targets are all data.

      • Parameters
        • *turnOn: boolean - Set as true to turn on editable, and false to turn off.

        • editData: KekkaiModel | KekkaiModel[] - Specify one or more target data.

    • setExecuting({ todo, data, popup }): void
      If there is a executing Todo which has to storage temporarily, call this method. The Todo in temporary storage will be the top priority when you call doCommit.

      • Parameters
        • todo: Todo - Target temporary storage Todo.

        • data: KekkaiModel - Target processed data, only support single data.

        • popup: boolean - If todo's editingMode is set as EditingOpts.POPUP, please set this option as true to let <KekkaiContainer /> know it has to popup a editing modal.

    • async doSearch(filters, specifyPage): void
      To load data. Event - getSearchResponse will be fired when called this method.

    • async doRollback(showConfirm): void
      To rollback all the modifieds of data, and you could also rollback without confirm message box.

      • Parameters
        • showConfirm: boolean - Default is true, and setting as false could ignore confirming.
    • async doCommit(): void
      To commit all the modifieds of data. Kekkai will make up the target process data according to manipulation situational from user, and put todoRef and data into Event - onCommit.

<KekkaiDataview />

  • Options(props)

    • *key: string
      In React, the element array must be set a key, so our suggest is setting as KekkaiModel.$uid.

    • *dataModel: KekkaiModel
      Binding data to this <KekkaiDataview /> to make sure it could work.

    • selectable: boolean | (data) => boolean
      This option will be actived when the panel is LayoutOpts.List or LayoutOpts.Card. To define this <KekkaiDataview /> could be selected by user, and default is false. You could also set as a function to build business rules.

      • Parameters
        • data: KekkaiModel - Kekkai will put the data into this function.
    • reorderable: boolean
      This option will be actived when the panel is LayoutOpts.List. To define all the columns in <KekkaiDataview /> could be reorder by drag and drop.

    • labelSize: number
      This option will be actived when the panel is LayoutOpts.Form. To define all the <label />'s width, and the allowed values are between 1 ~ 12.

    • viewSize: RWD Options
      This option will be actived when the panel is LayoutOpts.Card. To define <KekkaiDataview />'s width, and default is { def: 12 }.

  • Events

    • onSelected: (isChecked, data) => void
      This event will be fired when user select the data by Data-Row Selection.
      • Parameters
        • isChecked: boolean - true means data is selected, and false is deselected.

        • data: KekkaiModel - The target data.

<KekkaiField />

  • Options(props)
    • *name: string
      Binding data field name.

    • key: string
      If you wanna build a pseudo column, you must have to set this property. Just give it a unique name.

    • *label: string
      Define description for field. When panel is LayoutOpts.List, this label will show on the header. In other panel, it will become <label />.

    • align: string
      Set the text-align in <KekkaiDisplay />, default is left.

    • sortable: boolean | { seq, dir }
      This option will make Kekkai generate sort parameters. Set as true means this column will be sortable.

      • seq: number - Means priority order.

      • dir: string - The allowed values are asc or desc.

    • form: RWD Options
      When layout panel is LayoutOpts.Form or in Kekkai Popup Modal, the column width is set by this option. Default is { def: 12 }.

    • card: RWD Options
      When layout panel is LayoutOpts.Card, the column width is set by this option. Default is { def: 12 }.

    • list: number
      When layout panel is LayoutOpts.List, the column width is set by this option. The number means px, and default is 120.

    • locked: boolean
      Only for LayoutOpts.List. Set column as locked, default is false.

    • lockable: boolean
      Only for LayoutOpts.List. Set column could be switched locked status by user, default is false.

    • hidden: boolean
      Only for LayoutOpts.List. Set column as hidden, default is false.

    • hideable: boolean
      Only for LayoutOpts.List. Set column could be switched hidden by user, default is false.

    • resizable: boolean
      Only for LayoutOpts.List. Set column could be resized, default is false.

    • filter: any
      Only for LayoutOpts.List. Kekkai will build a filter feature on the header which is like Excel. This option could define filter condition, such as 'eq' / 'like'. See your request parameter format to decide it.

<KekkaiDisplay />

There isn't not any options for this component. It's just used to pack the value format.

<KekkaiEditor />

  • Options(props)

    • required: boolean
      Set value as be required when user edits, default is false.

    • editable: boolean | (value, data) => boolean
      This option will be used before Kekkai switch to edit mode. If this option value is false or return false, that means this column wouldn't be switched to edit mode.

      • Parameters

        • value: any - The current field value.

        • data: KekkaiModel - The data record.

      • Return: boolean
        Return true or false to tell Kekkai this column is able to be swtiched to edit mode.

  • Events

    • onChange: (name, value, data) => void
      This event is fired when field value changed.

      • Parameters
        • name: string - The field name of data.

        • value: any - The new value.

        • data: KekkaiModel - The data record.

    • validation: (name, value, data) => true | string
      This event is fired after onChange, and we could check the data validation in this event. If data is valid, please return true, or return the error message tip. Kekkai will popup a message tip when it get the error message.

      • Parameters

        • name: string - The field name of data.

        • value: any - The new value.

        • data: KekkaiModel - The data record.

      • Return: true | string
        true means valid, and string is error message.



This option will be used in <KekkaiContainer />. There are 3 kinds layout, see as follows:

  • Card: LayoutOpts.Card
    Card layout is built by Layout-Grid & Components-Card from Bootstrap 4.0. We could use it to show multiple data, and it's RWD design. Under this panel, there isn't any Data-Row Selection, all the manipulations about Selection and Row Double Click will become to be trigger by Data-Row Menu.

    PS. I wanna append data sort feature on the label in the future.

  • Form: LayoutOpts.Form
    Form layout is built by Layout-Grid from Bootstrap 4.0, and it's also RWD design. In Kekkai, if set panel as LayoutOpts.Form, the pageSize will become to 1. Yes, it means show only one data in Kekkai, so all the manipulations about data could only be trigger by Toolbar. By the way, when Kekkai wanna generate a popup modal of single data, the content layout in modal are form the options of form.

  • List: LayoutOpts.List
    Show data by list. List layout has 2 blocks: one is locked on the left, and one is scrollable on the right. Under this panel, user could adjust the columns layout, such as width / hidden / order / locked / data sort, and also could use data filter feature on the header. It distributes the manipulations into 4 kinds: Toolbar / Selection / Row Menu / Row Double Click.


This option will be bound in Todo or TodoScripts. Kekkai distributes the manipulations about data into 4 kinds, and all the trigger ways are different. As follows:

  • TOOLBAR: TriggerOpts.TOOLBAR
    It means a initially state. It will be default shown on the Toolbar, but if user selects any data, the toolbar buttons will be hidden(become to Selection-Mode).

    This trigger is different from TOOLBAR, and it means Selection-Mode. When user selects data through Data-Row Selection, the selection button will be visible on the Toolbar.

  • ROW_MENU: TriggerOpts.ROW_MENU
    It means single-selection, so Kekkai will build a menu to show them on the row. This menu will only be visible when there isn't any data which is selected or on editing.

    This trigger also means single-selection, but there could be only one Todo set as ROW_DBCLICK at most.


If you want to set data as editable when Todo is executing, you need to bind this option to Todo.

  • INLINE: EditingOpts.INLINE
    Means inline editing, edit data with popup modal. It's for multiple case.

  • POPUP: EditingOpts.POPUP
    Means editing by popup modal, and it's for single case.

RWD Options

This option is base on Bootstrap 4.0, and it was designed from the default 5 sizes from Boostrap.

  • Default type is { def, sm, md, lg, xl }
    • def: false | number
      Allowed numbers are between 1 ~ 12, and false means hidden. Default is 12.

    • sm: false | number
      Allowed numbers are between 1 ~ 12, and false means hidden.

    • md: false | number
      Allowed numbers are between 1 ~ 12, and false means hidden.

    • lg: false | number
      Allowed numbers are between 1 ~ 12, and false means hidden.

    • xl: false | number
      Allowed numbers are between 1 ~ 12, and false means hidden.

Base Types


This type is built in <KekkaiContainer /> when it get the data JSON array, so we don't need to construct it by ourself.

  • Readonly Properties

    • [data field name]: any
      If you wanna get / set the field value, you could use like as follows.

      • getter: console.log(data.fullName);
      • setter: data.fullName = 'Tom';
    • $uid: string
      Get the unique key of data.

    • $json: Object
      Get the values JSON from data.

    • $isNew: boolean
      Check data is the new created.

    • $isValid: boolean
      Check data is valid.

    • $editable: boolean
      To know data is editing or not.

    • $checked: boolean
      To know data is selected or not.

    • $hidden: boolean
      To know data is hidden or not.

    • $isDirty: boolean
      To know data is modified or not.

  • Methods

    • $setHidden(hidden): boolean
      Set data as hidden on the view.

      • Parameters

        • hidden: boolean - true means hidden, and false means visible. Default is false.
      • Return: boolean
        Get the last hidden result.

    • $setEditable(turnOn): boolean
      Set data as editing.

      • Parameters

        • turnOn: boolean - true means show <KekkaiEditor />, and false means display. Default is false.
      • Return: boolean
        Get the last editable result.

    • $setChecked(checked): boolean
      Set data as selected.

      • Parameters

        • checked: boolean - true means selected, and false means deselected. Default is false.
      • Return: boolean
        Get the last selected result.

    • $getValid(name): boolean | string
      Get the specify field's validation result.

      • Parameters

        • name: string - Target field name.
      • Return: boolean | string
        true means data is valid, and string is the error message.

    • $undo(): void
      Remove all the modifieds to restore data to initially, but couldn't remove new created data.


This type is built in <KekkaiContainer />, so we never and ever need to construct it by ourself. We could get this pager from <KekkaiContainer />.pager, and then override its options.

  • Readonly Properties

    • pageSize - number
      Get data count of one page, and this property is allowed to set value. If you wanna change pageSize, you could use like this: pager.pageSize = 25;.

    • skip - number
      Get how many data is skipped.

    • start - number
      Get the start data index in current page.

    • end - number
      Get the end data index in current page.

    • total - number
      Get the total data count from current searching.

    • page - number
      Get current page index, and this property is allowed to set value. If you wanna change it, you could use like this: = 3;.

    • maxPage - number
      Get the last page index.

  • Methods

    • toNext(): void
      Go to next page.

    • toPrev(): void
      Go to previous page.

    • toFirst(): void
      Go to the first page.

    • toLast(): void
      Go to the last page.


Kekkai provided this type to let us build data manipulations more quickly. Though constructing Todo, we don't need to put <button /> on HTML, and also think how to accomplish the control rules. All the controls are packed in Kekkai, we just set options and inject checking/executing function at most. Let's see how to build the Todo:

new Todo({
  ref: string,
  concat: string,
  text: string,
  icon: string,
  trigger: TriggerOpts,
  editingMode: EditingOpts,
  executable: () => boolean,
  execute: () => void,
  onSuccess: () => void,
  confirmMsg: { type: string, icon: string, title: string, content: string },
  responseMsg: { type: string, icon: string, title: string, content: string }
  • Constructor Parameters
    • *ref: string
      Give the Todo a reference key. This key wouldn't be unique, it's just used to decide the committed data how to process in <KekkaiContainer />'s Event - onCommit.

    • concat: string
      If there are the same 2 concats Todo in one <KekkaiContainer />, Kekkai will help us to build them as a dropdown menu in Toolbar.

    • *text: string
      Give the Todo a display name.

    • icon: string
      Set as a icon class name, such as Font-Awesome. By the way, Kekkai use Font Awesome 4.7 as default icon.

    • *trigger: TriggerOpts
      Kekkai will generate a trigger way via this option, see TriggerOpts.

    • editingMode: EditingOpts
      See EditingOpts and <KekkaiContainer />'s Method - setExecuting.

    • executable: ({ data, list }, container) => boolean
      Inject a function which will return boolean, and Kekkai will check this Todo is able to execute on the right time.

      • Parameters

        • data: KekkaiModel - Single target data, this parameter will be actived when trigger is set as TriggerOpts.ROW_MENU or TriggerOpts.ROW_DBCLICK.

        • list: KekkaiModel[] - Multiple target data, this parameter will be actived when trigger is set as TriggerOpts.TOOLBAR or TriggerOpts.SELECTION.

        • container: <KekkaiContainer /> - Owner <KekkaiContainer />.

      • Return: boolean
        Return a boolean value to tell Kekkai this Todo could be executed.

    • *execute: ({ data, list }, container) => void
      Inject a function to define this Todo need to do what.

      • Parameters
        • data: KekkaiModel - Single target data, this parameter will be actived when trigger is set as TriggerOpts.ROW_MENU or TriggerOpts.ROW_DBCLICK.

        • list: KekkaiModel[] - Multiple target data, this parameter will be actived when trigger is set as TriggerOpts.TOOLBAR or TriggerOpts.SELECTION.

        • container: <KekkaiContainer /> - Owner <KekkaiContainer />.

    • onSuccess: ({ success, msg }, container) => void
      This option is actived when Todo is a request case, and it will be used in <KekkaiContainer />'s Method - doCommit. For make sure this option could work, don't forget to call <KekkaiContainer />'s Method - setExecuting in execute.

      • Parameters
        • success: boolean - It means the result of request, and it's from the return value in <KekkaiContainer />'s Method - doCommit. Set it as false and give a msg in doCommit, Kekkai will popup a message tip. true means request is fine.

        • msg: string - This message is from the return value in <KekkaiContainer />'s Method - doCommit.

        • container: <KekkaiContainer /> - Owner <KekkaiContainer />.

    • confirmMsg: { type, icon, title, content }
      This option will effect Kekkai should popup a confirmed message or not before executing.

      • Parameters
        • type: string - Define the background-color of message box, and the allowed values are info / success / warning / danger. Default is info.

        • icon: string - Set as a icon class name, such as Font-Awesome. By the way, Kekkai use Font Awesome 4.7 as default icon.

        • title: string - The message title.

        • *content: string | React Element - The message content.

    • responseMsg: { type, icon, title, content }
      This option will effect Kekkai should popup a message tip after onSuccess, and this option is actived when request result is successfully.

      • Parameters
        • type: string - Define the background-color of message box, and the allowed values are info / success / warning / danger. Default is info.

        • icon: string - Set as a icon class name, such as Font-Awesome. By the way, Kekkai use Font Awesome 4.7 as default icon.

        • title: string - The message title.

        • *content: string | React Element - The message content.


Finally, even we could build data manipulations by Todo, but the options still seem some complicated. Never mind, that's why I add these TodoScripts, to build data manipulations more and more quickly. After the explanation about Todo, you will understand this part more easier.

All the data manipulations are relational with CRUD. Read is built in <KekkaiContainer />, so I built Create, Update and Delete in TodoScripts, and packed the <KekkaiContainer /> method in these scripts(it means we don't have to know when need to call setExecuting / add / edit ...). As follows:

  • CREATE: TodoScripts.CREATE(options)
    Use this script to build created manipulation, the most important is you need to return a JSON values in overrideParams. Let's see what options are allowed or what you can override in this script:
      editingMode,       // Default is EditingOpts.POPUP
      ref,               // * Required
      text,              // * Required
      responseMsg,       // Default is { type: 'success', icon: 'fa fa-check-square-o', content: '資料已完成新增' }
      overrideParams() { // * Required, must return new JSON data in this function
        return {
          fullName: 'Tom',
          age: 13
  • UPDATE: TodoScripts.UPDATE(options)
    In this script, overrideParams is not a required option, and add trigger could be override.
      trigger,               // Default is TriggerOpts.ROW_DBCLICK
      editingMode,           // Default is EditingOpts.POPUP
      ref,                   // * Required
      text,                  // * Required
      responseMsg,           // Default is { type: 'success', icon: 'fa fa-check-square-o', content: '資料已完成修改' }
      overrideParams(data) { // Set default value before editing.
        data.age = parseFloat(data.age);
  • DELETE: TodoScripts.DELETE(options)
    There are too many ways to trigger DELETE, so this script doesn't provide a default value. If you don't need to confirm with user when executing, please set confirmMsg as undefined or false. The overrideParams isn't also a required option, but if you wanna change data values before sending request, you'll need it.
      trigger,               // * Required
      ref,                   // * Required
      text,                  // * Required
      confirmMsg,            // Default is { type: 'info', icon: 'fa fa-question-circle', title: '資料即將被刪除', content: '確定刪除所選取之資料 ?' }
      responseMsg,           // Default is { type: 'success', icon: 'fa fa-check-square-o', content: '資料已完成修改' }
      overrideParams(data) { // Change data values before sending request
        data.age = null;

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